Throughout theseBylawsreferences to “FacultySenate”or“FacultySenator”or “Senate ExecutiveCommittee” refer to “Universityof South FloridaFacultySenate”or “Universityof South Florida FacultySenator”or “Universityof South FloridaFaculty Senate ExecutiveCommittee.”
ARTICLEI.Membership and Duties
A.The FacultySenate is theprimaryfacultyadvisorybodyto the Universityof South FloridaPresident, Provost, and Senior Vice President for USF Health on allmatters thatpertain to the academic climateof theuniversity.TheSenate has the responsibilityto review and makerecommendations to them consideringdecisions on allmatters pertaining to thewelfareof theUniversity, focusing particularlyon thosepertainingto theacademicmission.
TheSenate maydiscussand takeaposition on anysubject of Universityconcern, andmayinitiate policies on thesematters to the President, either directlyor through itscouncils. TheSenate appoints facultymembers to serveon the University-wide committees as wellas FacultySenatecouncils; these councils carryout muchofthe work oftheSenate. TheSenate willhaveasignificant rolein the appointment of academic administrators, as wellasthe periodicperformance reviews of such administrators.
TheSenate will also beresponsible for appointingand electing members ofthe USFSystem FacultyCouncil.
B.General Faculty
TheConstitution of theFacultyof theUniversity of South Florida (Constitutionhereafter)specifies those eligible for membership in thegeneral faculty.
Members ofthegeneral facultyare expected to maintain awareness ofthe activities oftheFacultySenate and to voice concerns regardingissues within thejurisdiction oftheFacultySenate through theirFacultySenators. Membersofthe general facultyare alsoexpectedto serveonFaculty Senate Councils and UniversityCommittees and Councils as needed.
TheConstitutionspecifies theprocedures fortheelection of FacultySenatorsfrom amongthe membership of the generalfaculty. Inaddition, theImmediate Past President of the FacultySenateand the Chairs ofFaculty Senate Councils shall serve asexofficio members ofthe FacultySenate, with full votingrights.
Theduties of FacultySenators areto:
1.attend meetings of the FacultySenate;
2.maintain understandingof theprocedures ofthe
FacultySenate and issues brought beforeit;
3.maintain understandingof the concerns oftheirconstituents and to represent theseinterestsin theFacultySenate; on resolutions beforethe FacultySenate; to their constituents regularly;
6.serveon at least one FacultySenateCommittee, FacultyCouncil, or UniversityCommitteeor Council; and
7.perform other duties as maybedirected bythe
D.Officers ofthe FacultySenate
The FacultySenate shallhaveofficers to set thetone and direction ofthe FacultySenate andensureits effective functioning. Onlyelected members ofthe FacultySenate areeligible to be elected officers of theFacultySenate. Elections forofficers ofthe FacultySenateshall be held in theSpringsemester ofeachyear under thesupervision of the Secretaryof theFacultySenate. Thetermofofficeshall begin August 1st, followingtheannual election. Theterm of office shall beoneyear, with the exception ofthe President, who shall serveaterm oftwoyears.
With the exception ofthePresident, all elected FacultySenate Officers mayrun for asecond, consecutiveterm (foratotal of two years). Theymaychooseto run again after one fullyear has elapsed. ThePresident maynot run forasecond,consecutiveterm; however, s/hemaychooseto run again after two fullyears have elapsed.In order to runforoffice,allofficer candidates, including the President, must be elected Senatorsforthe term in which they willtakeoffice. Thus, Senators who havecompleted athree-year Senate term in theSpringelection semesterare not eligibleto run
forofficeunless theyhavebeen re-electedforthecoming Fall; a formerPresident serving as ex-officio Past President is not eligible to run forofficeunless s/hehas beenre-elected for the coming
As is the customof theFacultySenate, newlyelected senators are encouraged to attend and participate in the business of the FacultySenate as soon as theirelections havebeen certified, with theexception that theymaynot vote.
Should thePresident of the FacultySenateresign that office, theVicePresident will be his/her replacement unless the resignation occurs between the timeof thebi-annual election at which the new President was elected and the dateof accession to that officein whichcasethe President-elect will immediately assumethe officeof President. Should theVicePresident, Secretary, Sergeant-at-Arms, or Member-at-Largeresign, those offices will be filled byan out-of-cycle election, accordingto the followingprocedures.
