Elementary School
Continuous Improvement Plan
Stanly County Schools
New LondonChoiceMiddle School
___2008-09 Continuous Improvement and Title I Plan
_X_2009-10 Continuous Improvement and Title I Plan
___2010-11 Continuous Improvement and Title I Plan
Stanly County Schools
- School Improvement Team Members
- Vision,Mission, and Belief Statements
- School profile
- Additional Information (Title I and School-ImprovementStatusSchools)
- Additional Compliance Information
- Goals and Action Plans
- Mid Year/End of Year Information
Approval Information:
(Documentation on file in principal’s office)
Date SIP Approved by Staff (Secret Ballot) ______
Date of SIT Secret Ballot Election(s): Staff______
Principal Signature Date
SIT Chairman SignatureDate
Superintendent Signature Date
Approved by SCS Board of Education Date
A: Leadership Team Members
The following team members collaborated with school staff to develop the School Improvement Plan for our school:
Name / Signature / RoleJency Speight / Principal
Robert Freeburn / Assistant Principal
Elisa Roberts / Teacher Assistant
Tammy Palmer / Instructional Support
Beverly Bowles / Teacher
Julie Wittman / Teacher
Jo Ann Everhart / Teacher
Russell Dulin / Teacher
Barbara Ledbetter / Parent
Leah Wagner / Parent
Greta Colson / Parent
(Other participants may be added as applicable to school)
B. Vision, Mission, and Belief Statements
Our School’s Vision
At NLCMS, we believe each child deserves and receives quality educational opportunities with emphasis on social development that meets the individual needs of each child.Our School’s Mission
Nurturing the academicLives of
Children and
Students to succeed!
To lead us toward our vision and mission, our school community shares the following beliefs:
At NLCMS, we believe that our support staff plays a critical role in our daily success. Teacher assistants, office staff, custodians, cafeteria and bus drivers/monitors participate in the academic success and safety of our students.
We strive to involve the community in a variety of ways from utilizing volunteers, team planning with the PTA, and organizing community partnerships through new clubs and programs.
C. School/Community Profile
Historical Ethnicity Information (% of population, 10th month PMR)
2005-06 / 2006-07 / 2007-08 / 2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11Black / 8 / 6.9 / 7.8 / 6
Asian / 3.4 / 2.6 / 3.2 / 5
White / 84.9 / 87.1 / 85.8 / 87
Hispanic / 0.3 / 0.6 / 0.2 / 1
American Indian / 0.9 / 0 / 0.2 / 0
Other/Multi-Cultural / 2.6 / 2.9 / 2.6 / 2
Total Population / 351 / 348 / 346 / 355
Historical Population Data (percentages)
2005-06 / 2006-07 / 2007-08 / 2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11Exceptional Children / 6.6 / 26 / 26
AIG / 15 / 18.7 / 19
Limited English Proficient / 1 / 3.1 / 2
Free Lunch
Reduced Lunch
Total F/R Lunch / 45 / 41 / 38
2005-06 / 2006-07 / 2007-08 / 2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11
Math / 54.73 / 76.3 / 95.1
Reading / 79.73 / 65.3 / 84.79
Math & Reading / 67.23 / 70.8 / 90
Math/Reading/Total Performance Composite (3-8)
*Includes Alternate Assessment
End of Grade Results
Developmental Scale Score Mean/Grade Level Percentage
Reading / Math2006-07 / 2007-08 / 2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2006-07 / 2007-08 / 2008-09 / 2009-010 / 2010-11
SS / % / SS / % / SS / % / SS / % / SS / % / SS / % / SS / % / SS / % / SS / % / SS / %
6 / 96 / 75.6 / 78.3 / 91.1 / 94.1 / 85.7
7 / 98.9 / 71.6 / 79.1 / 73.9 / 83.3 / 91.3
8 / 98 / 65.6 / 77.2 / 88.8 / 79.2 / 95.1
***SS – Scale Score
AYP (Targets Met/Number Targets) / North Carolina ABC’sReading / Math / Total / Reading / Math / Reading & Math
Exp. / High / Exp. / High / Exp. / High
2005-06 / 16/17 / X / X / X / X / X / X
2006-07 / 17/17 / X / X / X / X / X / X
2007-08 / 13/13 / X / X / X / X / X / X
2008-09 / 17/17 / X / X / X / X / X / X
Superintendent’s Survey Information
Areas of Strength
Question / Students / Staff / ParentsThe principal is supportive and visible. / X
The school is a safe place. / X / X
Grades are explained to parents upon request. / X
Parents feel welcome at school. / X
Areas for Growth
Question / Students / Staff / ParentsSchool buildings are generally clean and in good repair. / X / X
School rules are enforced consistently. / X / X
Teachers assign meaningful homework. / X
Areas of Highest Discrepancy Among Students, Staff, Parents 20 pts or more
Question / Students / Staff / Parents- Additional Information
Title I ____ 2007-08 ____2008-09 ____ 2009-10 _____2010-11
- A Comprehensive Needs Assessment of the EntireSchool
School assessment included EOG scores, teacher input (grades) and surveys. After review of scheduling, it was determined that additional teachers are needed.
