2 Caldercuilt News

December 2015 Issue No 5

Caldercuilt Primary Newsletter

2 Caldercuilt News

Dear Parent/Carers,

  • There are just a few weeks left until the Christmas holidays are upon us. At Caldercuilt Primary all of our pupils and staff are extremely busy preparing for the festive season.

Christmas Fayre

Our Christmas Fayre was a record breaking success this year! We raised over £3,000 and will be discussing with our staff and our pupil and parent councils how best to spend the funds.

Congratulations to all our P7 pupils and Mrs Hay who organised the event. Thank you also to all our pupils who made wonderful crafts to sell on the day; to all our families for their incredibly generous donations; a very special thank you to our parents/carers who helped out on the day on the home baking stall and tea and coffee bar and of course thank you to all of you who turned up on an extremely wet and windy day to support the school. Thank you also to Santa for visiting our infant children and having his photograph taken with them in the morning.

P4-P7 Christmas Carol Concert

Our upper school Christmas Carol Concert is a time travelling extravaganza this year entitled “Pop Goes Christmas”. Our pupils will be travelling through the decades from the 50’s to Noughties with the help of our Top of the Pops time machine!

We will be holding two performances of the Carol Concert:

A morning performance will be held on Thursday 17th December from 10.00 am until 11.30 am. Tickets for the morning performance will cost £2.

An evening performance will be held on Thursday 17th December from 7.00 pm until 8.30

pm. Tickets for the evening performance will cost £3 and includes a cup of tea or coffee and a festive mince pie.

Infant Nativity – Prickly Hay

Our Primary 3 pupils will be leading the nativity again this year but will be supported by our Primary 1 and Primary 2 pupils.

The Nativity will be held on Monday 14th December at 10.30 am and Tuesday 15th December at 10.30 am. Pupils from our upper school and the nursery are also invited to attend the Monday performance. Tickets for the nativity will cost £1. Tickets for the nativity are only available for families of P1, P2 and P3 pupils.

For health and safety reasons tickets for the Nativity and the Carol Concert will be restricted to two per family and will be available for sale on a first come first serve basis. A letter will be coming home with your child giving further information and a tear off slip to purchase tickets. To ease congestion at the school office, we would ask parents to order and pay for tickets through class teachers only please.

Christmas Parties

Our afternoon Christmas parties start next week.

P1 and P2 Monday 7th December

P3 and P4 Tuesday 8th December

P5 and P6 Wednesday 9th December

P7 Thursday 10th December

Drinks and treats will be served at the parties but children can also bring additional items to share with their classmates if they wish. There will be fun, games and dancing at the parties and prizes to win.

Children in P1 and P2 will have a special visit from Santa and because they have all been so very good all year will receive a lovely present.

Children can bring party clothes to change into if they wish at lunch time or they can be collected to go home at lunchtime to change into their party outfits. If children are going home to change, we would ask that you ensure they are back in school by 1.10 pm. Teachers and support staff will be available to help children who are changing into party outfits in school.

Christmas Pantomime – Susie and the stolen sea!!

Our upper school children thoroughly enjoyed their Christmas Pantomime on Thursday 3rd December. Our infants will be enjoying their pantomime performance on the morning of Wednesday 9th December. Children can bring a bottle of water to drink at the pantomime.

There is no charge for the Christmas Pantomime

Thank you to our parent council who have paid half of the cost of the pantomime from funds they have raised for the school.

We have also been extremely fortunate in obtaining a grant from the GHA to help pay for our Christmas events, parties and presents. A very big thank you to the GHA and Wheatley Group for their generosity!

School Choir

Our School Choir will be singing at the St Enoch Centre on Friday 11th December. They will be accompanied by Mrs Hay, Mrs Moore and parent helpers. The children will be leaving school at 9.15, walking to the train station and taking the train from Summerston to Queen Street. All children should wear sensible waterproof shoes and jackets suitable for the wet and blustery weather we are currently experiencing. Why not come along and see them perform outside Boots on the ground floor of the St Enoch Centre at 11.00 am!

Primary 5 PE

Our Primary 5 pupils will be undertaking some additional PE activities with PE specialists from Abercorn Secondary School in our school hall and also at Bellcraig Community Centre. Letters will be coming home for parents and we will be looking for parent volunteers to help escort the children walking to the Bellcraig Community Centre.

Girls Netball Team

The last session of the girl’s netball team is on Monday 14th December at John Paul Academy. Thank you so much to Mrs Anderson for making all the arrangements and coaching the girls’ team.

Pupil Council

The last meeting of the pupil council will be held on Monday 7th December from 3.15-4.15.

School Christmas Lunch

Christmas Lunch will be served in school on Wednesday 16th December. All children will have a Christmas cracker to pull with their lunch that day.

Stirling Castle Visit

Our P3 class will be visting Stirling Castle on Thursday 17th December. Children will require to bring a packed lunch. Please let Mrs Hewitt or the school office know if you are able to come along as a parent helper.

End of Term Gladius Treat

We are delighted to announce that we will be holding a Puppetry and Magic Show for all those pupils in P4 to P7 who have earned every single Gladius point this term. The show will be performed in the school assembly hall on Monday 21st December by Mr Gordon McCracken.

Important Dates

School closes on Tuesday 22nd December at 2.30 pm.

School reopens on Wednesday 6th January 2016 at 9.00 pm.

May I wish all of our children and their families a peaceful, happy and relaxing Christmas holiday.

Lesley Edgerton

Head Teacher