California State University, San Bernardino President’s Office
Administrative Council Meeting
March 28, 2016
Au, Ballman, Brenner, Brown-Welty, Caballero, Chen, Davis, Delgado, Fiene, Fleming, Fremont, Griffin, Haynes, Jamsen, Jaworski, Karmanova, Langford, Lopez-Wagner, Mohamed, Morales, Portillo, Rose, Ruml, Satterlund, Sudhakar, Tenczar, Thompson, Vanderburgh, Wise
Ahmed, Freer, Hatcher, Hughes, Martin, Rosas
Stacy Magedanz
1. Policy: Library Subscription (First Read)
Mr. Caballero introduced Stacy Magedanz, Librarian/Coordinator, Electronic Resources & Serials, who provided an overview of and presented the first read of the Policy “Requests for New Subscriptions Policy” which attempts to codify current procedures in place and acquire additional journal titles. Dr. Ruml suggested adding “(s)” to the end of college in the second sentence of the third paragraph on page five. The Administrative Council approved moving the policy forward.
2. Policy: Drug Free Workplace (First Read)
Dr. Haynes remarked that the need to revise the Policy was an outcome of the Department of Education audit which looked closely at the alcohol and drug policies. Ms. Jaworski provided an overview of and presented the first read of the Policy “Drug-Free Workplace” to include health risks. The Administrative Council approved moving the policy forward.
3. Policy: Alcohol and Other Drug Policy (First Read)
Ms. Jaworski provided an overview of and presented the first read of the Policy “Alcohol and Other Drug” to include very specific federal and state laws as well as a comprehensive listing of drugs. The Administrative Council approved moving the policy forward.
4. President’s Report
The President highlighted and applauded the following events: the President’s Showcase: Then & Now, showcasing students and alumni; Homecoming Celebration; Latinos in Baseball; College of Business and Public Administration (CBPA) Impact Breakfast; Pioneer Breakfast, recognizing the first four African American graduates of California State University San Bernardino (CSUSB); the Latin American Council of Management Schools (CLADEA) Program; College of Education (COE) Dr. Zhao Speaker Series; Open Forums at the main campus and the Palm Desert campus (PDC); Golden Apple, Outstanding Professor, and Outstanding Lecturer awards.
Dr. Morales reported meeting with the authors of the Campus Climate Survey and solicited feedback from the Administrative Council members relative to areas of morale and transparency, offering his personal email address of .
5. Update: Enrollment Management
Enrollment targets:
· 7,880 first time students admitted
· 5,391 transfer students to date
· 2,700 target freshman students
· 2,200 transfer students
6. Update: 50th Anniversary
· Latino Education and Advocacy Days (LEAD) Summit, 3/30/2016, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
· 47 Years of Art Faculty, 4/7/2016, 5 – 7 p.m.
· Coyote Cares Day, 4/16/2016, 7:30 a.m.
· 2016 National Model United Nations (UN) Conference in New York City, 3/27-31/2016
· College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (CSBS) 2016 Celebration of Excellence and Hall of Fame, 4/22/2016 6 – 9 p.m.
· College of Natural Sciences (CNS) Scherba Dinner and Lecture Series, 4/28/2016: invitation-only dinner from 5 – 7 p.m. and open invitation lecture from 7 – 9 p.m.
· PDC's Cinco de Mayo, 5/5/2016, 3 – 7 p.m.
7. Announcements (Roundtable)
· Dr. Ruml appreciated that the topic of the Campus Climate Survey was discussed.
· Dr. Fiene announced the passing of, and services for, Thelma Moore-Steward.
· Mr. Caballero made mention of the upcoming Latino Book Family Festival on 4/30, 10am – 5pm.
· Ms. Langford stated that 3/29 was California State University (CSU) Advocacy Day and distributed the #standwithCSU flyers that outline where the new funds are going and what they will address.
· Ms. Lopez-Wagner shared a flyer displaying the results of the Diverse Learning Environments Survey.
· Dr. Sudhakar reported that Information Technologies’ Strategic Planning is 90% complete, with a draft coming to Administrative Council sometime soon.
Minutes Prepared by C. Peebles