Policy Number / OHS.MED.028
Date of Issue / January 2009
Date of Last Review / January 2009
Date of Last Revision / January 2009
Policy Owner(s) / Medical Administration
Responsibilities of the Professional Staff


Because “professional behavior” is not uniformly defined, this policy is intended to help characterize a shared definition. Ochsner recognizes that we engage in a group practice and agree to the principles below in order to promote excellence in performance for the group as a whole.


This policy is applicable to physicians, podiatrists, psychologists, and other specified employees with a doctoral level degree (See Appendix A, on file at Office of Professional Affairs).

C.Policy Statements

We, as members of the professional staff, have voluntarily accepted employment with Ochsner in response to an invitation. Inherent in this voluntary relationship is the responsibility to support and exemplify our commitment to excellence in this group practice setting. We promote the values of Ochsner by providing the highest quality personalized patient care, exhibiting professional and personal integrity, advancing knowledge, servicing the community, and displaying professional distinction through individual and team efforts.

Because “professional behavior” is not uniformly defined, this document is intended to help characterize a shared definition. We recognize that we engage in a group practice and agree to the principles below in order to promote excellence in performance for the group as a whole.

D.Standards and Roles & Responsibilities

In accordance with the Mission, Vision and Values of Ochsner, we, as professional staff members, accept the following responsibilities:

1.0To out patients, we will:

1.1Demonstrate our professional competence, clinical judgment, and professional ethics to ensure that all patients receive high quality medical care and service with a high level of satisfaction.

1.2Practice high quality medicine devoted to the comprehensive evaluation and management of our patient’s problems in the manner which considers the patient’s overall medical, emotional and social needs.

1.3Be available and accessible to the patient and/or family. Answer phone and written messages in a timely fashion. Be readily available and respond to “On-Call” communications promptly. Review and relay test results to patients in a timely fashion.

1.4Treat each patient with dignity, maintaining the privacy of their personal/medical information in accordance with Ochsner and HIPAA guidelines. Inform patients about the nature of findings, plans for investigation and details for treatment options. Whenever possible enlist the patient and/or his/her family as an informed collaborator in selecting the most appropriate course of therapy.

1.5Abide by the Statement of Patients’ Rights for each Ochsner facility in both an ambulatory and inpatient setting.

1.6Promptly complete medical records and billing entries as they are fundamental to excellent medical practice. The standard for completion is within 24 hours of the patient encounter or sooner if needed for urgent care.

1.7Undertake careful and cost-effective medical decision-making.

2.0To other members of our professional staff, we will:

2.1Work harmoniously with all other members of the professional staff and administrative staff. These relationships should be characterized by cooperation, collaboration, respect, trust and courtesy.

2.2Agree to hear each other’s concerns and foster positive and constructive solutions that are mutually beneficial.

2.3Recognize that the community views us as a single organization and that concerns are best addressed internally. Address dissatisfaction or displeasure through appropriate channels such as section, department or administrative leaders.

2.4Use opportunities to share skills and knowledge thereby educating each other.

2.5Foster collaboration within Ochsner Health System by referring patients to our colleagues when appropriate.

2.6Use resources carefully. Proper utilization of tests and cost-effective medical decision-making is an important part of our success.

2.7Enter thorough and accurate records within 24 hours of the patient encounter or sooner if needed for urgent care and sign as soon as they are available. This provides the best documentation to support coding and billing entries.

2.8Communicate findings and plans in a timely fashion.

2.9Be complete, fair and appropriate in billing and coding activity. Complete these administrative functions in a prompt and accurate fashion, ideally on the day of the patient encounter.

2.10Be on time. When unavoidable delays occur, communicate estimated arrival times to our staff.

2.11Keep schedule changes to a minimum which limits the related effects on patients, staff and colleagues. Help others when scheduling problems arise and foster group cooperation and optimal patient care.

2.12Share facilities, personnel and equipment.

2.13Use language that is appropriate and respectfully sensitive to Ochsner’s diverse patients, staff and visitors. We will be courteous and avoid language or behavior that could be interpreted as harassing, discriminatory, hostile or retaliatory and will adhere to the Antidiscrimination and Harassment Free Environment, Non-Retaliationpolicies and the Physician Policy against Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation.

2.14Comply with externally imposed (e.g. governmental) rules and regulations.

2.15Be readily available and responsive when covering “On-Call” and use appropriately functioning communication systems (beeper, cell phone, Spectralink®).

3.0To our Department, we will:

3.1Work in a productive, collaborative and cooperative fashion with the other members of our section and/or department to meet our professional, financial, educational and research goals and objectives.

3.2Participate in and comply with:

3.2.1Ongoing reviews and evaluation of medical/surgical privileges, credentialing, quality of care and performance.

3.2.2Institutional processes for employing new techniques, technology and/or procedures.

3.3Participate in department meetings.

3.4Complete medical care records, including operative reports, patient encounter notes, discharge summaries and billing of services in a prompt and timely fashion. The goal is within 24 hours of the patient encounter or sooner if needed for urgent care.

3.5Review and respond to laboratory results and clinical study reports in an appropriately prompt fashion. The goal is within 24 hours of the result being available or sooner if needed for urgent care.

3.6Complete and sign all electronic documentation punctually.

3.7If you are unavailable for clinical responsibilities and/or results review, you are to arrange appropriate coverage.

4.0To members of our supportive staff, we will:

4.1Work harmoniously and foster relationships characterized by courtesy and respect so that we can achieve the best possible delivery of care and services to our patients and create and sustain a healthy work environment

5.0To Ochsner Health System, we will:

5.1Demonstrate allegiance to Ochsner and promote its success and reputation both while in and outside the organization. Have our conduct in the community reflect and promote the good name of Ochsner.

5.2Abide by the established policies and governance of Ochsner and conduct ourselves in a manner which permits the organization to operate in an orderly fashion.

5.3Inherent in this relationship is the responsibility of each of us to give our department chairs, executive administration and members of the Board of Directors the benefit of our insights and recommendations as to the course of Ochsner Health System.

6.0For self-improvement and development, we will:

6.1Participate in the periodic performance evaluation process.

6.2Participate in identifying those areas that need development and/or improvement and foster our own continuous improvement in these areas.

6.3Maintain our continuing medical education.

6.4Participate in activities which promote personal health and wellness including work/life balance.

7.0To our referring physicians, we will:

7.1Provide timely communication of our findings and recommendations.

7.2Continue to provide follow-up and patient progress information.

7.3Foster continued clinical involvement of the referring practitioner in patient care.

E.Enforcement and Exceptions

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G.Internal References

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H.External References

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Patrick Quinlan, M.D., Chief Executive Officer
Joseph E. Bisordi, M.D., Executive Vice President, Chief Medical Officer

J.Policy History

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