California Classic II, April 1997

U. C. Berkeley Round 1:

Tossups Gaius 1021 suitable for high school teams

1. This story takes place in the modern Tarrytown, NY. A schoolmaster

begins to court Katrina Van Tassel and insults the locals by scoffing at

ghosts and local folklore. Another suitor, Brom Bones, disguised himself

and rides down the schoolmaster at night, appearing as a demoniac

apparition. FTP what is the proper title of this Washington Irving tale?


2. Although it dissolves only very slightly in water, a fine powder of it

can be supended in water and administered as an antacid. This is because

as an inorganic base consisting of a metal and a hydroxide, it has limited

solubility in water and is thus able to neutralize the properties of

acids. FTP, what is this common antacid, easily available at the drug


\MILK OF MAGNESIA or Magnesium hydroxide - (Mg(OH)2)\

3. He may not be the only bit character to appear in the original _Star

Trek_, Star Trek movies, and _Star Trek the New Generation_, but he is the

oldest. In his final appearance he is suffering from a Vulcan version of

Alzheimers and his demise is announced to his only son by Captain Picard

in an episode taking place on the Romulan home world. FTP, who was this

father of Spock?


4. Although the term is used to describe harrying, skirmishing tactics,

it literally means "little war." The name was invented during the

Napoleonic occupation of Spain when the peasants organized small raiding

parties against the French to cut supply lines and hamper the invaders.

FTP, what is this term whose resemblance to hairy primates is purely


\GUERILLA Warfare\

5. He represented Illinois in the House of Representatives. His power

increased both because of seniority but especially after he became Speaker

of the House and installed himself as Chairman of the House Rules

Comittee. Finally in 1910 a coalition of insurgent Rebublicans and

Democrats united to overthrow him. FTP, who was this power-wielding

Speaker, humbeled by Geroge Norris of Nebraska?

\Uncle Joe CANNON\

6. This term describes the capacity of several numbers for whom the sum

of their quotients matches or exceeds the original number. There are not

very many of them: six and twenty-four are the two lowest and the next

one is considerably bigger. FTP what term is this which implies


\PERFECT numbers\

7. Set in San Francisco, this detective novel was set to screen with

Humphrey Bogart playing the lead. Sam Spade ultimately solves the case -

but it turns out a woman he loves is the murderer. The case deals with

the murder of Spade's partner and the theft of an icon which originally

belonged to the Knights Templar, a jewel-encrusted bird. FTP, what is

this Dashiel Hammett novel, famous for making Bogart's career?


8. Herman Melville's classic, _Moby Dick_ has the names of not one, but

two American authors gracing its opening pages. Besides the name of the

author on the title page, there is the name of the man to whom Melville

dedicated the book. This was what well known contemporary of Melville's

an author famous FTP, for writing such works as _The House of the Seven

Gables_, and _The Scarlett Letter_?

\Nathaniel HAWTHORNE\

9. HR3522, Lalande 21185, 47 Ursae Majoris, 70 Virgonis, and 51 Pegasi.

All of these are stars which share a distinct and perhaps unusual

phenomenon. FTP, what fairly rare distinction is this which our son also


\ALL HAVE PLANETS\ accept equivalents

10. During the Hundred Years War, this educational institution judged

England to be in the right and sided with her against France. Founded in

1253 as a dormitory for 17 theology students, it was an early proponent of

scientific method. It claims to be Europe's oldest University and is

still recognized worldwide as France's greatest. FTP what landmark of

Paris' Latin Quarter is this?


11. Mohammad, Selim, and Murad were the most common names of Ottoman

Sultans, but there were also 4 Sultans by this name. The 4th was put on

the throne in 1807 by the Janisseries, and deposed the next year in a

military counterstroke. The first had 2 reigns, suffering deposition from

1618-22. This ignominous series of sultans was replaced by a more

glorious namesake, a man who took over Turkey in 1922. But FTP, he took

the name Attaturk rather than be known as the Fifth of what first name?


12. Professional Hockey's 1967 Best Rookie went on to take many more

trophies in his career. Eight times, from 1968 to 1975, this same hockey

player won the best defenseman Norris trophy. This unprecedented streak

was tallied up FTP by what Boston Bruins player who also won the Hart

trophy for MVP three consecutive times - 1970-72?

\Bobby ORR\

13. The first to bear this name is a mythical founder of the Argead line.

The fourth died young after ruling only 1 year. The fifth was a member of

the Antigonid dynasty and the penultimate ruler of the native land, and

the third was Alexander's mentally retarded half-brother. The most famous

was the Second who repelled many threats in his first year of rule and

greatly expanded his power, as well as being father of Alexander the

Great. FTP, what common name did all of these Macedonian kings bear?


14. The wicked step-mother is an example of this literary stereotype.

They have become customary easily identifyable personalities in works of

literature. They figure especially in fairy tales, but also in harlequins

and sentimental novels. FTP, what is this term which refers to standard,

ubiquitous charatcers?


