Coast Region Implementation Team
  • Terms of Reference
  • Membership
  • Issues Submission
  • What's New
  • Feedback & Contact Information

Coast Region Implementation Team (CRIT)
CRIT is a team of forest resource practitioners working together within the Ministry of Forest and Range's (MFR) Coast Forest Region to achieve industry and government goals and objectives under the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA). The goal of CRIT is to resolve issues promptly and communicate solutions to practitioners and promote and support a spirit of cooperation, trust and innovation among forest practitioners. The CRIT works closely with the various District Implementation Teams (DIT) within theMFR Coast Forest Rregion and the Provincial FRPA Implementation Team (PFIT) to ensure implementation issues are resolved at the appropriate level.
Terms of Reference
From it’sits inception in 2003, the CRIT team has been responsible for the development of its own terms of reference with subsequent endorsement by MFR and the Coast Forest Products Association (CFPA) senior management sponsors. In 2008, the terms of reference was updated by expanding the list of goals, including governments FRPA objectives within the general objectives, modifying the scope section, adding a list of operating strategies, identifying two new adjunct membership positions and updating the strategic priorities section for the 2008/2009 year. For questions or comments regarding these publications, please contact the CRIT secretary.
The team includes representatives[c2] from the Ministry of Forests and Range, the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts, Agriculture and Lands Integrated Land Management Bureau, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, BC Timber Sales, the Coast Forest Products Association (CFPA) and non-CFPA members.Alternate[c3]representatives are also identified for the team. There are four MFR district members representing eight different districts (each member representing two districts). The team is co-chaired by one MFR member and one CFPA member. Each member is responsible for communicating FRPA implementation issues and solutions between CRIT and the constituents they represent. FRPA implementation issues should be forwarded to the most appropriate representative or can be forwarded to the CRIT secretary for consideration.
Issues Submission
Each of the three levels of FRPA Implementation Teams (PFIT, CRIT and DIT) provides forest professionals with a forum to identify and resolve FRPA planning and practices implementation issues. The PFIT has developed a FRPA Issues Management Process, to help staff understand how implementation issues can be addressed, and a Policy Initiation Form to help document information necessary to address the issue. Forest planners and practitioners are encouraged to utilize this process and forward completed initiation forms to the appropriate implementation team representative. For questions or comments regarding how to initiate a policy initiation form, please contact the CRIT secretary.
What's New
1. Coast Operational Issues Forum
The joint MFR and Industry Coast Region Operational Issues Forum (OIF) have been tasked (as part of a broader provincial initiative) to identify and implement cost saving measures that will help ensure the competitiveness of industry during these very difficult times. This was initiated by the Minister of Forests in November 2008 with a commitment to identify 15 quick wins in 15 weeks.
Various quick win proposals have been assigned to one of 7 different teams. Bob Craven of Interfor is chairing the "FRPA in the context of Professional Reliance" team. The CRIT has been tasked with supporting the FRPA quick win team and has been working hard in developing an action plan and getting to work identifying and implementing tasks to meet team objectives. Be sure to check this site for communications related to this effort. For more information regarding the FRPA quick win issues, refer to the FRPA Quick Win Status spreadsheet[c4]. For more information about the OIF Quick Win process, contact Chuck Rowan at (250) 751-7096 or
2. New CRIT Publications Messaging
The CRIT Silviculture Working Group has completed development of a "Hardwood Management in the Coast Forest Region" strategy document. The focus is on alder management and supports the expansion of hardwood management above it's current levels on the coast. This document can be found in the "CRIT Publications" link above. For more information about the strategy, contact Craig Wickland at (250) 751-7094 or
The CRIT have endorsed the Small Licensee Forest Stewardship Plan Development Considerations [c5]document for distribution to clients. This document provides options, consideration and references to assist small licensees in determining how best to meet FSP planning requirements. It also includes some FSP development tips to help ensure efficient and effective approval of a small licensee FSP. For more information, contact Chuck Rowan, CRIT Secretary at 250 751-7096 or
3. Meeting and Conference Call Minutes
Minutes from recent 2009 meeting and conference calls of the January 21, 2009 CRIT Winter conference have been added to the CRIT Meeting Minutes link above.
4. 2008/09 CRIT Meeting Schedule
The next confirmed conference call will be held October 28, 2009. No other meetings are confirmed at this time. We are anticipating a spring face-to-face meeting in Nanaimo. We will also be looking into holding another summer field meeting in 2009 given the success of past field meetings in facilitating dialogue among professionals.Due to economic constraints that most of our members are experiencing at this time, CRIT will be doing most of its work via conference call for the foreseeable future.
5. Planned Workshops
Working with the Provincial FRPA Implementation Team, the CRIT is in the progress of planning for the delivery of a FRPA Objectives Pillar Workshop. The goal of this session is to promote appropriate actions under the FRPA Objectives Pillar. Visit this web site in the coming weeks for workshop delivery details. Contact Chuck Rowan, Silviculturist, Ministry of Forests & Range for more details at (250)751-7096 or .
5. Resource Planning Working Group
Given the success of the Silviculture Working Group has had dealing with silviculture implementation issues, the CRIT has decided to form a second standing working group identified as the Resource Planning Working Group. This group will focus its efforts on implementation issues related to operational timber development and forest resource management.
CRIT is currently in the process of developing a terms of reference for this group and identifying core membership from forest licensee, BCTS and MFR staff. This web page will provide additional information about this working group in future updates. For more information, contact Chuck Rowan, Silviculturist, Ministry of Forests & Range at (250)751-7096 or .
6. Workshops and Training Updates
Go to the Training and Workshop page to view outputs from the 2007 High Retention Harvesting in Coastal BC Workshop and the 2009 Hardwood Management in the Coast Forest Region Workshop.
7. CRIT Logo
The CRIT group understands that it is important to develop a strong brand to help reach and communicate with our intended audience. To do so, the CRIT has developed a new logo that will be used on all future products, messaging, correspondence, etc. Thanks to Joe LeBlanc of Interfor for providing the artistic inspiration.
In support of implementing the Hardwood Management in the Coast Forest Region strategy document, the Coast FRPA Implementation Team's Silviculture working group will be hosting two field-based workshops in May or June of 2009 in the Chilliwack and Campbell River Forest Districts to explain the strategy in detail. For more information, please contact Craig Wickland, Silviculturalist, Ministry of Forests & Range at (250)751-7094 or .
6. Silviculture Working Group
The CRIT silviculture working group revised their Terms of Reference in late March during an annual face-to-face meeting. Follow the "Silviculture Working Group" link (above) to view the revised document. For more information contact Craig Wickland at (250) 751-7094 or
7. CRIT 2008/09 Year End Report
Visit the Messages from CRIT page to view the 2008/09 Year End Report that includes messaging from the CRIT co-chairs, a summary of this past years major accomplishments, results, membership, meetings and what to look out for in 2009/10.
Feedback & Contact Information
Chuck Rowan, CRIT Secretary
Telephone: (250) 751-70966

[c1]Remove the “FSP Submission Status” hot link located under the Tools & Support heading on the CRIT Meeting Minutes page, CRIT Publications page, Messages from CRIT page, Silviculture Working Group page, Workshop and Training page, and District Implementation Team page.

[c2]Replace linkage to new “CRIT_Membership_List.pdf” document.

[c3]Replace linkage to new “CRIT_Membership_Alternate_List.pdf document.

[c4]Provide linkage to “OIF FRPA Quick Win Contact List.pdf” file.

[c5]Provide linkage to “Small Licensee FSP Options Document.pdf” file.