CAAN Voices of Women (VOW) Standing Committee – Application

Please send complete application by June 30, 2017 to:

Monique Fong Howe – CAAN

Aboriginal Women and Leadership Coordinator:


Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN)

113-154 Willowdale Drive, Dartmouth, NS B2V 2W4

Phone # (902) 433-0900 Fax # (902) 433-3041

CAAN VOW is undergoing a renewal process.

We are looking for women from the following areas;the North (which includes Yukon, NorthWest Territories, Nunavut), Quebec, and British Columbia.

If you are an Aboriginal woman who wants to make a difference by becoming a CAAN VOW Standing Committee member, we invite you to apply through this application process. Aboriginal women living with or affected by HIV and AIDS and/or Hep C are strongly encouraged to apply.Public disclosure of HIV status is not a requirementto be part of CAAN VOW. We also welcome applications from Aboriginal front-line workers, Aboriginal health care providers, and/or Aboriginal clinicians.

Inuit, Métis and First Nations women who are Two-Spirited or transgendered are also strongly encouraged to apply.

We welcome all diversity!!

Confidential once completed




City: Province: Postal Code:

Home phone: Cell/Mobile:

E-mail Address:

Job Title (if applicable):

Name of Agency/Organization (if applicable):

Aboriginal Ancestry:
(Please highlight or circle your selection)
I am an Inuk / Yes / No
I am Métis / Yes / No
I am First Nations / Yes / No / Other Indigenous ancestry:
(Optional- The CAAN VOW supports Aboriginal women of all gender and sexual identities)
I identify as: / Heterosexual (straight) / 2Spirit/Bi/Gay/Lesbian / Transgendered/Inter-sexed
Other identity you feel is important to share with us:

Optional– The CAAN VOW values the leadership and participation of Aboriginal women living with and/or affected by HIV and AIDS and/or Hep C and would like to ensure that the committee is made up of a good cross-section of the Aboriginal women community by havingas many spots available on the committee specifically for Aboriginal women living with HIV/AIDS, or affected by HIV/AIDS and/or Hep C. If you feel comfortable, then please answer the following:

  • I am an Aboriginal Person Living with HIV or AIDS: Yes No
  • I am an Aboriginal Person living with Hep C
  • I am an Aboriginal Person who is co-infected
  • I am an Aboriginal Person affected by HIV/AIDS (i.e. family member(s) or community) Please share with us how you are affected by HIV/AIDS:
  1. What do you know about the Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN)?
  1. How did you hear about the CAAN VOW Standing Committee?
  1. Why do you want to be apart of the CAAN VOW Standing Committee?
  1. What qualities, skills and/or experience do you have that you would bring to CAAN VOW?
  1. What do you know about HIV and AIDS in Aboriginal communities?
  1. What do you know about HIV and AIDS specific to Aboriginal women?
  1. What organization(s) and/or institute are you affiliated with? (If applicable.)
  1. Are you currently on any boards or committees? (If so, please list them.)

9. Are you willing and able to:

1.Attend bi-monthly phonemeetings? Yes __ No__

2. Communicate regularly through Facebook and email?Yes__ No__

3.Occasionally travel across Canada for a meeting/conference? Yes __ No__

4. Further the agenda of CAAN VOW in your region?Yes __ No __

10.Please provide two references.

Applicant: TWO references must be completed by non-relatives; one peer and one agency that you are affiliated with.

Reference #1/ Peer

Name: Relationship to Applicant: Phone number to contact: E-mail Address:

Reference #2/Agency

Name: Job Title and name of organization: Phone number to contact: E-mail Address:

10. CAAN VOWMembership Agreement

I understand that if I am selected as a member of theVoices of Women (VOW) Standing Committee atthe Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network, I will need to attend in person meetings, respond to communiqués in a timely manner and participate in teleconference calls in accordance to the CAAN VOW Terms of Reference. I will always conduct myself in a manner that brings honor and respect to me, the CAAN VOW andthe Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network.


Signature Date




Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network

CAAN VOW Application

113-154 Willowdale Drive, Dartmouth, NS B2V 2W4

Phone # (902) 433-0900

Fax # (902) 433-3041

You can also make contact me via email, if you need any help.

Thank you for your application. If your application is successful we will contact you for a phone interview and do a follow up on your references.

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