Are We Feeding Our Souls?
I.Mankind Has A Great Amount of Love
- We show in Big Ways and Little Ways
- Wife
- Wife’s Sky Diving Gift
- You wanna get close to God… go sky diving!
C.Children - do Goofy things
- Son is always giving– also does goofy things… bandaid booger finger.
- Daughter Gave candy and Valentine Card
II.Mankind Does a Great Deal of Harm
- Cain / Abel
B.World Killed My Savior
- Conversation at Breakfast
- Incident of woman throwing baby out car window in bag
- Starvation of Pets
- Got me to thinking about Starvation of Children – You can bet the parents fed themselves!
- Can we Agree these things are awful?
- Responsible Parents Makes Sure their kids get the nourishment that they need, they also stay strong by feeding themselves.
III.Are We Starving Our Souls?
A.Do we read Bible each day?
- Do we talk with God in Prayer each day? (He want to hear from us.)
- Do we spend our time with other Christian Brothers and Sisters who lead Godly lives.
- Are we on a Spiritual Diet? Do we only eat our Spiritual Food occasionally?
What Exact Food Does Our Soul Need?
- Proper Care and Feeding of Your Soul (of Your Baby)– Bible is our Manual…
- Tells Us Food Needed
A.What Food Exactly
- Mat. 4:4–Live on the Word
- John 1:1–Jesus is the Word
- John 6:35–40 – Bread of Life
B.Are You Going to Take this Bread of Life?
- John 14: 23 “Jesus answered and said to him, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him.”
- John 14:15 “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.”
C.Why Love? Why Not Just Belief?
James 2:19“You believe that God is one You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder.”
D.What Separates us from the Demons Belief is Love.
- I John 4:7-8
V.What Are Jesus’ Commandments?
- Matt. 22:36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
- Jesus Also Said, Mark 16:15 “…Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.“
C.How Can We Teach this Good News in Love?
- We have to Hear it before we can teach it!
- If We Hear God’s Word, We Know Jesus Said:
- Mark 16:16: “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”
- Is there anything else that accompanies Hearing, Believing, and Being Baptized?
- RepentanceActs 2:38
- Confession -Matt.10:32
E.So we Hear, Believe, Repent, Confess, are Baptized…. Then What?
- We Have eaten at the Feast of Jesus! The Bread of Life!
- 2 Pet. 1:2-7
F.This Brings us Back to the Start of Our Discussion…
- Mankind Has A Great Amount of Love
- Love is From God.
- God is Love
- If We Love God we will Keep His Commandments–Which are in the Bible.