Byron Youth Baseball Association

Meeting Minutes

February 13, 2012

  1. Call to order

Larry Franck called to order the regular meeting of the Byron Youth Baseball Association (BYBA) at 6:30 pm on Monday, February 13, 2012 in BHS Room 2212.

  1. Roll call

Jennifer Jestus conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Larry Franck (President), Pat Splinter (Vice President), Ryan Knudson (Treasurer), Jennifer Jestus (Secretary),Steve Helgason (2-yr member), Brian LaPlante (1-yr member), Brad Thalacker (2-yr member), John Stemper (1-yr member),

Absent members include: Jeff Underwood (2-yr member), Joel Starks (1-yr member), Rod Johnson (2-yr member), Ryan Hanson (2-yr member),Brian Nelson (2-yr member), Chris Nelson (1-yr member), Fred Schutte (1-yr member), Keith Carpenter (2-yr member), Kim Enerson (2-yr member), Shawn Bishop (1-yr member), and Steve Hucke (1-yr member).

  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

Pat Splinter made a motion, seconded by John Stemper to approve meeting minutes from January 23, 2012. The minutes were approved as read.

  1. Open issues

a. EIN Update-we have an active bank account

b. League Insurance-we will table this topic until March

c. Registration & Communications-we started to review items needed for the Kick Off Celebration. Larry will reserve tables, chairs, and lunchroom fold-out tables for the event as well as reserving a projector for displaying information. We reviewed what we thought should go where (where the treats should go, where the wiffle ball game should go, where each committee should place their information, etc.) We talked about "what if" a snow storm fell on opening night, if school was closed, tentatively planned for Saturday, March 3rd. BYBA needs a back-up plan. The group discussed how we would get the information out to the public, most likely the website and channel 19. We reviewed that Channel 19 still shows that OldTownePark is available, (city ladies need to update the channel), the group briefly made mention about what "forms" we should have printed and available for those that want a hardcopy. The group had a brief discussion regarding "Coaches camp". Communications committee needs another flyer/ad for next weeks Byron Review. People from the public are starting to ask questions, register on the website, Email or call Larry or Pat so the word is getting out about BYBA. We've had a few volunteers come forward as well.

d. In-house League update-Pat Splinter gave an update. PineIsland will be apart of our in-house league. The group is looking at the possibility of a 5th and 6th grade in-house league tournament, possibly being held weekend of August 4th. A trophy or plaque will be given to the winner.

e. Tournament Team update-Larry gave an update on what this committee came up with. This is a W.I.P so I have not included a copy. The committee is thinking that each team will have a budget, they can use the money for what tournaments they'd like. An example would be 3rd grade traveling would have a budget of $450, 4th grade a budget of $600, and 5th/6th grades a budget of $750. (Is this correct, do we have a 3rd grade traveling team?)

  1. New business-This was copied from our agenda. These topics were not covered.

a. Event at JohnnyM.EventCenter

b. Kick-Off workers, events, who is working what table

c. Possible meeting on February 20, 2012

d. Announcements-Next meeting dates February 20, 27, March 12

e. Skills camp March 17, 18, Tryout March 25

  1. Adjournment

This meeting dismissed at approximately 8:15pm. Six members were present at the end of the meeting. No voting is allowed with this few of members.

Minutes submitted by: Jennifer Jestus

Next meeting will be Monday, February 20, 2012 at 6:30pm BHS room 2212.

This special meeting will be held to finalize our plans for the BYBA Kick-Off Meeting to be held the following Monday, February 27, 2012.