15. The first ones were manufactured by the Victorinox Company of Ibach

in 1884. Seven years later they were adopted as standard equipment for

the army's officers. By 1908, the government was commissioning Victorinox

and Wenger of Delemont to make them. The 3 1/2 by 1 1/4 inch version has

29 tools, including saw, pliers, can opener, corkscrew, screwdriver,

several blades, a toothpick, etc. FTP what is this versatile instrument,

adored by hikers, campers, and army personnell alike?


16. Many liquids evaporate at a temperature below their boiling point,

and some solids evaporate below their melting point. Atmospheric pressure

is therefore sometimes necessary to achieve this point if one wishes to

remove impurities at the point at which the vapor pressure of a solid

equals the applied pressure. FTP, what is this constant property?


17. If her example is not a warning for you, what will it take to

persuade you not to have sex in one of Athena's temples? After her her

good looks were ruined, her hair was turned to snakes. Just to be sure

she could never enjoy sex with another male again, her face was endowed

with the power to turn mortals to stone. FTP, what monster of Greek myth

was this, finally slain by Perseus?


18. What a career! Secretary of State under JQA, twice Speaker of the

House (1815-20, 1823-25), Senator on two separate occasions, and three

time Presidential nominee. Although his electoral defeats did not ruin

his career, his support of the Compromise of 1850 did. FTP, what great

Compromiser was this, a man who "threw" the election of 1824 to John

Quincy Adams allegedly to thwart Andrew Jackson?

\Henry CLAY\

19. The daughter of Njord, like Venus, she sometimes has affairs with

mortal men, for which other gods criticize her. She is remarkably

beautiful and wears a fantastic necklace, once stolen by Loki. She is

something like a Norse version of the Classical godess of beauty. FTP,

who was this Norse goddess of beauty and love, from whom we get the 6th

day of our week?


20. In 1997, a craft named after the Italian-born French astronomer of

the 17th and early 18th centuries who was the first to record observations

of zodiacal light will be launched for Saturn. This is appropriate,

because the probe's namesake is most associated with the planet Saturn,

having discovered four of that planet's moons. FTP, name the spaceprobe

or the astronomer who share this same name, a man for whom the dark gap

between rings A & B was later named.

/gian domenico CASSINI/

Berkeley #1 Bonuses (Berk/UCLA)

1. FTP each, given the party, give the first president to belong to that


1. Democrat

A: James _POLK_

2. Whig

A: _W_illiam Henry _HARRISON_ (prompt)

3. Democratic-Republican


2. The East African Rift Valley is home to three of the ten largest

lakes in the world. You'll get five points for naming one, 15 for two,

and 30 for all three.

A: Lake _VICTORIA_, Lake _TANGANYIKA_, and Lake _MALAWI_.

3. 30-20-10, name the artist

30: Anthony van Dyck, court painter of Charles I of England, was this

painter's assistant

20: He gained entry into the highest social circles with his art and his


of handling state secrets for such people as the Infanta of Spain.

10: Works include "The Judgement of Paris" and the Marie Medici series.

A: Peter Paul RUBENS

4. 30-20-10, name the playwrite by the works

30-- Philoctetes

20-- Ajax

10-- Antigone


5. Given the name of a former colony, for five points each name

the European nation which colonized it.

1. Cameroon GERMANY


3. Madagascar FRANCE

4. Somaliland GREAT BRITAIN or ITALY

5. Togoland GERMANY


6. Given a description, name the body of water within the Meditteranean

Sea, each part is worth 10 points.

A) It separates Greece from the foot of Italy IONIAN SEA

B) It separates Spain from Africa STRAITS OF GIBRALTER

C) It separates Sardinia from Italy TYRRHENIAN SEA

7. How well do you remember the 1996 NHL Stanley Cup playoffs?

1. First, for five points each, name the two teams that reached the

Stanley Cup finals.


(either place name or nickname acceptable)

2. Now for 10 points each, name the teams that lost to the Rockies

and the Panthers in the conference finals.


(either place name or nickname acceptable)

8. Isaac Asimov won the Hugo Award for best Science Fiction

Series Ever for the Foundation series. FTP answer these questions

about his master work.

1. The Foundation was begun to initiate the plan of what


A: Hari _SELDON_

2. What was the name the robot who seeks to keep humanity on the

right track by manipulating future history?


3. From what planet did the Foundation conquering Mule originate?


9. For 5 points a piece put the following tempos in order from

slowest to fastest: Adagio, Moderato, Allegretto, Larghetto, and

Andantino. You'll get ten seconds to discuss it and a 5 point bonus for

getting all 5 correct.

A: Larghetto





10: Answer the following questions about the NCAA basketball tournament

FTP each.

The record for most points in a men's Division I championship game belongs

to this former UCLA Bruin


However, this woman scored even more points than Walton-- an amazing 47--

in the 1993 championship game to lead her Texas Tech squad to victory over

Ohio State.


He's the last player to be named MVP of the Final Four without playing for

the championship team. Name this MVP of the 1983 tournament who achieved

championship glory in the NBA 11 years later.


11. Given the ironic last words, name the speaker for 15 points each.

"Nineteen whiskeys; I think that's a record", said this poet, who

certainly did not go gentle into that good night.


