Course Syllabus: HCA 580: Internship in Health Care Administration
Fall 2014 (rev. July 2, 2014) (Selected Thursdays)
Instructor: Terence Cunningham, MHA, FACHE,Executive Faculty / Class Number HCA 580: Section 01
Course ID: # 7555
Office Hours: Wed 3-4, Th 2:30-4 PM,
Th 9:45-10:15 PM, need to call for an Office
Office location: FOA-03 ( Bungalow) / Class Time & Location: 7-9:45 PM, selected Thursdays, per schedule below, in ET -009 (faces west toward Army ROTC building)
Additional Contact Information:
Phone: 562-430-6465 / HCA Program Administrative Coordinator: Deby McGill;
Telephone 562-986-5694; fax 562-985-5886
Course Prerequisites: HCA Major. For HCA 480: A grade of “C” of better in HCA 300, 312, 341, 410, and 465 and HSC 150; For HCA 580: A grade of “C” of better in HCA 502, 505, 510, 515, 524, 530, 535, 550;
Additional Students’ Requirements: Students must have an E-mail address and Internet access to BeachBoard.
Required Textbook:
101 Careers in Healthcare Management by Leonard H. Friedman and Anthony R. Cover published by Springer Publishing Co., copyright 2013 ISBN #978-0-8261-9334-6. Course text is on reserve in the CSULB library under the instructor’s name and course)
I. Catalog Description
HCA 480: A minimum of 120 hours of structured work experience in a health care organization, under the direct supervision of a preceptor-(employee). Letter grade only (A-F). HCA 580 students require an additional organizational report and training video.
HCA 580: A minimum of 120 hours of structured work experience in a health care organization, under the direct supervision of a preceptor (employee). Letter grades only (A-F). Graduate students study and report on the institution’s organizational structure, philosophy, problems and personnel issues. A 6-8 minute training video must also be produced and presented.
Placement Site: Students may arrange your own healthcare related site internship experience or the instructor will try to help them find a site; a site list is posted on Beach Board under the instructor’s course content. You will also receive coaching in resume and cover letter preparation, conveying skills, networking speeches, interviewing skills, professional dress and internship portfolio development. All internship placement sites must have a current affiliation agreement with CSULB.
II. Learning Objectives, Domain and Competency Table
Learning Objective / Domain / Competency / Activity (A1), Assignment (A2) or Assessment (A3) /Provide on-the-job training and exposure to health care management activities / 5A / General business skills and management / Site specific on the job activities (A1),
Defined in Preceptor’s Learning Agreement (A2), Monthly progress report (A3).
Assist the organization to accomplish a defined task or project / 3C / Contributions to the Community (organization) and Profession / Site specific on the job activities (A1),
Defined in Learning Agreement (A2), Monthly progress report (A3).
Produce a report or other material demonstrating the student’s research, analytical and writing abilities. / 3A,1B,
(2D,4A-D,5B-H, possible, site dependent.) / Personal and Professional Accountability
Communication / E-portfolio (A1,2,3)
Promote the student’s personal and career development through interaction with the preceptor and members of the organization. / 3A
3B / Personal and Professional Accountability
Professional Development & Lifelong learning / ICE's, workshops, prof. development events (A1), required attendance, elevator speech. (A2), Reflections sheets (A3).
For HCA 580/499:
Health Systems and Organizations / 4A / Health Care Systems & Organizations / Organization Report ( A2)
Week # - Date 2014
/ Topic / Activities & Assignments /#1
Aug 28 / -Guest lecture, Career Development Center
-How to obtain acceptance at an internship site
-Cover letter preparation
-Resume preparation
-Career Focus Report
-Course Textbook
-Review Syllabus / -Note: Student contact information form (see the bottom of course content section for course forms) is due to appropriately labelled mailbox in instructor’s drop box NLT the first day of class.