TheSecretaryof the FacultySenate, wheninformed ofa vacancyin one ofthe offices of the FacultySenate, shall promptlyinform themembers of the FacultySenate ofthe vacancyand ofan election for replacementat thenext scheduled meetingof the FacultySenate. At this next scheduled meeting, thoseelected FacultySenators who wish to run for election to fill thevacant officeshallidentifythemselves and the Secretaryshall conduct an election bywritten ballot. In the event that thevacancyisthat ofthe Secretary, theSergeant-at-Arms willexecute theseprocedures.
Officers ofthe FacultySenatemayberemoved according to theprocedures described in the Constitution.
1.President. Theduties and functions of the Faculty
Senate President areto:
a.preside at FacultySenate meetings;
b.serveas Chairof the Faculty Senate ExecutiveCommittee;
c.represent the FacultySenate onanymatter withinthe FacultySenate’s jurisdiction or as requested bytheBoard of Trustees orUniversity President;
d.serveas liaison between the FacultySenate and the President of theUSFSystem/President of USF, Provost, and Senior VicePresident for Health;
e.serveasavotingmemberofthe USFSystem
f.supervise the staff oftheFacultySenate; and
g.perform other duties as maybedirected bythe
2.VicePresident. Theduties and functions of the
FacultySenate VicePresident areto:
a.act as President when thePresident is absent or otherwise unable toact;
b.serveas Chairof theResolutionImplementation
c.serveasavotingmemberofthe USFSystem
d.perform other duties asmaybedirected bythe
3.Secretary. Theduties and functions of the Faculty
Senate Secretaryareto:
a.ensurethe minutes of themeetings of theFacultySenate arekept and allnotices required under theConstitutionand Bylaws aretransmitted;
b.ensure all records of theFacultySenateare maintained;
c.manage all FacultySenate elections;
d.serveasavotingmemberofthe USFSystem
e.perform other duties as maybedirected bythe
4.Sergeant-at-Arms.Theduties and functions of the
FacultySenate Sergeant-at-Arms areto:
a.determineissues of quorum and thevoting privileges of alternates atFacultySenate meetings;
b.count votes whenever a rollcallis held or written ballots aresubmitted;
c.maintain order duringFacultySenate meetings;
d.serveasavotingmemberofthe USFSystem
e.perform other duties asmaybedirected bythe
5.Member-at-Large.Theduties of the FacultySenate
a.represent theviews of FacultySenators to the ExecutiveCommittee;
b.serveas liaison between the FacultySenate and the ExecutiveCommittee;
c.coordinate an orientationsession fornew
d.serveasavotingmemberofthe USFSystem
e.perform other duties asmaybedirected bythe
6.Parliamentarian. Theduties of the FacultySenate
Parliamentarian areto:
a.advise the FacultySenate President on parliamentaryprocedures;
b.advise anyFacultySenatordesiringhelp on motions or other parliamentaryprocedures;
c.serveon the Constitution and Bylaws Committee, when activated;and
d.perform other duties asmaybedirected bythe
E.Appointments to USFSystem FacultyCouncil
Terms of appointment tothe System FacultyCouncil(SFC) begin August 1, andwillbetwoyears,which maybe extended byup to twoyears. Noindividual mayservemorethan fourconsecutive years on the SFC, but maybe re-elected after one year haselapsed sincethe end ofthelast appointment.
Themembers oftheSFCwillincludethe Senate President, Vice- President, Secretary, Sergeant-at-Arms,andMember-at-Large, unless those individuals areunwillingor unable to serve.The remainingSFC memberswillbe elected bytheFacultySenate through asecret ballotconducted at the final Senate meetingof the academicyear, with appointments startingAugust of thatyear. All SFCmembers must beservingmembers ofthe Senate, elected or
ex-officio, at the timeofbeginningserviceon theSFC. Individuals appointed orelected to the SFCmaycomplete their SFCappointments (includingpossible extension), even if theyare no longermembers ofthe FacultySenate.
SFCmembers willbe appointed bythe Senate President,
followingthe recommendation ofthe Senate ExecutiveCommittee.
ARTICLEII.Meetings of the FacultySenate
A.Regular Meeting
As specifiedin theConstitution. An agendashall be published at least threeworkingdaysprior to themeeting. Meetings shall consist of:
1.action items containing matters to bedecided at current meetings andproposals for action at subsequent meetings, as deemedappropriatebytheFacultySenate ExecutiveCommittee and as time permits;
2.informationitems, such as reports ofgeneral decisions or summaries from committees or other agencies, asdeemed appropriate bytheExecutiveCommittee and as time permits;
3.reports from the President of theUniversity, Provost, Senior VicePresident for USF Health, President of theFaculty Union, President of the FacultySenate,and others, as determinedappropriatebytheExecutiveCommittee and as time permits;and
4.issues from the floor, as timepermits.
