Calendar Year or Fiscal Year





Organization name here - XXXXXX

This MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (“MOU”) is entered into on the dates indicated by theXXXXXX, referred to as the “YYY” and the AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION, a non-profit corporation referred to as the "FOUNDATION."

YYYis desirous of supporting INSERT INFORMATION OR CLARIFIER HERE. The FOUNDATION is willing and capable of providing, or cooperating with the Agricultural Experiment Station of Oregon State University in providing, such research projects.

In consideration of the above and the following conditions, the parties agree as follows:

(1) The FOUNDATION shall undertake to make such tests, experiments, studies or investigations regarding "PROJECT TITLE" under direction ofINSERT PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR NAME HEREin accordance with the proposed project activities set forth in Attachment "A" hereto. A projectoutline should be included as an attachment.

(2) Upon completion of the research project, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR, in cooperation with the FOUNDATION, will submit a written report to YYY setting forth the results and findings of the project(s). Any documents prepared or used by the PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORandFOUNDATION during the project activities shall be made available to the YYY for inspection, upon its request therefore.

(3) The FOUNDATION shall provide all necessary personnel, facilities, equipment, and supplies to carry out the research projects. Any funds received by the FOUNDATION under this MOU shall be committed to the costs of such personnel, facilities, equipment, and supplies. However, the FOUNDATION shall not purchase any capital equipment without prior written approval of YYY being first obtained. Capital equipment is typically an item greater than $5000 in value with a life expectancy of more than three years.

(4) PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORand/orthe FOUNDATION may publish all or any part of its written report referred to in Paragraph (2) hereof, but shall edit reports to protect any proprietary rights of any party involved in the work. Any intellectual property developed or discovered in carrying out the proposed work shall be handled in accordance with the procedures and guidelines established by Oregon State University.

(5) YYY shall pay to the FOUNDATION the total sum of $ZZZZZZ upon the execution of this MOU. YYY shall have no other direct or indirect financial responsibility to the FOUNDATION or any other party.

(6) The FOUNDATION shall defend, save and hold harmless the YYY, its officers, agents, employees, and members from all claims, suits or actions of whatsoever nature resulting from or arising out of the activities or inaction of the FOUNDATION or its subcontractors, agents, or employees under this agreement.

(7) YYY shall not use the name of the FOUNDATION in any promotion or advertising relating to the described research projects or results thereof.




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(8) This MOU shall be effective upon its full execution and shall expire on June 30, 20XX, unless extended thereafter by written addendum of the parties. However, this MOUmay be mutually terminated prior thereto by the rendition of 30-days written notice of intent to do so.


BY: ______


TITLE: ______

DATE: ______


BY: ______

PRINTED NAME: Russell S Karow

TITLE: Executive Director

DATE: ______