CADA Pets Volunteer Fosterer Application

Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer foster parent for CADA Pets. Volunteer foster parents provide safe homes to pets that belong to families fleeing abusive or unsafe homes. Potential fosterers are required to complete a screening process, pass a criminal background check, adhere to confidentiality policies, and sign liability waivers. CADA does not accept any court-mandated community service volunteers.

Please be aware that there is no guarantee to how many hours or pets a volunteer foster parent may have; fostering pets is on an as-needed basis.

Please complete information and return application to:

CADA, Inc. Attn: Kirby Hurd, PO Box 466, Mankato MN 56002; or fax to 507.625-9431; or email to .

Full name: ______

Current mailing address: ______

City: ______State: MN Zip code: ______

Cell phone: ______Home or Work phone: ______

Email address: ______

Current employer: ______

Have you received CADA services in the past year? ______

Emergency contact name: ______

Relationship: ______Phone number: ______


What skills, life experience, work background or education do you have to contribute?______

Please place a  next to the knowledge and skill areas below that apply.
Have you professionally worked with people experiencing:
_____ domestic abuse _____ sexual assault _____ mental illness _____ at risk populations
If yes, please describe the service:

Have you professionally worked with animals or pets?

_____ yes ______no

If yes, please describe the service:

Employment Background
Please list last two employers, beginning with current or most recent:

Phone number: ______
Phone number: ______
May we call your former employers for references? Yes ____ No____

Community volunteer experience

  1. Place:

How did you help?

  1. Place:

How did you help?

Other Skills

Other skills that you think might be helpful to CADA, Inc.:

Driving Record/Information

  1. Do you have a valid driver's license? Yes ______No______
  2. Do you have valid car insurance? Yes ______No______
  3. Have you had any traffic violations in the last three years? Yes ______No______
  4. If yes, please specify: ______

Criminal Record

Have you been charged with any criminal offenses in the last three years?Yes ______No______

If yes, please specify:


Include at least one work reference. Do not include family members or roommates.

1. Name:Phone:
Relationship: How long has s/he known you?

2. Name:Phone:
Relationship: How long has s/he known you?

General Information Questionnaire for CADA Pets volunteers

  1. Why are you interested in being a volunteer for the CADA Pets Program?



  1. Briefly describe the problem of domestic abuse as you understand it (i.e. why abuse exists, clues or red flags that someone may be abusive or in an abusive relationship).


  1. Briefly describe issues that may arise for pets witnessing or experiencing domestic abuse.


  1. Is there anything we should know about you or your family that might affect what type of pet would be most appropriate for your family to foster? (I.e. if there are small children, perhaps a brand-new kitten might not be the best fit if the family has never had a cat before. Likewise, for a dog that is used to getting walked 4 times per day and the fosterer works 9-hour days, this might not be the best fit.)


  1. Please give a brief overview of what type of pets you would be willing to foster, for how long, and what type of pet you/your family has (if applicable). Note that once this volunteer application is processed, CADA Inc. will discuss this with you more in-depth during the screening process.


I hereby certify that the facts set forth in the above application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that completing this application does not ensure a volunteer/internship placement. I also understand that this is not an application for a paid employment.

Signature or typed name (e-signature): Date: ______

Thank you for your interest!
CADA Inc. will contact you in regards to your volunteer application and to set up a time to complete an interview and background checks.