As he was lying on his deathbed, a nurse announced that he was

feeling better. This Scandinavian playwright, in typically perverse


muttered "On the contrary", and died later that day without uttering

another word.

A: Henrik IBSEN

12. Identify the following "operations" from World War II FTP each

The most famous operation of them all, it happened at Normandy on D-Day--

June 6, 1944.

A: Operation OVERLORD

Had Germany ever actually gotten around to invading England, the operation

would have been known by this term.

A: Operation SEA LION

This was the code name for Germany's invasion of Russia; it takes its name

from a figure in medieval history


13. Everyone knows pi to several decimal places, but what about

the number "e"? we will start you of with 2, but can you fill in the

first five decimal places for five points a piece (order counts) and a

five point bonus for all 5.

A: _7-1-8-2-8_

14. FTP each name the amino acid given a brief description.

This is the smallest amino acid with the substitute group being just a


atom. The abbreviation letter is "g"


This amino acid contains a phenyl group and a benzene ring with a hydroxyl


at the para position and it's letter symbol is the letter "y"


This 21st amino acid incorporates selenium in its makeup


15. For the stated number of points, name the government institution from

their Internet address. <reader note: say letters individually>

5 Pts: w-w-w-.-n-s-a-.-g-o-v


(prompt for more if answers are abbreviations)

10 Pts: w-w-w-.-j-s-c-. n-a-s-a-.-g-o-v


15 Pts: w-w-w-.-l-o-c-.-g-o-v


16. The Financial Times recently ranked the size of international

companies by market capitalization, which is the number of shares

the company has in issue, multiplied by the market price of those

shares. 8 US companies made the top 12: you'll get 6 guesses and 5

points for each one you can correctly name.



17. How well do you know Clinton's new cabinet? For five points apiece,

and a five point bonus for all 5 correct, name the new

Secretaries of Defense William COHEN

Commerce William DALEY

Labor Alexis HERMAN


Energy Federico PENA

18. 30-20-10, name the zodiacal constellation.

30-- It contains two famous star clusters -- the Hyades and the

Pleiades, or Seven Sisters.

20-- This constellation also contains the Crab Nebula.

10-- Lastly, it contains the bright orange star Aldebaran that

according to some interpretations represents the eye of the creature

the constellation is associated with.


19. Answer the following about Norse myth, For the stated number of


5. This god is actually a giant whom Odin befriended. He lives with the

gods but does make trouble for them. He is referred to as the god of



10. The collective name for the Norse gods with the exception of Frey,

Freya, and Njord.


15. Frey, Freya, and Njord came from another group of gods and live with

the Aesir as hostages - albeit well treated ones. What name refers to the

group of gods from which Frey, Freya, and Njord come?


20. For 10 each, identify the following unusual African places:

A) This is the Westernmost capital in Africa DAKAR, Senegal

B) This is the southernmost capital in Africa, but it is only one of its

nationUs three capitals. CAPE TOWN, South


C) Thsi is the only decent port in Namibia, but under colonial days it

did not belong tothe Germ,ans, but the British who snatched it first.


21. Write down the following 6 World War I battles or events: the

Battle of Amiens, the British withdrawal from Gallipoli, the Battle

of Jutland, the sinking of the Lusitania, the Battle of Tannenberg,

and the end of the long Battle of Verdun.

1. Now for 15 points, all or nothing, arrange any 3 in chronological


2. Now for another 15 points, all or nothing, arrange the remaining 3

battles and events in chronological order.


Battle of Tannenberg

Sinking of Lusitania

British withdrawal from Gallipoli

Battle of Jutland

End of the Battle of Verdun

Battle of Amiens

22. 30-20-10, identify the number.

30: Its associated continued fraction is the slowest-converging among all


numbers. If F_sub_n is the nth Fibonacci number, then this number is the


as n goes to infinity of F_sub_(n+1) divided by


20: It's approximately equal to 1.618, and exactly equal to one-half times


quantity (1 plus the square root of 5).

10: Rectangles whose sides are in this ratio appear everywhere in ancient


architecture. FTP, name this number.


23. Given the lyrics, name the 1980's song.

1. I made it through the wilderness

You know I finally made it through

Didn't know how lost I was until I found you...

A: _LIKE A VIRGIN_ (Madonna)

2. Buying bread from a man in Brazil

He was 6'4" and full of muscle

I said do you speak-a my language

And he just smiled and gave me a vegomite sandwich...

A: _DOWN UNDER_ (Men at Work)

3. And she's watchin' him with those eyes,

And she's lovin' him with that body I just know it,

And he's holdin' her in his arms late late at night,

You know...

A: _JESSE'S GIRL_ (Rick Springfield)

24. How well do you know your plate tectonics? Boundaries between

moving lithospheric plates come in three varieties. Two of these

margin types involve vertical motion, while the other involves mainly

lateral motion. FTP each, name these types of boundaries.

A: _SPREADING CENTERS_ or _MIDOCEAN RIDGES_ (accept equivalents);

_SUBDUCTION ZONES_ or _SEAFLOOR TRENCHES_ (accept equivalents);