Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 22nd November 2017 at 7.00pm at Newton & Bywell Community Hall
Present: Cllrs Stoddart, Scott, Rutherford, Richardson, Gillespie and County Cllr Quinn. Monica Anderton, Clerk, was also in attendance
- Apologies: Cllr Thompson
- Declarations of Interest: none
- Minutes of 20th September 2017: previously circulated; Agreed as a true record.
- Matters arising not elsewhere on the agenda:
a)It was agreed to appeal to the Information Commission in pursuit of an outcome acceptable to councillors;
b)It was noted that the speeding problem had been added to the Local transport Plan for the following year’s programme. The possibility of flashing signs was discussed and whether they were of use in a short stretch of road; Cllr Quinn could possibly contribute financially if that route is considered viable; there is also a speed gun that was bought for some of the parishes to use which could be chased up; - or one could be hired;
c)To note the Clerk’s attendance at the recent joint NCC / local council meeting held in Corbridge. It was quite useful in re- establishing links with some of the officers.
- Reports: a) County Councillor: The stretch of urgent pothole repairs had been identified and would be done in the near future. There was enough money left over for a second round to be considered and councillors were asked to identify a second really bad stretch in the Parish. Winter preparations are well in hand and the County council have promised to be reactive if needed when the weather is bad after the essential routes have been done. The Community Chest is now being dealt with on a local basis through the Local Area Council and although the Council cannot apply, other local groups can. Cllr Scott raised the issue of hedges on the narrow lanes again. The Clerk had chased this up with Allendales but would also followup with NCC officers.
b) Chair’s report: Nothing to add other than to note that Stocksfield had politely refused the offer for our gardener to do their planters on the bridge.
c) Cllr Rutherford – no report but she proffered apologies for not having been able to attend recent meetings.
6. Correspondence: to note the list of correspondence circulated.
7. Planning:17/01630/FUL – New extension at East Lodge, Stelling Hall – Granted permission;
17/03372/LBC – re new bells etc. at St James’ Church Newton – Granted permission
Bywell Bridge: Following a meeting with the engineer from the County Council and the Clerk at Stocksfield and the Chair and Clerk from Bywell, it was agreed to put planters and a bench onto the north side of the bridge to counteract parking. The gardener had agreed to look after these. It was noted that the area of grass there is now tidy since he started mowing it.
17/03809/FUL – retrospective permission re timber sports cabin at Mowden Hall. The Parish Council supported this. However, they have already drawn the planners’ attention to what appear to be the bases for floodlights for the pitch. The planners are following up on this;
17/03810/VARYCO- Mowden Hall re replacing cut trees and putting in place nesting boxes for birds and for bats. This was supported. However, to prevent the trees being unnecessarily removed again, the Council are querying if TPOs can be placed on the wooded are in total.
8. Parish Plan –deferred
9. Mowden Hall – driving matters: The Council have written twice and emailed once to the Head of Mowden Hall regarding the driving problems being met with by the local residents at the back entrance to the school. So far there has been no acknowledgement at all. It was agreed the Clerk would write once more, indicating that if no reply was received within 10 days of receipt of the letter, the Council would have no alternative but to report the matters to the local traffic police in the interests of safety.
9. Finance: a) Balance at 31st October 2017 £8425.63
b) It was agreed to raise the precept by £500 to £7500 for the year 2018/19
c) The following payments were authorised:
MFAnderton, Salary October 2017262.57
MFAnderton Salary November 2017262.57
MFAnderton, expenses to end of November78.90
NBCT, room hire36.00
It was agreed to renew CPRE membership at £36; and to make a donation to GNAA of £100. Other requests were refused.
- AOB:~ Cllr Gillespie drew attention to a Charity event at his home for Tynedale Hospice at Home on 30th November;
~Two courses on defibrillator training will take place when a date can be agreed;
~ A fourth dog waste sign would be useful and the Clerk would order this, liaising with Cllr Scott;
~ Bollards outside Westside on the Stelling Road had been reported to the Highways at the County Council. There had been no report to date as it was not known if they were legal or not.
- Date & Time of next meeting: Wednesday 17th January 2018 at 7.00pm in the Newton & Bywell Community Hall