- Welcome to the 2015 Wednesday Night Caddyshaq Golf League.
- Season to run from April 22 (if course is OPEN) to September 2. League time will be between 4:30 – 5:30 (Spring/Fall) and 5:45 (summer). End of season Banquet will be (Sept. 12 or Sept. 19)?. A BANQUET COMMITTEE will be formed to work out the details (so far we have John Newkirk and Bob Vitro).
- There will be “20” weeks with NO PLAYOFFS! Every team will get POINT MONEY AT THE END OF THE SEASON.
- Weekly fee’s will stay at $20 (golf - $12 and $8 leauge dues). Total dues for the season will be $400 for non-Dutchaven members and $160 for Dutchaven members. As agreed upon at last years Banquet, we will not be collecting dues on a weekly basis. You may pay ALL AT ONCE ($400 non-members or $160 members) , TWICE ($200 non-members or $80 members), or by making THREE PAYMENTS ($200/$100/$100 non-members or $80/$40/$40 for members). The first payment is due by May 6, the next payment date is June 24, and the last payment date (all dues are to be paid by this date) is August 5. If a player cannot make the three paymentson the dates mentioned, please see Ken Hutton so you can make other arrangements! SUBS DO NOT PAY—REGULAR PLAYERSARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SUBS FEE’S!
- We are playing Match Play Format! The two lowest handicaps from each team and the two highest handicaps from each team will compete against each other for a point for each hole or ½ point for a net tie for a total of “9” points per match. There is “5” points awarded to the team who has the lowest combined team net score. The total points won by both teams should equal “23” points. MAXIMUM SCORE FOR EVERY PLAYER ON EACH HOLE IS DOUBLE PAR PLUS THREE STROKES!!! (Example on a Par 4 the maximum score would be “11”)
- NO SHOWS–We don’t want any forfeits so try to notify your opposing team ahead of time so arrangements can be made to make up a match at a later time. If your team shows up and your opponent does not, without any notice, then your team will receive18points? You must still play for handicap purposes. If the team that shows up does not play and the league is playing as usual, then no points will be earned by either team for that week! Other situations that may arise are as follows: (a) With a team that has”one” sub then you use the SUBS handicap and have a normal match (b) With a team that has “two” subs, the subs can earn match points but forfeit the “5” points for Net Score (c) With each team having one regular player only, you are playing for “9” points for the one regular match and for the “5” points for low net score (total of 14 points) (d) With one team having one” regular” player and the other team having one”sub” player, you are playing for “9” points for the one regular match and the “5” points for low net goes to the team with the regular player. IF ONE OR BOTH TEAMS CANNOT PLAY A MATCH FOR UNFORSEEN CIRCUMSTANCES (vacations allowed) AND IT IS AGREED UPON BY BOTH TEAMS, THEY HAVE “3” WEEKS TO PLAY THE MATCH, OTHERWISE BOTH TEAMS FORFEIT ALL POINTS!!! IMPORTANT – If you cannot find a SUB, contact the PRO SHOP (753-7533)(ASAP) and see if Rik can find a SUB for you. He knows guys from the Monday night league that might want to play!!!
- COURSE CLOSURE – If the league is rained out, you have “3” weeks including weekends to make up the round keeping in mind that there is another league being played on Monday night. If not made up in three weeks, then both teams will lose points for match (unless there is unusual circumstances like we had last year)! If the course is closed after the round is started and you have played “4” or less holes; then the round will be replayed from scratch. If you played “5” holes or more, then you need to come back and finish the round from where you left off within three weeks. If BOTH teams agree that they can’t come back to finish the round within three weeks, then the remaining points per hole can be evenly divided among the two teams and the NET will be calculated from where play ended.
- For anew playeror subto establish a handicap in our league, they must have at least “2” nine hole scores on the Dutchaven course before their first match or they will be assigned a handicap of “5” or less if the player’s handicap is usually less than “5” (for nine holes) to be determined by the league officers. For the first TWO WEEKS OF THE SEASON, we will use each player’s “2014” ending handicap. The third week will be last years handicap “twice” plus “2015” week #1 and week #2 scores. From then on we will be using the most recent “5” scores averaged out – 35 (Par for nine holes) times 80% then you drop all decimals for your up to date handicap. This will be done on a weekly basis!!!
- There is NO “Out of Bounds” inside the course. If you think that you have hit a ball “Out of Bounds” (past white stakes) or “Lost Ball” in rough, you should hit a PROVISIONAL BALL from spot where original ball was hit. If first ball is “OB” or “LOST” then you add “2” strokes to your score and finish the hole with the provisional ball. If first ball is not “OB” or “LOST” then you pick up PROVISIONAL BALL and play on with original ball with “NO PENALTY”. If you don’t hit a PROVISIONAL BALL for a “OB” or “LOST” ball, then you must go back to the original spot and hit another ball to finish the hole!!! RED STAKES represent lateral water hazards. Take a “1” stroke penalty and “2” club lengths no nearer the hole where you determined the ball entered the hazard. If you decide to play the ball in the hazard, you cannot ground your club and there is “NO” penalty! If you are in the rough, you cannot improve your lie by stamping down the grass around your ball so that you can make better contact with the ball!!!
- We play by winter rules allowing you to role the ball for a preferred lie only when you are in your own fairway. But if you feel that you have an unfair lie in the rough (tree root, stones, big divot), you may ask your match opponent to roll ball without penalty – If opponent says “NO”, you play ball as lies! During wet and muddy conditions, you can lift, clean, and replace your ball as long as it’s agreed upon prior to the start of the round by Rik, league officers, or opposing team. During individual matches, only your match opponent can give you a putt!!
- In order to keep pace of play moving, be ready to hit your ball when it’s your turn. Only spend a few minutes looking for a lost ball and don’t forget to hit a “PROVISIONAL BALL” if you think that you went “OUT OF BOUNDS” or have a “LOST BALL”.
- Subs are eligible to win Closest to Pin prizes which will be on Holes #1, #3, and #9 each week. If no one wins any hole then it will carry over until that hole is hit.
- Most Important – Have a Good Time and enjoy your round of golf!!!