CADA Pets Volunteer Fosterer Contract

Thank you very much for volunteering to be a foster parent for pets while families are staying in a safe shelter. By volunteering your time and energy to care for pets while women are beginning their journeys free from abuse, you are making a huge difference in the life of a woman, a family, and her pet.

As a volunteer fosterer, I agree to the following terms and conditions (please check each provision as an indication of your understanding and agreement):

____ I am willing to sign and adhere to a confidentiality agreement, and understand that I must keep confidential any details pertaining to the pet and its family.

____ I understand and consent to CADA Inc. doing a background check on me to ensure safety of the pet.

____ I will share necessary information about the pet through CADA advocates, and understand that I will not know the pet’s family, and will not attempt to contact the pet’s family directly for any reason. I will communicate exclusively with CADA advocates about the pet.

____ I understand that advocates can communicate with me about the pet, any violence that the pet saw/endured, and the anticipated length of stay—not about the client, client’s family, or any details unrelated to the pet, its wellbeing, and length of stay.

____ I will return any calls from CADA advocates about the pet in a timely manner.

____ I promise not to commit any acts of violence against pets that I am fostering for any reason.

____ I will care for the pet in a respectful and humane manner.

____ I am prepared to (potentially) pay for the following items with no guarantee that they will be able to be reimbursed:

1)  Damages to person/property

2)  Food, toys, and other daily living items*

3)  Emergency veterinarian care

____ I will take responsibility for the pet, and will not ask the woman or CADA to take financial or legal responsibility for any injuries related to a person or property. However, I do understand that if the pet is violent or damaging property, I have the right to notify CADA advocates, and arrangements will be made for alternative placement of the pet in a timely manner.

____ I am willing to safely transport the pet to and from the Mankato CADA office for pick up and drop off, if need be.

By signing this paper, I am agreeing to adhere to the terms and conditions listed above.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Printed Name: ______

Names of any other individuals residing in the same home (children, roommates, partners):


Address: ______

Phone number: ______

Emergency contact name: ______

Emergency contact phone number: ______

*CADA can occasionally provide some pet food and treats for foster pets; please contact the Volunteer Coordinator for more information (507) 625-8688 ext. 123.