California International Theological Seminary
Prof. Christopher Chui, 818-687-6882
Course Title: Teamwork in Service and Mission.
Definition: Teamwork is defined as two or more people working together towards a common goal.
Week 1 Lecture Notes: Introduction to teamwork in the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Assignment 1: Write some notes on each of the following references.
Old Testament examples:
Implicit teamwork
Gen 5:17
Gen 5:20
Gen 5:21
Gen 5:22
Gen 6:14-16
Gen 10:5
Gen 12:7
Gen 26:19
Gen 33:17
Ex 17:15
Explicit teamwork
Gen 11:3-4
Gen 14:14-16
Gen 35:3
Ex 1:7
Ex 5:1
Ex 12:1
Ex 15:20
Ex 16:6
Ex 18:20-22
Ex 19:7
Ex 24:1
Ex 28:1
Le 1:7
Le 10:1
Le 21:1
Le 22:2
Le 23:2
Le 24:2
Le 25:2
Le 26:8-9
Le 27:14
Nu 1:21
Nu 2:4
Nu 12:4
Nu 33:1
Nu 36:1
New Testament examples:
Implicit teamwork
Matt 1:24-25
Matt 10:8
Explicit teamwork
Matt 2:2
Matt 4:20
Matt 8:1
Matt 9:8
Matt 17:1
Matt 19:2
Matt 28:1
Mk 2:3
Mk 3:10
Mk 5:1
Mk 6:29
Mk 9:2
Mk 11:4
Mk 14:26
Mk 16:1
Week 2 Lecture Notes: Review the needs of the church. Find out what teams will be helpful in your particular church. Assignment 2:
- Does my church need a worship team? If the answer is yes, then form a worship team. If the worship team is already in existence, how can I help? What about two or more teams?
- Does my church need a visitation team? If the answer is yes, then form a visitation team. If the visitation team already exists, how can I help? What about two or more teams?
- Does my church need an education team? If the answer is yes, then form an education team. If the education team already exists, how can I help? What about two or more teams?
- Does my church need a pulpit team? If the answer is yes, then form a pulpit team. If the pulpit team already exists, how can I help? What about two or more teams?
- Does my church need a church building team? If the answer is yes, then form a church building team. If the church building team already exists, how can I help?
- Does my church need a fund raising team? If the answer is yes, then form a fund raising team. If the fund raising team already exists, how can I help?
- Does my church need a short-term mission team? If the answer is yes, then form a short-term team. If the short-term mission team already exists, how can I help?
- Does my church need a long-term mission team? If the answer is yes, then form a long-term team. If the long-term mission team already exists, how can I help?
Write a report on the above.
Week 3 Lecture Notes: Introduce the mechanics of a Worship Team. Selection of music and instruments will be explained.
Selection of music: modern or classical
Free download of modern Christian music lyrics:
You must register to qualify to download over 1000 modern Christian songs.
Free download of classical music:
Musical instruments: guitar, flute, violin, piano
Learn to play guitar:
Learn to play worship guitar:
Free guitar lessons:
Learn to play flute:
Learn to play violin:
Learn to play piano:
Practice sight reading. Bring hymnals and song sheets.
Free songs:
Some song sheets are provided online.
Assignment 3:
Write a report on the above.
Week 4: Introduce the mechanics of a Visitation Team.
Team leader: Some training will be required. Some materials will also be required.
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DRM Associates
/ Provide team leadership and coaching
- Create an environment oriented to trust, open communication, creative thinking, and cohesive team effort
- Provide the team with a vision of the project objectives
- Motivate and inspire team members
- Lead by setting a good example (role model) - behavior consistent with words
- Coach and help develop team members; help resolve dysfunctional behavior
- Facilitate problem solving and collaboration
- Strive for team consensus and win-win agreements
- Ensure discussions and decisions lead toward closure
- Maintain healthy group dynamics
- Intervene when necessary to aid the group in resolving issues
- Assure that the team members have the necessary education and training to effectively participate on the team
- Encourage creativity, risk-taking, and constant improvement
- Recognize and celebrate team and team member accomplishments and exceptional performance
- Coordinate with internal and external customers as necessary
- Familiarize the team with the customer needs, specifications, design targets, the development process, design standards, techniques and tools to support task performance
- Assure that the team addresses all relevant issues within the specifications and various standards
- Provide necessary business information
- Serve as meeting manager or chairman
- Initiate sub-groups or sub-teams as appropriate to resolve issues and perform tasks in parallel
- Ensure deliverables are prepared to satisfy the project requirements, cost and schedule
- Help keep the team focused and on track
- Work with functional managers and the team sponsor to obtain necessary resources to support the team's requirements
- Obtain and coordinate space, furniture, equipment, and communication lines for team members
- Establish meeting times, places and agendas
- Coordinate the review, presentation and release of design layouts, drawings, analysis and other documentation
- Coordinates meetings with the product committee, project manager and functional management to discuss project impediments, needed resources or issues/delays in completing the task
- Provide status reporting of team activities against the program plan or schedule
- Keep the project manager and product committee informed of task accomplishment, issues and status
- Serve as a focal point to communicate and resolve interface and integration issues with other teams
- Escalate issues which cannot be resolved by the team
- Provide guidance to the team based on management direction
High Performance Teams
Demonstrates reliability
Communicates constructively
Listens actively
Functions as an active participant
Shares openly and willingly
Cooperates; pitches in to help
Exhibits flexibility
Works as a problem solver
Treats others in a respectful/supportive manner
Shows a commitment to the team
Common commitment
Mutual accountability
Frequent meetings for discussion/decisions planning and problem solving
Focus on team goals
Define individual roles/responsibilities
Concern with outcomes of everyone and the team challenges
Purpose, goals, and approach are shaped by the team
Reference adapted from Learning Session 3 12/20/04.