B.Special Meetings
As specifiedin theConstitution. Special meetingsshall be called onlywith writtennoticeof themeetingandits agendapublished at leastoneworkingdayprior.
Fiftypercent of the membership ofthe FacultySenate (includingboth the elected members and theex-officio members), shall constitute aquorum. Forpurposes of calculatingaquorum the sizeof thebodyshallexcludevacant seats. Duringthe summer term, thenumber requiredforaquorum shallbebasedupon the number of FacultySenators whohaveauniversity appointment duringthe summer. TheSergeant-at-Arms shallbe responsible forkeepingrecords necessaryforsuch determination.
ARTICLEIII.Committees andCouncils
A.FacultySenate Committees
FacultySenate Committees arestandingbodies ofthe
1.Faculty SenateExecutiveCommittee. TheExecutive Committeeis composed ofthe Officers ofthe FacultySenate, theImmediatePast President of theFacultySenate,the Chairof the Committeeon Committees,and the Chairs ofthe Faculty Senate Councils. TheExecutiveCommitteeshall meet monthlyandas deemed necessarybythePresident of the Faculty Senate. Aquorum for meetings of theExecutiveCommitteeshall consistof fiftypercent of the members, includingat least four elected Senators. Minutes of the meetings of theExecutiveCommitteeshall be made available to thegeneral facultyinatimelymanner.
TheFaculty Senate ExecutiveCommitteeshall:
a.serveasan advisorybodyto thePresident of theFacultySenateon anymatter thePresident of theFacultySenatebrings beforeit;
b.determineagendaitems formeetings of theFacultySenate;
c. serveasa facultyadvisorybodyto thePresident of theUSF System/USF, Provost, and Senior VicePresident for USF Health, and in that capacityshall meet with these
Universityofficers on aregular basis; and
d.act on behalf of the FacultySenate on matters declared bythe Presidentof the FacultySenate tobeof an emergencynature. Anyaction taken in this respect bythe Faculty SenateExecutiveCommitteeshall be
reported in writingbythePresident of theFaculty Senate to the members ofthe FacultySenate at or beforethenext regular meeting. The Faculty Senate shallthen reviewsuch action. ThePresident of theFacultySenate willgive themembers oftheFacultySenate advancenoticeof anyemergencymeeting ofthe Faculty Senate ExecutiveCommittee, if feasible.
2.Committeeon Committees. TheCommittee on Committees iscomposed of one FacultySenator from each unit. Members are elected bytheirunits in the springsemester, to serveoneyear terms to begin the followingfallsemester, or as vacancies occuroutsideof this cycle. TheChair shallbeselected bythe President of the FacultySenate with the approval of the Faculty Senate ExecutiveCommittee. A quorum formeetings of the Committee on Committees shall consist of fifty percent of the members.
TheCommitteeon Committees shall: nominations formembership on Faculty Senate Councils andUniversityCommittees andCouncils from amongthe membership of the FacultySenate and the general faculty; regularlyto reviewthe fitof nominees with the particular needs of the Faculty Senate Councils and UniversityCommittees and Councils forwhich theyapply and recommend thosenominees who best fit;
c.through its Chair, forward nominations to the
Faculty Senate ExecutiveCommitteeand the FacultySenate in a timelymanner and attend meetings of thesebodies to report on thenominations;
d.regularlyreviewthe procedures for nomination and selection of facultymembers of Faculty Senate Councils and UniversityCommitteesand Councils andimplement changes as needed, subject to the approval of theFaculty Senate ExecutiveCommittee;
e.promulgate toassurethetimelysubmission of reports of the Faculty Senate Councils andthat theybe filedwith the FacultySenateinatimelymanner and timelinein accordancewith the chargeof each Council; and
f.regularlyreviewthechargeand activityof allFaculty Senate Councils andmake recommendations to theFacultySenateExecutiveCommittee and the FacultySenateto change, disband, combineor addFaculty Senate Councils or to remove facultymembers.
