Harvills Hawthorn Race Equality Policy

September 2016

Harvills Hawthorn Primary School Race Equality Policy

1. Background

HarvillsHawthorn Primary School is a two form entry primary school for pupils aged between 3 and 11. It is situated on the outskirts of Wednesbury/West Bromwich, in a residential area that is very varied in its social, cultural and economic context. The proportion of pupils with supporting statements for their educational needs is similar to the national average. There is a higher proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language than in other schools in the locality. Of these pupils, many are at the early stages of speaking English. The proportion of pupils who receive free school meals is above the national average.

The school consists of a larger indigenous White community and a smaller population of minority ethnic groups averaging around 30% of the school population. We aim to prepare our children for a life working with others in a diverse community.

2. Aims and values

The school welcomes its duties under the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000.

We value the linguistic, cultural and religious diversity of the school and its community. Our overall aim is to eliminate unlawful racial discrimination, and to actively promote equality of opportunity and good race relations in all areas of school life We also endeavour to:

  • Ensure that all staff, pupils, parents and visitors receive fair and equitable treatment
  • Support our pupils to understand their own ethnic identity and cultural heritage as well as that of others
  • Ensure that pupils become independent, high achieving learners, who are competent users of English

3. Leadership and management


We are committed to:

  • actively tackling racial discrimination, as well as promoting equal opportunities and good race relations;
  • encouraging, supporting, and helping all pupils and staff to reach their potential;
  • working with parents and guardians, and with the wider community, to tackle racial discrimination, and to follow and promote good practice; and
  • making sure the race equality policy and its procedures are followed.


A The role of Governing Body

The governing body is responsible for:

  • ensuring that the school complies with the amended Race Relations Act 2000 (the Act);
  • ensuring that the policy, related procedures and resulting strategies are implemented;

B The role of the Head teacher

The headteacher is responsible for:

  • making sure the race equality policy is readily available and that the governors, staff, pupils, and their parents and guardians know about it;
  • making sure the race equality policy and its procedures are followed;
  • producing regular information for staff and governors about the policy and how it is working, as well as providing training for them on the policy, if necessary;
  • making sure all staff know their responsibilities and receive training and support in carrying these out;
  • taking appropriate action in cases of racial harassment and racial discrimination;

C The role of All Staff

All staff are responsible for:

  • challenging any prejudice or racist incidents, and being able to recognise and tackle racial bias and stereotyping;
  • promoting equal opportunities and good race relations, and avoiding discrimination against anyone for reasons of race, colour, nationality or ethnic or national origins;
  • keeping up to date with the law on discrimination, and taking up training and learning opportunities;

D Staff with specific responsibilities

The member of staff who will have overall responsibility for the Race Equality Policy in the school will be the Headteacher. This person will:

  • deal with reports of racist incidents.
  • ensure the accurate reporting and recording of such incidents
  • coordinate work on race equality in the school
  • ensure that the policy is displayed so that all visitors to the school have access to it.

E Visitors and contractors

All visitors and contractors are responsible for:

  • knowing, and following, our race equality policy.
  • knowing who to report to if an incident relevant to them occurs.

4. Covering the Specific Duties

Planning and developing Policy

This policy was written following consultation with parents, pupils and all staff. Its impact will be regularly monitored using auditing tools, parent, pupil and staff surveys.

Ethnic Monitoring

Attainment and Progress Data

Baseline, end of key stage and data on optional SATs results will be collected at the end of each year and analysed by ethnicity, gender and first language. These will be shared with the class teachers to inform their planning. Pupils will be informed of these so that as support them in becoming reflective, independent learners. This information will be shared with parents so that they, too can support their children’s learning. Where there are differentials the school implements intervention strategies eg. targeted support for particular pupils, increased parental involvement through parent forums and family learning classes. The impact of these targeted interventions will be reviewed termly.

Attendance at Parent Meetings

Differentials in this will be responded to by approaching parents personally and arranging alternative times to meet them.

Members of the Governing Body

We actively seek and appoint individuals so that the governing body reflects the school community.

Participation in Parent Teacher Association

We actively seek and appoint individuals so that the coordinators of the parent teacher association reflect the school community.


We recognise that some parents are not yet conversant with the methods used in schools today and so do not feel confident about supporting their children at home. So as to empower parents to support their children’s learning, we:

  • invite parents to attend Family Learning/Inspire workshops .
  • organise and run curriculum workshops for parents so that they are aware of national expectations and the way concepts are taught in the English education system
  • organise trips for parents, to local museums etc.. so they are aware of educational visits to take their children on at the weekends and during school holidays.

Assessing and Reviewing Policy

Publishing the results of monitoring

The results of this policy’s review will be used as the basis for the school’s race equality action plan. The results of monitoring will be:

  • published to all staff through staff and briefing meetings.
  • reported to the governing body at governing body meetings.
  • conveyed to parents in news letters.
  • Addressed with pupils through assemblies.

5. Putting the Race Equality policy into practice

Training and Development

Staff will be consulted about training needs and the school will endeavour to ensure that these are met. Attendance at CPD will be monitored by ethnicity, gender and first language. Staff from Black and minority ethnic backgrounds will be encouraged to develop their skills so as to occupy leadership positions in Education if they so desire as they are under represented in this area.

Whole school training needs will be identified through issues raised in the school eg. Racist incidents; delivering a culturally relevant curriculum. The impact of this training will be monitored. E.g. nature and frequency of racist incidents; curriculum content as evident in planning, children’s books and displays.

Publishing the policy

This Policy is available on request from school office to parents, governors, teaching and non teaching staff and visitors to the school eg supply staff, performers, students.

The policy will be translated in the languages of parents who are unable to read and write English fluently. In instances where a parent/member of staff is blind, deaf or has any other special need, the policy will be translated into Braille or made available in large print. A CD will be produced.

6. Date of the policy

Date of policy: September 2009

Review date: September 2010

7. Breaches of the policy

All allegations of racists incidents are investigated by Ms Maxine McPherson.

  • Both parties are invited to present the incident as they see it.
  • Any witnesses are asked to do the same.
  • Disciplinary procedures in line with the school’s behaviour policy are taken
  • Steps are taken to restore the relationship.
  • Parents/carers are informed of the incident, in the case where the incident involves children.
  • In the case of a member of staff, the matter will be brought before the governing body.
  • Racist incidents are recorded in the incident book and reported to the governors and the LA (Local Authority).

Issues relating to race, identity and racism are addressed through the curriculum and assemblies and will be addressed through CPD for all staff.