2016 12 04 Crocs AGM Agenda
Meeting Rules
1. Every member has rights equal to every other member.
2. The will of the majority must be carried out.
3. The minority must be heard, and its rights protected.
4. Respect shall be shown to all members.
5. Only one topic will be considered at a time.
Current Committee:
President: Kylie Anderson, Secretary: Karen Reimann, Treasurer: Annie Fishburn,
Committee: Brad Miller, Steve Bailey, Andrew Leith, Rob Mackenzie.
Date and Time: / Sunday, 4 December 2016 @ 3:30pmVenue: / Marlin Coast Bowls Club, Captain Cook Highway, Trinity Beach
Chair: / Ritchie Bates
Apologies: / Darren Walker
Minutes recorded by:
Confirmation of previous AGM minutes as accurate: / Minutes from 05/12/15: Moved by:
Seconded by:
Carried/Not Carried.
1. Management Committee Report
2. Financial Report
3. Auditor’s Report
4. Survey Results
5. Determination of the size of the Management Committee for 2017 (currently 7)
6. Election of Management Committee for 2017
Committee nominations received:
Position / Name / Surname / Proposer / SeconderPresident / Nick / Carling / Lynton Bowen / Chris Gould
Secretary / Katie / Gelling / Annie Fisburn / Nick Carling
Treasurer / Annie / Fishburn** / Rob Mackenzie / Kylie Anderson
Committee Member / Kylie / Anderson** / Rob Mackenzie / Karen Reimann
Juanita / Barter / Lynton Bowen / Chris Gould
Renee / Ker / Nick Carling / Emma Miller
Rob / Mackenzie / Brad Congdon / Debra Harrison
Brad / Miller / Nick Carling / Emma Miller
Emma / Miller / Nick Carling / Ben Anderson
Sarina / Piercy / Nick Carling / Juanita Barter
Alana / Seymour / Renee Ker / Bradley Rootsey
Shaun / Taylor / Nick Carling / Juanita Barter
** NB these nominees have held a committee position for 2 consecutive years
7. Appointment of Auditor
Moved that Jared Rowbotham be appointed club auditor for 2016/17.
8. Close Meeting
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