-Review and become familiar with instructions on cover letters and resumes preparation before class #1. See course content
-Guest lecture, CDC resources
-Lecture on how to obtain an internship site acceptance (read posted lecture before class on BB course content)
-Lecture, cover letter and resume preparation
-Homework Assignment (HA) #1a, draft cover letter and resume, due to instructor’s dropbox NLT Aug 31 ,also bring a copy to class #2 for ICE # 2 a and b
-HA #1b, Career Focus Report due NLT Sep 21
-HA #1c, Present lecture on Career Focus Report in class, Sep 25
-Review of Course textbook (bring textbook to class # 1)
-In Class Exercise, ICE #1a, Cover Letter Drafts
-ICE # 1b, Resume drafts
Sep 4 / -Continue review course Syllabus
-Preceptor Training Agreement
-Monthly Progress Reports, rubric samples
-Job Networking
-Elevator speech, career objective statement
-Sample Q+A’s at networking events
-Professional Etiquette
-Telephone Etiquette
-Networking Etiquette
-Additional Review of cover letter and resume formats
-Instructor background
-Purpose of HCA Internships / - Review syllabus and course forms (Review in advance of class the entire syllabus, course forms, rubrics, other posted items)
-Lecture on Networking
-Lecture, elevator/ COS speeches, handshaking, body language
-Lecture on sample questions and answers at networking events
-Lecture on professional etiquette, telephone etiquette, e-mail etiquette
-ICE #2a, Cover letters, group critiques(from OLRA #1a)
-ICE#2b, Resumes, group critiques( from OLRA #1a)
-ICE#2c, Practice elevator speeches
-HA #2a, Final cover letters and resumes due NLT Sep 14
-HA#2b, Prepare 5 questions along with 4 part descriptions of rationale, due NLT Sep 14
Sep 18 / -e-Portfolio training (bring lap top computer to class)
-Career objective statement videos
-Networking Event Questions and Answers Practice
-Review of Monthly Progress Report requirements, purpose, format, rubrics, samples / - lecture and training on creating a personal e-portfolio
-HA #3a, Create a personal e-portfolio, report due in dropbox NLT Nov 16
-Lecture, training on creating career objective statement video
-HA #3b, Present in class NLT Nov 29, the e-portfolio with an embedded career objective statement. Presentation at an earlier class meeting is encouraged.
-ICE #3a Review status of competing Career Focus Report
-MPR #1, due NLT Oct 12, MPR #2 due NLT Nov 9 If finishing 120 hours before MPR #2 is due, MPR 2 and 3 can be combined for a blended grade. Let instructor know this when sending to dropbox for MPR#2 and MPR #3. MPR #3 is due NLT Dec 7
Sep 25 / -WEAR PROFESSIONAL DRESS (as if you are going to a real professional job interview. See course content dress rubric)
-Professional Dress Lecture, Guest Speaker
-Professional Dress Critiques
-Volunteerism as Work Experience, Guest lecturer
-Career Focus Reports presented by each student
-Elevator speeches, networking events, questions and answers / -ICE #4a, Professional Dress critiques (Review the rubric and lecture notes in advance of class and dress professional)
-Students individual presentations of career focus reports, no power point, no visual aids, 4- 5 minutes each (see HA #1d, and oral presentation rubric))
- ICE #4b, Practice elevator speeches
- ICE #4c, Practice Networking Q+A’s
- ICE # 4d, Internship site status
Oct 17 / - Health Care Careers, Guest Speaker
-Student Site Satisfaction format, purpose
Telephone conference calls with preceptors assignment
- Lessons learned during internship at site
-Optional early e-Portfolio, and COS video class presentations
-Continue Career Focus Report presentations / -ICE #5a Healthcare Guest Speaker
-ICE #5b Reflections on guest speaker
-Continue Career Focus Reports (HA #1d)
-HA #5a, Student Site Satisfaction report, due NLT Nov 20
-HA #5c, Telcon w/Preceptor-Instructor-Student together, due NLT Dec 6
-ICE #5c, Lessons learned at internship site searching, interviewing, learning agreement and internship experience to date
Nov 20 / -e-Portfolio and career objectives video presentations / -e -Portfolio and COS video presentations (see HA #3b)
--HA #6a, Feedback on Course, Recommendations, due NLT Dec 7 (also bring copy to class #7)
Dec 11 / -Possible speaker, Health Care Careers
-HCA 580 students presentation of Organizational reports and training videos
-Any approved excused makeup presentations
-Discussion of topics covered in course, recommendations for future course
-HCA 481 Internship sites
-Second semester HCA internship topics overview
-Surprises, lessons learned at Internship Site / -HCA 580 student presentations of Organizational Reports and Training videos
-HCA 481 overview second semester topics.
-ICE #7a, Feedback on Topics covered in course
-ICE #7b, Approved make up presentations
-ICE #7c future HCA 481 Internship sites, and site continuation
-ICE #7d Surprises, lessons learned at internship site.
LAST DAY assignments will be accepted.
-Preceptor End of Semester Evaluation
-Student site satisfaction survey
-Final Monthly Progress Report #3. ( Let instructor know again if you have taken HCA 480 and 481 together this semester)
-Signed documentation by preceptor that 120 hours or more have been completed. Can be done on the bottom of MPR #3 form
-Request for Incomplete Grade, if applicable
-Scheduled Items and due dates are subject to change depending on class size, guest speaker availability, and other factors. Guest speakers are proposed, not confirmed.
