held at St Theosevia House or next door at St Gregory and St Macrina House

(or at 9 Fyfield Rd)


The Christian Meditation Group meets on Wednesday evenings from 7.25pm in St Theosevia’s for a period of quiet, meditation and fellowship.

Inquiries:Jane Pendlenton,


An ecumenical discussion group founded by Nicholas Zernov in 1959

The meetings, open to all, are usually held on Friday lunchtimes at the House of St Gregory & St Macrina, 1 Canterbury Road. The talks, followed by discussion, run from 1-2pm. Coffee is served from 12.30pm, packed lunches may be brought. Donations are invited to cover costs.

Friday, 8May: Canon Hugh Wybrew:Human Being and Human Destiny

Friday, 22 May: Revd Bob Nind and A.N. Other: The Fate of Asylum Seekers

Inquiries: Canon Martin Coombs, 01865 243865


The GreekIslands:Byzantine Art and Architecture: Five classes on Wednesdays mornings, 10.30 – 12.30, beginning Wednesday 29th April,

with Dr Nicholas Gendle, at 9 Fyfield Rd.


Inquiries: Valerie Sansom, 0118 947947



at St Theosevia House, 2 Canterbury Road, OxfordOX2 6LU

An Ecumenical Centre for Christian Spirituality in Oxford

Saturday 16 May, 10.30 a.m. – 4.00 p.m

Living Spirituality Every Day –The Ways of St Francis and of Orthodoxy

with the Revd Michael Campling TSSF and Bede Gerrard

Saturday 13 June, 10.30 a.m. – 4.00 p.m

Experiencing Prayer – Opening Ways and Windows into Prayer

with the Revd Toddy Hoare, Sr Nadejda and the Revd Sally Welch

Paschal Music Evening: Monday, 1 June, 8p.m.

An evening of musicchaired by Metropolitan Kallistos, on the theme of Easter, ‘Pascal Music’. Please bring contributions (CDs, tapes or live music) to share.

A glass of wine will be served.

St Theosevia House, 2 Canterbury Road, left off Banbury Rd just after North Parade. Fee for study days is £5 (pay at the door) but FREE for students with card. No need to book, just come. Study day lunch break is 1-2pm (please provide your own lunch).

Asst Director of Studies: 01865 310341

The St Theosevia Centre for Christian Spirituality

2 Canterbury Road, OxfordOX2 6LU Tel./Fax: (01865) 310 341

Asst Director: Revd Steffen Weishaupt, , 01865 310341

From the Director Tel (01865) 277351

Revd Dr Liz Carmichael

March 2009

Dear Friends of St Theosevia,

Welcome to the Trinity Term 2009 programme. Thank you for your interest and support for last term’s varied and very successful programme.

In Trinity term we have as usual just two study days, plus an informal evening of music on the theme of Easter, Paschal music. Bring music to share, and enjoy a glass of wine, with Metropolitan Kallistos.

The first Study Day explores the theme of spirituality in everyday life, looking at lay spirituality in the Orthodox tradition and at the way of life of the Anglican Third Order of Franciscans (TSSF), living in a loosely networked community under a simple rule of prayer and simplicity of life. Not all the members of the TSSF are Anglicans! It is a way that attracts members of other churches as well.

The second study day is an experiential one. Come and meditate with the help of the sculptures of Toddy Hoare, hear how a labyrinth can be used in prayer and walk a labyrinth which will be here for the day; and learn more about praying with icons. .

We look forward to seeing you at the coming study days. We encourage you to make this programme widely known among your friends and contacts. If you have ideas for future speakers, or would like to receive extra newsletters or posters, please let us know.


  • Tea and coffee are on offer at Study Days before the meetings and at lunch-time. Bring a packed lunch, or you can purchase food nearby in North Parade.
  • Newsletter subscriptionsare due now for 2009-10. Please send at least £3 (cheques to ‘St Theosevia Trust’) to Newsletter, St Theosevia House, 2 Canterbury Rd, OX2 6LU.
  • If you would like to receive newsletters and reminders by email you can subscribe by sending a blank email to:
  • If you are willing to help serve coffee for a study dayyou will have a free place. Pleasecontact the Director or Asst Director if you’d like to help in this way.


