Calendar for Week of August 20, 2017

Calendar for Week of August 20, 2017

Bible Passage for the Month
And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Calendar for Week of August 20, 2017

Wednesday: LWR Quilters 10:00 a.m.

Saturday: WOL Volleyball Car Wash10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.

Next Sunday: Worship Service 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.

Bible Classes/ Sunday School 9:15 a.m.

St. Lucas News

SUNDAY SCHOOL KICK OFF:We are gearing up for another exciting year of Sunday School. Join us for a special kick-off celebration on Sept. 10 from 9:15 to 10:15 am. This year we are adding another class tailored for older kids. Special activities for the day include an important message from God’s Word about Jesus’ love, a bounce house, Ted Drewes custard, singing and crafts, and balloon launch.

Pre-register and Refer – Click on the “Sunday School Kickoff” rotating slide on the churches website ( or use a form available in the church narthex to register students. Everybody knows some kids who should be in Sunday School. Let us know who to invite and we’ll send the child a postcard invitation. Kids still love to get mail addressed to them. Please go to the church website or use a form in the narthex to share the information

Bring a Friend - Those bringing friends to Sunday School will receive a gift, for themselves and their friends. You don’t want to miss the fun!

WOL VOLLEYBALL CAR WASH: On Saturday, August 26th, 10am-noon, you can get your car washed and help support the Word of Life volleyball program! The car wash is at St. Lucas,7100 Morganford Rd. The free will offering funds raised will help buy a new ball cart, volleyballs, and other needed items for our volleyball teams. Thank you for your amazing support! We hope to see you on the 26th!

SAVE THE DATE: The 2nd annual QUARTER AUCTION will be held Saturday October 21st in the St. Lucas Gym. This event assists in defraying the cost of our Christian Day School Program. Please contact Debbie Bretz, Carolyn Crump, TrishLeitner, Mary or Bill Bartlow to donate items or funds for this event. Baskets would be appreciated. It was a huge success last year and we hope to continue the success of this event with your help!

ST. LUCAS SLOVAK FEST:Date: Saturday, November 4, 2017. Autumn is approaching quickly and so is Slovak Fest baking.The Wednesday baking days are October 4 and October 18.The Saturday baking days are October 7, 14 and 28. We begin at 8am but come when you can. Finish time is usually 11 to 1130am.Clean-up and baker helpers are always appreciated.Cooking days are Wednesday, November 1, 2 and 3 starting at 8am.Unsure about cabbage prep at this time.If you are asked to help, consider giving an hour or two. We will give you a job andshow you what to do.

JUNIOR SINGER AUDITIONS:The Lutheran High School South Junior Singers are auditioning 5th - 8th graders (ages 10 - 14) on Monday and Tuesday, August 28 & 29, in the LHSS Choir Room after school. The singer-friendly audition includes “Happy Birthday” and “Row Your Boat” to demonstrate pitch-matching and rhythm skills. Contact Mr. Gastler at 314-833-1063 or via email o schedule your time. The Junior Singer select choir rehearses on Tuesday evenings at LHSS, and performs at several concerts throughout the school year. Come and “Sing at South” with the Junior Singers!

FEED MY PEOPLE MANNA MARCH: On Sunday, September 10, Feed My People will be holding its annual “Manna March” at Jefferson Barracks Park, General Atkinson Shelter from 1:00 – 3:00 pm. The money raised from this march goes to feeding the hungry and disadvantaged in our area. For a $25.00 donation, you will receive a T-shirt to wear at the march. I would like at least 10 walkers to represent St. Lucas Church in this year’s march. If you are interested but cannot march, you can sponsor one of the walkers. Please contact me at 314-550-0897 to let me know if you would be willing to join me. I will provide a registration form for you to complete. Marilyn Hrabovsky

The Gospel of Matthew teaches, that with the crucified Christ as the center, how we live at peace with each other and in mission to the world. Don’t miss this powerful encounter with Jesus in this sermon series.
Aug. 27 / Peter Gets It Right – Peter confesses that Jesus is the Christ, the rock upon which the church stands to this very day
Sept. 3 / Peter Gets It Wrong – When Jesus predicts that He must go to the cross, Peter rebukes Him. Wrong Answer!
Sept. 10 / Kids are the Greatest – As we kickoff the fall Christian Education, Jesus reminds us that children are important to Him, He want them to know Him.
Sept. 17 / Repentance and Forgiveness – Jesus teaches how to sinful people can live together in peace better than Oprah. It’s through repentance and genuine forgiveness from the heart
Sept. 24 / Mission Sunday – More information to follow.
Serve the Lord with Gladness
Those Serving August 20, 2017
Preacher: Rev. Dr. Mark Larson
Organist: Mark Dunajcik
Lay Readers:8:00 – Marilyn Hrabovsky
10:30 – Stephanie Belko
Lay Ministers: 8:00 – Mel Nierdieck
10:30 – Ron Shebik
Greeters: 8:00 – Joe & Nancy Pyatek
Ushers: 8:00 – Dennis Lee, Sharon Majoros
John Christopher, Carolyn Crump
10:30 – Ted Medler, Tom Roach
Art Matia
Nursey:10:30 – Sharon Majoros / Those Serving August 27, 2017
Preacher: Rev. Dr. Mark Larson
Organist: Mark Dunajcik
Lay Readers:8:00 –Mark Zipay
10:30 – Mike Schuster
Lay Ministers: 8:00 –Phil Miksad
10:30 – Justin Leitner
Greeters: 8:00 – Jim & Shirley Vuch
Ushers: 8:00 – Joe Pyatek, Steve Kulifay
10:30 – Robert McNeil, Don Baggett,
Ted Medler
Our Response to God’s Blessings
Church Attendance: 8:00 – 57 10:30 – 85 Total– 142 Bible Class – 19
Offerings:Plate: $69.00 Envelope$4135.00 Building Repair/Maint:$330.00
Memorial/Gifts: $ 5025.00 Bible Class $12.00 Misc: 162.62 Total: $ 9733.62 Needed weekly:
Special gifts:To Church: Dorothy Struharik’s Estate, Alicia Klug

Celebrating a birthday this week:

20 – Doris Banks24 – Thomas Kramer

21 – Deborah Carter26 – Mark Zipay

Kent Franke Ava Grossius

22 – Zachary Aquado Adrianne Grossius

23 – Vlasta Pritchett

Celebrating an anniversary this week:

20 – Justin & Patricia Leitner12 yrs

22 – Jerry & Marilyn Hrabovsky35 yrs

25 – Joseph & Nancy Pyatek44 yrs