- Schoolwide Reform Strategies
Several schoolwide strategies have been implemented such as SIOP training, Quarterly Planning and PLCs.
Teachers will provide tutoring during planning periods and after school.
- Instruction by a Highly Qualified Professional Staff
Staff members are highly qualified professionals and participate in multiple staff development opportunities.
- High Quality and Ongoing Professional Development
Several professional development opportunities are provided which include SIOP training, Quarterly planning, PLCs, reading and technology staff development and professional development through the Parent Involvement Coordinator.
- Strategies to Attract Highly Qualified Teachers to High Need Schools
- Including Teachers in Decisions Regarding the Use of Assessment
County testing coordinator provided school-wide data to determine areas of weakness. SIT reviewed data to plan focus of school/students’ needs. SIT team members are grade level chairpersons. Committees have responsibilities and share in decision-making process at NLCMS. Committees are: SOS (Safe and Orderly Schools Committee); TLC (Teaching and Learning Committee); CPR (Clubs, Partnerships and Remediation Committee); and RSVP (Revive, Service, Volunteers, and Planning Committee). Committee guidelines, responsibilities, meeting dates and times, as well as committee members are outlined in staff handbook. (All staff members serve on committees, including teacher assistants, office personnel, cafeteria manager, and head custodian.) Teacher and parent surveys were also utilized.
7. Strategies to Increase Parent Involvement
Several strategies are being implemented to increase parent/community involvement. Co-planning PTA meetings to include community awareness programs have been scheduled. Our CPR and RSVP committees members are responsible for planning strategies that promote parent and community involvement throughout the school year. Continued educational partnership between NLCMS and PfeifferUniversity. This partnership provides volunteers for NLCMS on a weekly basis to assist students in the educational needs. The new Parent Involvement Coordinator will implement strategies to increase parent involvement through staff development opportunities, purchasing resources and materials for both the school and parents, coordinating parent information nights, and other school-wide activities with emphasis on school, parent and community relationships.8. Transition Strategies
We offer several activities to welcome new sixth graders to our school. There is an open house and family hotdog supper in March for prospective students. Sixth grade teachers conduct a new student orientation during the first several days of school which includes tours, reviews of emergency plans, handbook, “flight plan”, rules and procedures. Open house in September allows parents and teachers to share information, concerns and answer questions.9. Activities for Children Experiencing Difficulty
Committees have been organized to assist students with difficulties. They include:SOS Committee (includes school nurse, guidance counselor, cafeteria manager, and head custodian): Committee members review current safety procedures, students’ safety needs, and provide guidelines to teachers.
TLC Committee: Committee members review curriculum areas to address safety and healthy active child curriculum implementation.
CPR Committee: Seeks tutors, volunteers, and staff mentors to assist students with difficulties.
RSVP Committee: Provides student assistance for basic needs.
Behavior level system: NLCMS utilizes a level system for student rewards and consequences based on behavior.
Students needing extra assistance will be provided remediation through Castle Learning.
Tutoring will be provided by teachers during their planning block and after school.
10. Coordination and Integration of Federal, State, and Local Services
E. Additional Compliance InformationFor each statement explain how the policy is implemented or enforced.
Healthy Active Children Policy:
1. Physical activity is not denied to any student as a means of discipline, nor is physical activity used as a form of punishment.
