C Sc 227 Test 1 Review Sheet Spring 2010

Quick Facts

o  Friday, 19-Feb-2010 where we have lectures: 301 BIO W

o  Everyone must have an aisle or two empty seats on either side of you

o  This Test is 16% of your final grade

o  Closed books, closed notes

o  Use pencil, not pen (please)

o  No electronic devices such as mp3 players.

o  You do not need a calculator (integer division differs in Java anyway)

Types, both primitive (int, char, double) and reference (String, Scanner, String227)

o  Evaluate expressions with int and double

o  Integer arithmetic: 5 / 2 is 2, 5 % 2 is 1

o  Know these Math functions:

o  assertEquals(2.0, Math.sqrt(4.0), 1e-12)

o  assertEquals(-6, Math.max(-6, -7))

o  assertEquals(2, Math.round(1.501))

o  Output with print and println

o  Assignment compatibility rules

o  Boolean expressions with relational operators, !=, ==, and Boolean operators & || !

o  If you cannot write &, write AND on the test,

o  String methods: length, compareTo, substring, indexOf, charAt

o  Scanner object with a String argument at construction using hasNextInt() / nextInt() for string arguments containing integers, or hasNexDouble() / nextDouble() for string arguments containing doubles, or hasNext () / next() for string containing any text separated by whitespace (blanks, \n, or \t)

o  See practice test question #4, occurencesOf (and the answer to be linked)

o  Construct objects with constructors: new String227("initial value");

o  Send messages to objects: objectReference.messageName(argumentsoptional)

Classes, Methods, Parameters, Testing

o  Understand method headings, parameters, flow of control when a method is called

o  JUnit: assertEquals, assertTrue, and assertFalse in test methods that are preceded with @Test

o  Add methods to classes that have private instance variables and a constructor (String227 specifically)

Control Structures

o  if statements, if...else, and nested if...else statements

o  for loops (known number of repetitions)

o  while loops (unknown number of repetitions)

Arrays 1D

o  Show output from code with an array, declare arrays,

o  Process array data: find high, low, average, print all elements in an array

o  Send messages to objects stored in an array String[0].substring(1, 6);

o  Swap two values as is done to rearrange two array elements


o  Section Leader Review session: Wednesday, 17-Feb, 6:00 - 7:30pm in 701 Gould Simspon

o  Code demos Page

o  Chapters 2-9 in Rick’s Book with Self-Checks Questions and Answers at the end of each chapter

o  Presentations 2-9,

o  The Practice test handed out Monday

o  Today's section that will be a test review session

o  Your projects and homework

o  Nick Paralante's JavaBat problems that are designed to help Computer Science students study for CS tests