Saturday,16May, 10.30 a.m. – 4.00 p.m

Living Spirituality EveryDay –

The ways of St Francis and Orthodoxy

The Revd Michael Campling TSSF speaks on the history and the life in the present day of the Third Order of the Society of St Francis, the Anglican Third Order of Franciscans, whose members may be ordained or lay. In the afternoon, Bede Gerrard speaks on lay spirituality in the Eastern tradition.

Saturday,13June, 10.30 a.m. – 4.00 p.m

Experiencing Prayer – Opening Ways and Windows into Prayer

An experiential day in which you are invited into different forms of reflective meditation and prayer. The Revd Toddy Hoare introduces a time of reflection and sharing focussed on small sculptures springing from biblical themes. The Revd Sally Welsh speaks on the significance and use of the labyrinth in meditative walking prayer, and will bring a labyrinth for our use. Labyrinths are found in various western mediaeval church settings, most famously in Chartres cathedral. Sr Nadejda speaks on the prayerful use of icons.

Paschal Music- Sharing Evening: Monday,1June, 8pm

An evening of music chaired by Metropolitan Kallistos on the theme of the music of Easter, ‘Pascal Music’. Please bring contributions (CDs, tapes or live music) to share.
A glass of wine will be served.


Some Events in Carlisle and at Elshieshields Tower, near Lockerbie:

If you go north, Ann Shukman encourages you to participate in the St Cuthbert & Carlisle Festival Week 2009, 30 April to 3 May:
xchange/st-cuthbert-and-carlisle-2009.html or in a Masterclass on (Neo-)Coptic Iconography 2-6 June:

The St Theosevia Centre for Christian Spirituality

2 Canterbury Road, OxfordOX2 6LU Tel./Fax: (01865) 310 341

From the Director

Revd Dr Liz Carmichael

March 2008

Dear Friends of St Theosevia ,

Welcome to the Trinity Term programme.

Metropolitan Kallistos will lead a poetry evening on Wednesday 30th April, please bring poetry on the theme of ‘Resurrection’. On Saturday 10th May Wewelcome Wendy Robinson and Fr Benedict Ramsden back to Oxford to lead a long-anticipated day on ‘Journey into Love: Spirituality and Sexuality´ On Saturday 17th May we turn to The Early Church in East and West: Archaeology and Spirituality.with Martin Henig,an Oxford archaeologist and recent co-organiser of exhibitions on Constantine in York and Trier, on the archaeology of Christianity in Roman Britain, Eliya Ribak from Reading on churches and synagogues in Byzantine Palestine, Alison Salvesen and David Howlett on St Ephrem of Syria and St Patrick of Ireland.

The Hilary Term Study Days attracted good audiences to explore the long history of Christianity in China, and unexpected links between Franciscan and Orthodox spirituality. On 1 March an audience of 50 in SS Philip and James Church (OCMS) were led into profound reflection on the significance of Jerusalem and its place in active peacemaking between Christians, Jews and Muslims.

May I thank all of you who have affirmed your wish to remain on the mailing list and sent a contribution for expenses. If you find a green note with this Newsletter, please do respond. If you have not received a request to confirm, it is because we know you are an active supporter of St Theosevia’sand have assumed you wish to remain on the list. If you do not, please let us know! If you have not made a contribution for 2007-08 and wish to do so, please send a £3 cheque made out to St Theosevia Trust.

Many thanks to the Rev’d Ralph Williamson for having updated our Website, you have suggestions for speakers and themes for future study days? If so, please send them to me. We look forward to welcoming you and new friends to the Trinity programme.


Poetry Evening with Metropolitan Kallistos on “Resurrection”

A ‘bring and share.’ evening of poetry, chaired by Metropolitan Kallistos. Come and bring poetry by any poets of any age, on the theme of ‘Resurrection’. We will provide a glass of wine.

This day explores early Christian worship and spirituality revealed both in literature and archaeology. The morning concentrates on the archaeology of Christianity in Britain and the Holy Land: ‘The Church as the legacy of Roman Britain’, and ‘The Archaeology of Religious coexistence in Byzantine Palestina’. In the afternoon we turn to two early Christian writers: St Patrick in Ireland (title tba) and St Ephrem: ‘Women, children and angels in the poetic theology of St Ephrem the Syrian’.