2nd Annual

CaliforniaBiomass Collaborative Forum

CalEPABuilding, 1001 I Street

Sacramento, California

1 March 2005

Theme: Sustainable Management and Development of Biomass in California

8:00–8:30 Registration

8:30-8:45Opening –Forum logistics, agenda and introductions - Bryan Jenkins, CBC

8:45-9:45Welcome and Keynote Speakers

Jim Boyd, Commissioner, CaliforniaEnergy Commission–Accelerating

renewable energy development in Californiaand the role of biomass

John Ferrell, USDepartment of Energy–Federal goals for biorefinery development and implications for fuel and power in California


10:00-12:00Concurrent Sessions: Biopower and Bioproducts

I. Biopower Moderator: Val Tiangco, California Energy Commission

Integrated Gasification Combined Cycles and other Advanced Concepts for Biomass PowerGeneration: Potential for Development in California

Francis Lau – Gas Technology Institute

Small-modular andDistributed Power Systems: Applications Demonstration

in California

Rick Bergman - US Forest Service

Emerging Technologies for Landfill Gas-to-Energy

Rachel Goldstein - US Environmental Protection Agency

Power Generation from Dairy Manure & Other Wastes: Role of the Municipal Utility

Ruth MacDougall, Sacramento Municipal Utility District

Results of the Renewable Energy and Agricultural Biomass to Energy Programs

Tony Goncalves, CaliforniaEnergy Commission

Question & Answer Period

II. Biofuels and Bioproducts Moderator: Hugo Von Bernath, CBC

Potential for Hydrogen Production from Biomass

Joan Ogden, University of California, Davis

Future Development of Ethanol in California: Resources and Technology

Neil Koehler, Pacific Ethanol, Inc.

Biodiesel, SunDiesel, Compressed Biogas and Other Transportation Fuels

FromBiomass in California

GaryYowell,CaliforniaEnergy Commission

Prospects for Increased Bioproduct Manufacturing in California

Kim Kristoff, Biobased Manufacturers Association

Air Quality Issues in Biofuel Development

Dean Simeroth, California Air Resources Board

Question & Answer Period

12:00-1:00Luncheon - provided with registration

1:00-1:30Afternoon Keynote

Joe Desmond, Deputy Secretary, Energy, Resources Agency

The Need for a Comprehensive Biomass Policy in California

1:30-2:45III. Resources and Environment Moderator: Rob Williams, CBC

Strategies for Zero Waste in California:Paradigm Shifts in Resource Management

Fernando Berton, CaliforniaIntegrated Waste Management Board

Building a Sustainable Vision for Biomass Derived Fuels – Lifecycle Assessment in Planning and Development

John Sheehan, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Impacts of Regulation on the Environmental Performance of CaliforniaDairies

Ken Krich, Sustainable Conservation

Environmental Impacts of Woody Biomass Utilization

Mark Nechodom, USForestService

Regional Cooperation for Energy and Environmental Management

Doug Wickizer, California Department of Forestry


3:00-4:30IV. Financing and Economics of Biomass Projects Moderator:

Gary Matteson, CBC

State Incentives for Biomass Products and Power

Martha Gildart, California Biomass Collaborative

Federal Financing for Biomass Development through the USDepartment of Agriculture RuralCooperatives Program

Bill Hagy, USDepartment of Agriculture

Entrepreneurial Approaches to Biomass Development and Financing

Anna Halpern-Lande, Environmental Entrepreneurs

Climate Action Registry: Implications for Biomass Management and Use

Pierre Duvair –CaliforniaEnergy Commission

Question & Answer Period

4:30V. Summary and Wrap-up

1. Summary

George Simons, California Energy Commission

2. Wrap-up

BryanJenkins, California Biomass Collaborative