CAAN Voices of Women (VOW) Standing Committee – Application
Please send complete application by June 30, 2017 to:
Monique Fong Howe – CAAN
Aboriginal Women and Leadership Coordinator:
Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN)
113-154 Willowdale Drive, Dartmouth, NS B2V 2W4
Phone # (902) 433-0900 Fax # (902) 433-3041
CAAN VOW is undergoing a renewal process.
We are looking for women from the following areas;the North (which includes Yukon, NorthWest Territories, Nunavut), Quebec, and British Columbia.
If you are an Aboriginal woman who wants to make a difference by becoming a CAAN VOW Standing Committee member, we invite you to apply through this application process. Aboriginal women living with or affected by HIV and AIDS and/or Hep C are strongly encouraged to apply.Public disclosure of HIV status is not a requirementto be part of CAAN VOW. We also welcome applications from Aboriginal front-line workers, Aboriginal health care providers, and/or Aboriginal clinicians.
Inuit, Métis and First Nations women who are Two-Spirited or transgendered are also strongly encouraged to apply.
We welcome all diversity!!
Confidential once completed
City: Province: Postal Code:
Home phone: Cell/Mobile:
E-mail Address:
Job Title (if applicable):
Name of Agency/Organization (if applicable):
Aboriginal Ancestry:(Please highlight or circle your selection)
I am an Inuk / Yes / No
I am Métis / Yes / No
I am First Nations / Yes / No / Other Indigenous ancestry:
(Optional- The CAAN VOW supports Aboriginal women of all gender and sexual identities)
I identify as: / Heterosexual (straight) / 2Spirit/Bi/Gay/Lesbian / Transgendered/Inter-sexed
Other identity you feel is important to share with us:
Optional– The CAAN VOW values the leadership and participation of Aboriginal women living with and/or affected by HIV and AIDS and/or Hep C and would like to ensure that the committee is made up of a good cross-section of the Aboriginal women community by havingas many spots available on the committee specifically for Aboriginal women living with HIV/AIDS, or affected by HIV/AIDS and/or Hep C. If you feel comfortable, then please answer the following:
- I am an Aboriginal Person Living with HIV or AIDS: Yes No
- I am an Aboriginal Person living with Hep C
- I am an Aboriginal Person who is co-infected
- I am an Aboriginal Person affected by HIV/AIDS (i.e. family member(s) or community) Please share with us how you are affected by HIV/AIDS:
- What do you know about the Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN)?
- How did you hear about the CAAN VOW Standing Committee?
- Why do you want to be apart of the CAAN VOW Standing Committee?
- What qualities, skills and/or experience do you have that you would bring to CAAN VOW?
- What do you know about HIV and AIDS in Aboriginal communities?
- What do you know about HIV and AIDS specific to Aboriginal women?
- What organization(s) and/or institute are you affiliated with? (If applicable.)
- Are you currently on any boards or committees? (If so, please list them.)
9. Are you willing and able to:
1.Attend bi-monthly phonemeetings? Yes __ No__
2. Communicate regularly through Facebook and email?Yes__ No__
3.Occasionally travel across Canada for a meeting/conference? Yes __ No__
4. Further the agenda of CAAN VOW in your region?Yes __ No __
10.Please provide two references.
Applicant: TWO references must be completed by non-relatives; one peer and one agency that you are affiliated with.
Reference #1/ Peer
Name: Relationship to Applicant: Phone number to contact: E-mail Address:
Reference #2/Agency
Name: Job Title and name of organization: Phone number to contact: E-mail Address:
10. CAAN VOWMembership Agreement
I understand that if I am selected as a member of theVoices of Women (VOW) Standing Committee atthe Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network, I will need to attend in person meetings, respond to communiqués in a timely manner and participate in teleconference calls in accordance to the CAAN VOW Terms of Reference. I will always conduct myself in a manner that brings honor and respect to me, the CAAN VOW andthe Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network.
Signature Date
Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network
CAAN VOW Application
113-154 Willowdale Drive, Dartmouth, NS B2V 2W4
Phone # (902) 433-0900
Fax # (902) 433-3041
You can also make contact me via email, if you need any help.
Thank you for your application. If your application is successful we will contact you for a phone interview and do a follow up on your references.
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