The Healthy Active Children policy is monitored by the Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) at NLCMS. The Safe and Orderly School Committee at NLCMS also monitors the requirement for a safe and healthy environment. The TLC Committee consists of teachers and assistants from each grade level as well as our school nurse, physical education teacher and cafeteria manager. Teacher lesson plans must reflect thirty minutes of student physical activity each day as well as the implementation of the healthful living curriculum. HOP Sport will be implemented by the physical education teacher.
2. Each student in this school participates in an average of 150 minutes per week of physical activity and/or physical education.
Each student receives 30 minutes of physical education daily. This is reflected in teacher lesson plans.
3. Time is scheduled for school-wide recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Students recite the Pledge of Allegianceduring school-wide morning announcements.
4. Flags of the United States and North Carolina are displayed in this school.
U.S. and North Carolina flags are displayed in all classrooms and throughout the school.
5. Planning time and duty free lunch for teachers (House Bill 1151).
Teachers are provided up to 450 minutes each week for planning time/duty free lunch.6. Plan for Teaching Reading in grades k-2
7. Plan for addressing school safety and discipline concerns
Elementary School
Continuous Improvement Plan
Stanly County Schools
Priority Area: High Student Performance
Goal I: Stanly County Schools will produce globally competitive studentswith the knowledge, skills and attitudes, necessary to be responsible, contributing citizens.
1.1 All Schools will meet expected and/or high growth, and the percentage of students scoring at or above grade level on the K-2
assessment and/or NC End Of Grade/NC End of Course tests will be 90% or higher.
1.2 All schools will meet Adequate Yearly Progress as measured by No Child Left Behind.
1.3 Prior to graduation, all students will score proficient on the NC Test of Computer Skills.
1.4 All students will be proficient in writing according to NC Writing Assessment.
1.5 Achievement gaps will be eliminated between student subgroups.
1.6 Stanly County Schools will utilize technology to enhance learning and expand student opportunities for mastery and
School Objectives 2009-10
Goal Evidence of Need: Based upon last year’s test scores there continues to be an achievement gap between students with disabilities and the general student population. In order to meet the needs of the 21st century, students and teachers will utilize technology to enhance teaching and learning.
District Objective: 1.1 All Schools will meet expected and/or high growth, and the percentage of students scoring at or above grade
level on the K-2Assessment and/or NC end of grade test will be 90% or higher.
School Objective(s): Students will maintain achievement in reading through increased EOG test scores of at least 5%.
Action Plan for Objective
Strategy / StartDate / Person Responsible / Title I
Component / Evaluation Means / Resources and Funding Source / Professional Development to Support Action Plan
(Who, What, When) / Cost
Benchmarking (Curriculum Associates) / Oct / teachers / student scores / C.O.
Tutors / Oct / teachers,
Principal / lesson plans, tutorial log / Pfeiffer partnership
Teachers will integrate Reading Across the Curriculum / Aug / teachers / lesson plans,
student work samples / SD with Janece Myers
Teachers will integrate SIOP strategies in instruction for all students / Aug / teachers,
Principal / lesson plans,
student work / C.O. / SIOP training with Susan Brooks
Subject area teachers (reading, math, science, SS and EC) will meet to collaboratively plan strategies to increase student comprehension in areas of weakness / Aug / teachers, Principal / committee minutes, strategies, student scores
Teachers will participate in grade level Quarterly planning. / Aug / teachers,
Principal / Quarterly planning logs / teachers, media specialist, 21st century skills facilitator, and Principal
Teachers will incorporate best instructional practices to improve instruction by attending the N.C. Middle School Conference / Mar. / grade level teacher / lesson plans,
student work samples / New LondonSchool / Middle School Conference / $800
Teacher tutorial / Oct / teachers / tutorial log, student
work samples / during planning time and after school
Reading teachers will meet with T. Preslar to review individual student achievement measures / Sept / teachers,
Principal / student assessments / T. Preslar
District Objective: 1.1 All schools will meet expected and/or high growth, and the percentage of students scoring at or above grade
level on the K-2 assessment and/or NC end of grade test will be 90% or higher.
School Objective: Students will maintain achievement in math.
