H12-032 – Procedure
May 8, 2012
TO: / Area Agency on Aging DirectorsFROM: / Bill Moss, Director, Home and Community Services Division
Chanh Ly, Interim Director, Management Services Division
Purpose: / To notify Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) of their CY 2012 OAA initial allotments, 2011 carryover, NSIP funding, and to provide budget forms and instructions. In addition, to notify AAAs of a change to the use of T3D funds.Background: / At the beginning of 2012, each AAA received their 2012 OAA maximum consideration funding and an initial budget was processed. Each calendar year AAAs are allowed to carryover 10% of their unexpended prior year’s funds. This carryover percentage may not be exceeded without receiving written approval from the State Unit on Aging. When the final OAA funding and carryover funding have been calculated and supplied to the AAAs, they are required to submit a line item budget.
Federal regulations require that all FFY 2012 funding (including year-end transfers) be obligated by September 30, 2012. To be considered ‘obligated’, the contract MUST be signed by both ADSA and the AAA by September 30, 2012.
What’s new, changed, or
Clarified / Changes to the Use of Disease Prevention Health Promotion (T3D)
In past years, the Administration on Aging (AoA) required that a specific amount of T3D funds be spent on medication management. Effective with the FFY12 award, that requirement no longer exists. There is now a new requirement that a specific amount of T3D funds must be spent on programs and activities which have been demonstrated through rigorous evaluation to be evidence-based and effective. The Statement of Work, budget document, budget instructions, and T3D BARS forms have been updated to reflect these changes. Additional, program-specific information will be sent out in a separate MB.
Q1. What is considered an evidence-based activity?
A1. Definition, examples, and additional information are available at AoA’s website, http://www.aoa.gov/AoARoot/AoA_Programs/HPW/Title_IIID/index.aspx.
Q2. How much of the T3D allocation must be spent on evidence-based programs?
A2. In FFY12, a minimum of 79.3% of T3D funds must be spent on evidence-based programs. This percentage is subject to change in future years depending on OAA grant requirements.
Q3. How will the 79.3% evidence-based expenditures be tracked and reported?
A3. The T3D BARS has been modified to include a section for reporting expenditures related to evidence-based programs. Effective immediately, please use the revised T3D BARS when billing ADSA. The Expenditures to Date must be broken out between non evidence based and evidence based, for all expenditures billed from January 2012 to current billing.
Funding Allocations
The attached file “2012 OAA Funding with Carryover” includes the full OAA allocation and 2011 carryover funding. Also listed on this worksheet are the minimum requirements for Ombudsman, and the NSIP funding.
The “2011 T3E Lids” file shows the maximum amount available for Title 3E line items that are subject to lids. This will provide assistance when allocating 2011 Title 3E carryover funds to ensure Title 3E lids are not exceeded.
ACTION: / Each AAA is required to submit a CY 2012 OAA line item budget using their 2012 allocations and 2011 carryover amounts. This must be done according to the CY 2012 OAA budget instructions and using the CY 2012 budget forms attached to this MB.
Effective immediately, begin using the attached T3D BARS.
Submit calendar year 2012 OAA budget and all supporting forms to Anna Glaas by 6/30/12.
REFERENCES: / Older Americans Act, Section 102(a)(14)(D)
CONTACT(S): / Anna Glaas, Grants Unit Supervisor
Telephone: (360) 725-2374