2nd quarter project


What makes a person a leader? More often than not, leadership is demonstrated by people who show great courage and integrity without the expectation of reward. These people can be relied upon to do the right thing despite the opinions and behaviors of others, exemplifying moral character, discipleship and showing extraordinary service to the people of God.

Choose and watch one of the following films:

That’s What I Am
The Elephant Man
Shindler’s List The Green Mile
The Last Samurai

Grand Torino
On the
Pay it Forward
The Rookie

A Man for all Seasons
Motorcycle Diaries
Philadelphia Radio

After viewing the film, write a two page minimum, three page maximum report detailing the character (fictional or genuine) who exemplifies the core values of our class work. To be graded on content, creativity and whether or not you follow directions. This paper must be typed, in standard format and is worth 25% of your2nd quarter grade.It can betyped in Q & A or Essay format. A well developed essay will always earnthe maximumgrade.

Explore the following questions in full sentences, using specific examples from the film:

1. Provide a short summary of the film. (no longer than 175 words)

2. Determine the moral leader of the story. Briefly explain your reasons for choosing this character. Reflect on this person and include the following information:

  1. Their name?
  2. Describe this person including their life history?
  3. Does he/shehave a family? If so, describe what their family life like?
  4. Which type of society does this person live in? Which era?
  5. Describehis/her position in the culture of the film. Is your person comfortable with their place in the world? Why or why not?Explain.

3. Reflect on our course work so far: would you consider this person to be moral? Do they have qualities found in an ethical and decent person? If so, what are they? Describe these qualities or characteristics, giving specific examplesabout whyyou consider this person/character to be honorable.

4. Each of these films has a moral lesson. Think about and describe the message of the film. What is it specifically? By word or actions or both, what is this story trying to teach us? Explain your answer.

5. When people stand up for what is right and just genuine change occurs. What did your moral leader do to bring about authentic change? Describe the actions, attitude and thought process they used to engender change in the people and culture (surroundings) of the film. In other words, did these actions upset or change the"goings on” surrounding this person? In what way? Explain.

6. Rarely do we act without reason and at times action is taken in response to human suffering or injustice. What motivated or moved this person to take action on behalf of the people of God, and what occurred as a result of these actions?

7. Do you agree with the choices your leadermade? Why or whynot?

8. Recall the 7 themes of Catholic Social Teaching. Which of these themes is reflected in the actions and attitudes of your person? Explain in detail.

9. Do you feel this person/character shares any qualities with any other Christian Leader you are familiar with? Name at least one and be specific. What are the similarities or differences you consider important?

10. Explain what did you admire or dislike about this person.

You may add as much information as you desire but please do not subtract.