3.Constitution and BylawsCommittee. At least once every fiveyears, and as neededsubject to the consent ofthe Faculty Senate ExecutiveCommittee,the President of the FacultySenate shallactivate aConstitution and Bylaws Committeewhich mayproposeto theFacultySenate changes in theConstitutionortheBylaws.A minimumof threeSenators willserveon the Constitution and Bylaws Committee. ThePresident of the FacultySenateshall select theChair ofthe Constitution and Bylaws Committee and theParliamentarian shallserve asa member. Terms ofofficeshall be oneyearand maybe extended through the term of the appointingFaculty Senate President.
4.ResolutionImplementation Committee. TheResolution Implementation Committeetracks theprogress ofFacultySenate resolutions oncepassedand until fulfilled or closed and regularlyreports on resolution status to the FacultySenate. TheResolutionImplementation Committeeis composed ofaminimum of threeFacultySenators,appointed bythePresident
of theFacultySenate, and shallbe chaired bythe VicePresidentofthe FacultySenate. Terms ofofficewillbeone year and maybe extended up to threeyears.
5.Ad HocCommittees of the FacultySenate. Other committees maybenamed bythe President of theFacultySenate as necessaryand shallbetemporary.
B.Faculty Senate Councils
Faculty Senate Councils shall makepolicyrecommendations and facilitate facultyparticipation in sharedgovernancewithin the scopeof theircharges.
Faculty Senate Councils shall meet no less than twiceper semester duringtheFalland Springsemesters and maymeet moreoften, as appropriategiven the workload inherent in the scopeof their charge. CouncilChairs shallfilewritten reportsannuallywith the Secretaryof the FacultySenate. CouncilChairs ortheir designated representativeshall report to theFacultySenate at thediscretion ofthe President of the FacultySenate or the Chairof the Faculty Senate Committeeon Committees, or bymajority vote ofthe Faculty SenateExecutiveCommitteeortheFacultySenate.
Appointment of Faculty Senate Councilmembers occurson a continuous basis. TheFaculty Senate Committeeon Committees shallsolicit members forselection to Faculty SenateCouncils. Membership is open to anymember of thegeneral faculty. Based upon the recommendation ofthe Committeeon Committees which shall consult with the Provost, the FacultySenate, by majorityvote, willappointmembers from among those recommended bythe Committeeon Committees.
Councilmembersshall attend and fullyparticipatein all meetings of their Councils. Chairs of Councils shall ensure written minutes of eachCouncilmeetingarekeptand promptly posted in a manner that provides reasonable access byallmembers ofthe general faculty. Inaddition, theyshall promptlyrespond tocalls to answeradditional inquiries byanymemberof thegeneral faculty. AnyCouncilmember, to includeChairs, shall, by majorityvote ofthe FacultySenate, bedismissed for failureto perform appropriate duties.
1.Councilon Educational PolicyandIssues (CEPI). CEPI advises the Provostand the Senior VicePresident for USF Healthor theirdesignees on matters that influencethe qualityof education atUSF.
2.Councilon Faculty Issues (CFI). CFIadvises theProvost and the Senior VicePresident for USF Health or theirdesignees on matters that influencethepersonal and professional welfare ofthe faculty, to includeevaluation of theperformanceof facultyand administrators.
3.Councilon Student Admissions (CSA). CSA advisesthe Provost and the Senior VicePresident for USF Health or theirdesignees on matters pertainingto the establishment and maintenance ofpolicies, principles, and regulations affectingtheselection and admission ofstudents to USF.
4.Councilon TechnologyforInstruction and Research(CTIR). CTIRadvises the Provost and the Senior VicePresident for USF Health or their designees on matters pertaining to the function, policies, and requirements regardingtheuse of technologyin instructionand research.
5.General Education Council(GEC). GEC advisesthe Provost and the Senior VicePresident for USF Health or theirdesignees on matters pertainingto theongoingdevelopment, implementation, and assessment of an effectivegeneral education program. Responsibilities include theevaluation and approval of courses forthe liberal arts curriculum, as wellas the periodicevaluation ofthe general education policyand developmentof futuregeneral education programs.
6.Graduate Council(GC). GC advises the Provost and the Senior VicePresident for USF Health or theirdesignees on principles, policies, and proceduresaffecting graduate education at USF.
7.Honors andAwards Council(HAC). HAC advises the
Provost and the Senior VicePresident for USF Health or theirdesignees on matters regardingtheprovision ofvarious academic honors and awardsgranted bytheUSF.