Action Plan for Objective
Strategy / StartDate / Person Responsible / Title I
Component / Evaluation Means / Resources and Funding Source / Professional Development to Support Action Plan
(Who, What, When) / Cost
Benchmarking (Curriculum Associates) / Oct / teachers / student scores
Tutors / Oct / teachers, Principal / lesson plans, tutorial log / Pfeiffer students
Teachers will incorporate best instructional practices to improve instruction by attendingthe N.C. Middle School Conference / Mar. / Grade level teacher / lesson plans,
student work samples / New London
School / Middle School Conference / $800
Teachers will integrate SIOP strategies in instruction for all students / Aug / teachers,
Principal, / lesson plans,
student work / C.O. / SIOP training with Susan Brooks
Teachers will participate in grade level Quarterly planning. / Aug / teachers,
Principal / Quarterly planning logs / teachers, media specialist, 21st century skills facilitator, and Principal
Teacher tutorial / Oct / teachers / tutorial log, student
work samples / during planning time and
after school
Math teachers will meet with
T. Preslar to review individual student achievement measures / Sept / teachers,
Principal / student assessments / T. Preslar
Subject area teachers (reading, math, science, SS and EC) will meet to collaboratively plan strategies to increase student comprehension in areas of weakness / Aug / teachers, Principal / committee minutes, strategies, student scores
District Objective: 1.1 All schools will meet expected and/or high growth, and the percentage of students scoring at or above grade
level on the K-2 assessment and/or NC end of grade test will be 90% or higher.
School Objective: Students will maintain achievement in science and social studies by scoring at least 90% at or above grade level in science EOG assessments and at least 90% at or above grade level in social studies summative classroom assessments.
Action Plan for Objective
Strategy / StartDate / PersonResponsible / Title I
Component / Evaluation Means / Resources and Funding Source / Professional Development to Support Action Plan
(Who, What, When) / Cost
Tutors / Oct / Principal, Teachers / lesson plans, tutorial log / Pfeiffer students
Maintain Agriculture club / Sept / T. Icenhour / student attendance
Teachers will incorporate best instructional practices to improve instruction by attending the N.C. Middle School Conference / Mar. / Grade level teacher / lesson plans,
student work samples / New LondonSchool / Middle School Conference / $800.00
Teachers will participate in grade level Quarterly planning. / Aug / Principal, teachers / Quarterly planning logs
Teachers will integrate SIOP strategies in instruction for all students. / Aug / Principal, teachers / lesson plans,
student work / C.O. / SIOP training with Susan Brooks
Teacher tutorial / Oct / teachers / tutorial log, student
work samples / during planning time and after school
Subject area teachers (reading, math, science, SS and EC) will meet to collaboratively plan strategies to increase student comprehension in areas of weakness / Aug / teachers, Principal / committee minutes, strategies, student scores
Annual Benchmarks for Progress (Grades 3-8)
Grade 3 / Grade 4 / Grade 506-07 / 07-08 / 08-09 / 09-10 / 10-11 / 06-07 / 07-08 / 08-09 / 09-10- / 10-11 / 06-07 / 07-08 / 08-09 / 09-10 / 10-11
Goal 1: Cognition
Goal 2: Interpretation
Goal 3: Critical Stance
Goal 4: Connections
Calculator Inactive
Calculator Active
Goal 1: Numbers and Operations
Goal 2: Measurement
Goal 3: Patterns/
Goal 3: Geometry
Goal 4: Data, Probability
Goal 5: Algebra
Grade 6 / Grade 7 / Grade 8
06-07 / 07-08 / 08-09 / 09-10 / 10-11 / 06-07 / 07-08 / 08-09 / 09-10 / 10-11 / 06-07 / 07-08 / 08-09 / 09-10 / 10-11
Goal 1: Cognition / 82.4 / 76.3 / 76.3
Goal 2: Interpretation / 78.1 / 69.9 / 71.1 / 76.9 / 70.0 / 76.0
Goal 3: Critical Stance / 71.1 / 71.2 / 71.9 / 75.4 / 72.4 / 71.5