Explain the needs for visitation. New comers are required to be visited within a week of attending the church.Many older church-goers need to either lead a visitation team or join a team. This is important for Christian growth and church growth.
Assignment 4: Write a report of a visitation team in your church.
Week 5: Introduce the mechanics of an Education Team.Explain the details of the Education Team.
The Education Team involves training Sunday School Teachers, counselors, and disciple training.
Shepherding Ministry Venue: Sunday School Teachers
Click below for Sunday School Training Topic:
- So, what about Sunday School?
- What's a Sunday School teacher to do?
- A Sunday School teacher must take time to get to know the students to effectively shepherd them.
- How can a Sunday School teacher do it all?
- Sunday School teachers must personally rely on the Chief Shepherd and point their students to Him.
So, what about Sunday School?
Some churches have disbanded Sunday School altogether. Some have tried to give it a face lift by changing its name and/or making it more of a fellowship time. Others are just limping along. Yet, some do continue to see growth.
What is sending Sunday School on a downward spiral or to extinction in so many churches?
- problems with relevance?
- problems with recruiting teachers?
- problems with attendance?
If it is a matter of relevance, why not revamp the curriculum to make it more relevant? Why not add some methodology that brings it up to the 21st century? Why not do a better job of helping students understand how truth relates to life?
If the issue is a shortage of workers, why not restructure to accommodate your teacher-student ratio? Why not think outside of the box and delegate responsibilities of the Sunday School time to a variety of people for that which is more in line with their gifting, interests, and busy lifestyles?
If low attendance is the problem, why not work to rekindle the passion for Sunday School? Why not help people understand the importance of it? Why not pour everything into those who do come so they become disciplers themselves and assist in the multiplication process?
In reality, solutions do exist but it takes much effort and perseverance.
/ You need to work at attracting people rather than repelling them.
/ You need to be ready to answer why you should have Sunday School rather than why you should not.
If you minimize or dismiss Sunday School altogether, where else will you offer the kind of teaching, fellowship, and outreach/ministry provided by a Sunday School class? How will you offer the dynamic of a mid-size group if you discontinue Sunday School?
- What will be your alternative for interactive, systematic teaching?
Teaching in the large group tends to be more formal and of necessity usually one-way communication. Teaching in a small group ministry is less formal and allows for interaction but is usually not the primary function of a small group and so a systematic approach to the Word of God is hampered in this setting. The mid-size group allows for elements of informality and interaction but yet sets the stage for more structure.
- What will be your alternative for assimilation?
Newcomers can get lost in the large group and fall through the cracks. Small groups may seem too intimidating. The mid-size group provides that in-between step for newcomers.
- What will be your alternative for outreach/ministry?
The large group setting provides only minimal and impersonal input and tries to make non-believers a part of worship. The small group ministry provides a more personal and relational context but tries to make non-believers a part of fellowship or community. True worship and authentic community are what believers do, not unbelievers. While non-believers may benefit by observing believers worship and fellowship, they need a setting that is more geared to finding out about God. "Faith comes by hearing" (Rom. 10:17). The mid-size group provides a relational context that allows for added input from the Word of God.
Sunday School, one structure of the church, has the potential to fulfill all of these objectives in just one setting. If you stop Sunday School will you find yourself adding more programs to accomplish all of this or will these objectives be neglected?
Most of the churches with thriving Sunday Schools are those that use Sunday School as an outreach arm of the church, as a means of systematically discipling people, and as a way to assimilate people into the church.
Sunday School thereby provides a starting point for shepherding people. But, it will take teachers who are willing to do more than simply show up on a Sunday morning and teach the class.
Click for More Sunday School Training:
- What's a Sunday School teacher to do?
- A Sunday School teacher must take time to get to know the students to effectively shepherd them.
- How can a Sunday School teacher do it all?
- Sunday School teachers must personally rely on the Chief Shepherd and point their students to Him.
Do Assignment 5.
Week 6: Basic Introduce the mechanics of a Pulpit Team. Explain the details of the Pulpit Team.
Pulpit Helps is now Disciple Magazine and has moved toIn This Issue:
Spiros Zodhiates, 1922-2009
Christmas Disappointments - Joe McKeever
Ideas Have Consequences - John Stonestreet
Readers' Forum
Sermon Starters
Bulletin Inserts
Pastor's Library /
Regular Columns:
Exegetically Speaking - Spiros Zodhiates
Why Parables?
Transformational Preaching - John Meador
Preaching Matters
Following God - Wayne Barber
Leading One Another to Christ's Rest
Church Builders-Bernard R. DeRemer
Arthur W. Pink: Born to Write
Points to Ponder - David & Stephen Olford
The Fight Continues - No Christmas Truce
Counselors' Corner - James Rudy Gray
A Story to Tell
The Story Behind the Song - Lindsay Terry
Capturing Peace During Sorrow
Missions Spotlight - Emilee Brandon
For Canary Islands Muslims, Love is Missing Ingredient
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P Assignment 6 will include your ability to find resources in the Internet to preach a sermon. You will describe how you prepare a sermon from the start to finish. You will also participate or initiate a pulpit team in your church. Basically, you will either teach others how to prepare a sermon or share your experience with the team.pit Helps
Week 7: Introduce the mechanics of a Church Building Team. Explain the details of the Church Building Team.