8.LibraryCouncil(LC). LC advises the Provost and the Senior VicePresident for USF Health or theirdesignees on matters pertainingto thecomposition, function, and structureof the Universitylibraries.
9.Publications Council (PC). PCadvises the Provost and the Senior VicePresident for USF Health or their designees on matters pertainingtorecruitingsuitable scholarlyandcreative works forpublication and to decide which worksto support with subvention. Also, serves asadvisoryboard to the United Press of Floridawhen subvented manuscripts are publishedbyUnited Press of Florida.
10.Research Council(RC). RCadvises the Provost and the Senior VicePresident for USF Health or theirdesignees on matters pertainingto policiesandprocedures intended to
promotegrowth, excellence,and integrityin research andcreative activitythroughoutUSF.
11.Undergraduate Council(UC). UC advises the Provostand the Senior VicePresident for USF Health or theirdesignees onmatters pertainingto undergraduate courses, curricula, institutional programs, and degrees ofthe University. In addition, UC addresses the development of futureundergraduate programs and thedevelopment, review, and updatingof USF’s statementof academicgoals and objectives.
Other Faculty Senate Councils maybenamed bythe President of the FacultySenate as necessaryand shallbetemporary.
C.UniversityCommittees and Councils
UniversityCommittees and Councils act on matters that arenot within the basic jurisdiction oftheFacultySenate, as defined in theConstitution.
IfaUniversityCommitteeor Councilrequires faculty membership, the facultymembers shallbeselected bythe same process as used forFaculty Senate Councils. Anyfaculty member ofaUniversityCommitteeor Councilmaybe removed by the same process as applies toFaculty Senate Councils.
UniversityCommittees and Councils maybeestablishedwithout approval of theFacultySenate but no University Committeeor Councilmayaddress issues within thebasic jurisdiction ofthe FacultySenate.
A FacultySenator who must be absent from a meetingof the FacultySenate must, except under extraordinary circumstances,send analternate asa replacement. The alternate mustbeamember ofthegeneralfacultyand notacurrent member ofthe FacultySenate. The alternate mustpresent a statement signed bytheFacultySenator to theSergeant-at-Arms indicatingthe transfer ofvotingrights forthe duration ofthe meeting. When thealternate presents thesigned statement, the Sergeant-at-Arms shall record theFacultySenator as present and confer votingrights to the alternate forthe duration of themeeting. Ifthe FacultySenator isan officer oftheFacultySenate,the alternate maynot assume anyof theduties of theofficebut can assumethe fullvotingrights of aFacultySenator. Thesigned statement and resultingtransfer of voting rights shallbevalid for onemeetingof the FacultySenate. NoFacultySenatormaysendan alternate more than twiceper semester ormorethan threetimes peracademicyear.
B.Resignation and Removal
A FacultySenator is deemed to have resigned his/her seat if the FacultySenator:
1.submits a written declaration of resignation to theSecretary ofthe FacultySenate; or recordedabsent atthree meetings of the Faculty Senate duringasingle semester or fourmeetingsofthe FacultySenate duringasingleacademicyear.
Absenceon leaveor sabbatical constitutesabsenceand so any FacultySenator intendingto takeleaveorsabbatical of morethan two months’ duration is expected to resign his/her seat in advanceof theleaveor sabbatical.
A FacultySenator mayberemoved from his/her seat for failureto fulfillthe duties of theposition orthrough certification bythe President of the FacultySenate thattheFacultySenator maybeon leaveor sabbaticalandunable to attend meetings for aperiod ofmorethan two months’ duration during his/her term ofoffice andhas failed to submit a written letter of resignation to theSecretaryof theFacultySenate.
To remove a FacultySenator from his/herseat forfailureto fulfill theduties of theposition, anythreeor moreFaculty Senators shallsign awritten statement declaringthat another FacultySenator has failed to fulfilloneormoreof the duties of a FacultySenator, as listed in theseBylaws, and providingsupportingevidence. This signed statement must be presented to the President of the FacultySenate. Upon receiptof such asigned statement, the President oftheFacultySenateshall schedule avote on removal atthe next meetingof the FacultySenateor theoneimmediately thereafter. TheFacultySenator shallberemoved byavote ofno less than 2/3rds ofFacultySenatorspresent at a scheduled meetingof theFacultySenate, provided a quorum is established.AnyFacultySenator removed from his/her seatis ineligibleto serveon the FacultySenate fora minimum of three calendaryears from the date ofremoval.