Goal 4: Connections / 86.4 / 77 / 71.7 / 72.9 / 77.0 / 74.4
Goal 5: Literary Genres / 72.2 / 72.9 / 77.0 / 77.7 / 70.7 / 74.4
Calculator Inactive
Calculator Active
Goal 1: Numbers Sense / 68.9 / 69.65 / 66.4 / 62.8 / 65.72 / 68.5 / 73.5 / 68.80 / 75.1
Goal 2: Geometry and Measurement / 56.3 / 69.22 / 60.5 / 66.7 / 64.22 / 75.0 / 64.1 / 60.87 / 77.0
Goal 3: Patterns / 74.4 / 67.32 / 73.9 / 58.9 / 64.95 / 68.6 / 56.6 / 53.27 / 62.7
Goal 4: Data, Probability, Statistics / 67.0 / 76.80 / 65.7 / 69.5 / 63.07 / 78.8 / 71.3 / 68.02 / 74.8
Goal 5: Algebra / 64.1 / 75.65 / 67.2 / 62.0 / 75.27 / 66.9 / 61.3 / 58.05 / 68.2
K-2 Progress Reading
Kindergarten / Grade 1 / Grade 2Percent at standard April/May Assessment / 06-07 / 07-08 / 08-09 / 09-10 / 10-11 / 06-07 / 07-08 / 08-09 / 09-10 / 10-11 / 06-07 / 07-08 / 08-09 / 09-10 / 10-11
Book & Print Awareness K
Phonemic Awareness 1/2
Decoding & Word Recognition K/1/2
Lang., Comprehension, & Response to Text K/1/2
Writing Sample
K-2 Progress Mathematics
Kindergarten / Grade 1 / Grade 2Percent at standard April/May Assessment / 06-07 / 07-08 / 08-09 / 09-10 / 10-11 / 06-07 / 07-08 / 08-09 / 09-10 / 10-11 / 06-07 / 07-08 / 08-09 / 09-10 / 10-11
Numbers and Operations
Data and Probability
District Objective: 1.2 All schools will meet Adequate Yearly Progress as measured by No Child Left Behind.
School Objective: All subgroups (White, Econ. Disadvantaged, and Students with Disabilities) will continue to meet AYP with the Students with Disabilities Sub-Group increasing proficiency by at least 3%.
Action Plan for Objective
Strategy / StartDate / PersonResponsible / Title I
Component / Evaluation Means / Resources and Funding Source / Professional Development to Support Action Plan
(Who, What, When) / Cost
EC grade level teachers will meet with T. Preslar to review individual student achievement measures / Sept / teachers,
Principal / student assessments / T. Preslar
Subject area committee meetings to co-plan with EC teachers / Aug / teachers,
Principal / student
EC Best Practices / Sept / EC teachers, Principal / Lesson plans,
student work samples / SD with Sarah
Teachers will integrate Reading Across the curriculum. / Aug / teachers / lesson plans,
student work samples / SD with Janece Myers
Teachers will integrate SIOP strategies in instruction for all students. / Aug / teachers,
Principal / lesson plans,
student work / C.O. / SIOP training with Susan Brooks
Teachers will participate in grade level Quarterly planning. / Aug / teachers
Principal / Quarterly planning logs
Annual Benchmark for Progress (AYP Data)
Subgroup / 2005-06 / 2006-07 / 2007-08 / 2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11R / M / R / M / R / M / R / M / R / M / M / R
White / 94% / 82% / 95% / 85% / 74% / 86.3% / 86.8% / >95%
Economically Disadvantaged / 92% / 68% / 95% / 73% / 62% / 77.5% / 78.4% / 94.1%
Students with Disabilities / 88% / 51% / 78% / 58% / 41% / 68.2% / 68.2% / 81.8%
District Objective: 1.3 Prior to graduation, all students will score proficient on the NC Test of Computer Skills.
School Objective(s): Students will acquire proficient computer skills instruction through 100% integration of technology in classrooms.
Action Plan for Objective
Strategy / StartDate / PersonResponsible / Title I
Component / Evaluation Means / Resources and Funding Source / Professional Development to Support Action Plan
(Who, What, When) / Cost
Team planning/teaching with 21st Century Technology Skills Facilitator and grade level teachers
(Quarterly Planning is included) / Sept / 21st Century Skills Facilitator,
teachers, Principal / lesson plans, student work samples, computer proficiency scores
minutes from grade level and Quarterly planning / teachers, media specialist, 21stcentury skills facilitator and Principal
Technology in the
classroom / Sept / Janece Myers / lesson plans, student work samples / SD with Janece Myers
Annual Benchmark for Progress