Cadney cum Howsham Parish Council
Parish Clerk – Brian Brooks Mill Place Mill Road Hibaldstow Brigg
North Lincs DN20 9NL
Email – Tel 07932330552
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Minutes of the meeting of Cadney cum Howsham Parish Council held on Wednesday 20thJuly2016 at Village Hall Howsham
Present: Cllrs PS Heath- Chair NJ Barnard KP Burks GA Clayton
JE Hempstock FF Leahy
Also present: BK Brooks Clerk/RFO 1 Resident
Public participation - Reference was made regardinga planning application for drilling for gasat Wressle
Cllr Heath opened the meeting
1607/1Apologies for absenceReceived from Cllrs Kitching & Moore
1607/2Declaration of Interest
- Cllrs Heath and Burks being members of the Village Hall & Park Committees declared interests in the Applications for Grant Aid - 1605/11 b)
- To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. None Required
1607/3Minutes of Previous meeting
Minutes of the Annual Parish Council and the Parish Council Meetings held on Wednesday 18th May 2016were approved and signed as a true and correct record.
1607/4Clerk’s Report Items clarified and noted : -
Continue developing website
Communication with External Auditor
1607/5To receiveDelegate Reports for Discussion/Decision
- Chairman reported that a `party tent` had been donated for village use.
- Village Hall representative- Nothing to report
- Village Hall & Park representative - Nothing to report
1607/6 To receive a report from the Ward CouncillorsNo Report
1607/7 Parish issuesNone raised
The following were noted : -
PA/2014/0093 Wind Turbine Cadney APPEAL GRANTED
PA/2016/133 Church Hall Cadney GRANTED
PA/2016/670 Erect a detached dwelling Orchard Cottage HowshamPENDING
PA/2016/690 Minto Cottage 27 Main StreetGRANTED
PA/2016/793Detached dwelling /vehicular access to land adjRibstoneHouse -Concerns to be raised re the size of the proposed property and parking.
1607/9Correspondence for Discussion/Decision
a)Community Champion - Resolved to nominate Debbie Clark for community services ( Cllr Heath to forward details to the clerk for submission)
b)Resident email re Pond - Clerk to reply regretting the incident referred however the PC did not have knowledge ofthe sprinkling of seeds. All previous actions andwork within the area have beendiscussed and approved by the PC prior to beingcarried out by volunteers,adding value to the village scene, resulting in continued success with the Best Kept Village competitions.
All residents have the opportunity to volunteer and beinvolved with community groups such as the BKV, Park and Village Hall groups.
1607/10Correspondence for Information: - as previously circulated were noted
- ERNLLCA May June Newsletters
a)To consider Applications for Grant Aid as received 18th January 2016: -
1)Cadney cum Howsham Village Hall£ 2,500.00
Cllr Heath reported on the refurbishment proposals for the WC`s - Deferred subject to an up to date bank statement and S137A LGA 1972 requirement
b)To consider NALC/SLCC 2015-2017 Salary Scales - Resolved to approve recommendations
c)To consider application for Transparency, grant aid for 2016/17 - Resolved to approve a further application to be submitted
d)2016/17 - Receipts & Payments - 1st quarter schedules and bank statements were approved and signed.
1607/12Minor Items
- To take any points from members.
- Matters of correspondence for information which arrived after the agenda was posted.
ERNLLCA JulyNewsletter
Ammendment - PA/2016/793Detached dwelling /vehicular access to land adjRibstone House.
1607/13 Agenda Items for the next meeting
2016 Financial Regulations
1607/14To confirm the date and time of the next meeting as Wednesday 14thSeptember 2016 at 7.00pm @ Parish Room Cadney
1607/15To consider the exclusion of the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s1(2) due to the confidential nature of the items to be discussed
The meeting closed 8.30 pm.
Signed14th September 2016Page 6