-Instructions for Homework Assignments ( HA #) will be discussed in class and also posted on the BB class content. These must be reviewed in advance of class.
IV. HCA 480 Assignments, due Dates (chronologically by class session when presented) and Grade Point Allocations
Assignment / Maximum Points / Due NLT date in2014 in mailbox
HA #1a – Draft Cover Letter + Resume / 2 / Aug 31
HA #1b - Career Focus Report / 10 / Sep 21
HA #1c - Career Focus Presentation / 6 / Sep 25
HA #2a - Final cover letter + Resume / 10 / Sep 14
HA #2b - Interview Q + A’s with rationale / 8 / Sep 14
HA #3a - Create personal e-portfolio and video document, Rpt. / 15 / Nov 16
HA #3b - E-Portfolio + COS Video in class presentation / 6 / Nov 20
HA #5a -Student Site Satisfaction Report / 2 / Nov 16
HA #5b - Telephone Conference Call held w/ Preceptor-student-instructor (comments also to be used for preceptor’s end of semester evaluation) / 8 / Dec 6
HA #6b - Feedback on future course topics / 2 / Dec 7
Signed class attendance log, class participation, ICE’s (7x3) / 21 / Each class
Significant discussions, in-depth reflections and meaningful contributions in class (7x2) / 14 / Each class
Student contact information * / 2 / First day of class
Preceptor Contact Information (due NLT first week starting at internship site)* / 2 / 1st week at site
Learning Agreement Signed by Preceptor( due 1st week at site)* / 6 / 1st week at site
Monthly Progress Report #1* / 10 / Oct 12
Monthly Progress Report #2* / 15 / Nov 9
Monthly Progress Report #3* / 20 / Dec 7
End of Semester Evaluation by Preceptor* / 20 / Dec 7
Total Points that can be earned / 183
Maximum Bonus Points that can be additionally awarded for significant in-depth reflections, meaningful contributions in class meetings, use of citations, research that promotes learning / 3 / Over the entire semester
*Note, course forms are on the BB course content section, last items at the bottom, titled Course Forms
-There will be no curving of final grades.
V. HCA 480 Course Grading:
A= 161 - 179 points = Exceptionally OUTSTANDING work, includes a great deal of depth of reflection on the topics under discussion, use of research citations and or other significant contributions, is far beyond basic requirements, far exceeds standards on rubrics as posted in the BB course content section.
B= 143- 160.5 points = SUPERIOR work, far exceeds standards listed below, includes a great deal of discussion on assigned topics, includes several in depth reflections, far exceeds minimum word count with meaningful contributions and discussion beyond the basic instructions.
C=125.5 - 142.5 points = GOOD work, covers all the items in the assignment, polished, easily understood, contains no syntax, spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors. Follows all the instructions, meets the minimum suggested meaningful word count.
D=107.5 - 125 points = Below acceptable work, fails to cover all assigned topics, contains grammatical, syntax, spelling, punctuation errors, all instructions are not followed, does not meet minimum suggested word count with meaningful discussions, work does not meet stated requirements.
F= < 107.5 points = Unacceptable work, assignment not submitted, or submitted past the not later than due date without instructor being notified at least a day in advance of the due date, with an acceptable excuse as defined by CSULB policy, or work is far below minimum requirements.
VI. HCA 580 Course Grading:
HCA 580 students will require completion of all the above HCA 480 assignments, plus the Organizational Report and Presentation worth 25 points and the 6-8 minute training video and presentation worth 15 points.
A = 189 -219 points; B = 175- 195.5 points; C= 153.5 -174.5; D = 131.5 -153; F = < 131.5
VII. HCA 480 Grading Policy
A. Written assignments- Under the assignments section listed above are the maximum grades that can be given for each specific assignment. The grading of each assignment will be dependent on the depth of reflection and meaningful discussion provided. This will also include following instructions and directions, clarity in the presentation of ideas, grammar, spelling, syntax, reference to discussions in the classroom, outside research citations provided, and interviews conducted. A word count (i.e. WC 582) needs to be listed after the last sentence of each assignment document submitted. The student’s name and HCA 480 and section number should be placed on the first page of each submission. Grading rubrics will be posted in the course content section on BB. Students should familiarize themselves with these grading rubrics and sample student reports posted.
B. Assignments due dates – All assignments are due on or before due dates. There will be no credit ( grade of zero) given for late submissions. In your future professional positions, employers will not tolerate missed suspense dates. This will damage your career. Now is the time to improve your time and suspense management skills. If you have a justifiable emergency, let the instructor know in advance of the due date of the emergency situation. This policy has been adopted by all the HCA Internship instructors.