Cabbage Juice Indicator - pH
· to test household solutions using red-cabbage juice indicator
· to classify household substances as acids or bases
· to determine the pH range of red cabbage juice
Problem: Which of the substances will be acids, bases, or neutral?
Hypothesis: (answer the question above….)
Materials: (per group or station)
· Beaker of Red Cabbage Juice - recipe
· Plastic cups or test tubes
· Beakers of the following solutions: water, baking soda, vinegar, salt, sugar, lemon juice, soda, oven cleaner, bleach, ammonia, soap, milk, rainfall, tomato juice
· Plastic spoon or dropper
· black marker
- Label your plastic cups or test tubes
- Choose one solution and pour a small amount into plastic cup #1.
- Write the name of the solution in your data table.
- Add 1 - 2 tablespoons of red cabbage juice to the cup. Record color change.
- Determine if the solution is a acid, base or neutral
- Repeat with the other solutions
- Clean up. Pour contents into sink and throw out used cups.
Data Table:
Plastic Cup # / Solution / Red Litmus / Blue Litmus / Red CabbageJuice / Acid/Base or Neutral
** What is the Ph scale and what is it actually measuring? What is a Ph meter? What is an indicator? Give 2 examples of indicators…. Which of the samples were acidic, which were basic, which were neutral? What was your strongest acid , strongest base? What is a buffer and how does it relate to acids and bases?
Additional Information:
How to read pH paper:
Red Litmus Paper – Stays Red = Acid or Neutral
Turns Blue = Base
Blue Litmus Paper – Stays Blue = Base or Neutral
Turns Red = Acid
Colors of Cabbage Juice:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14