Bylaws Of St. Luke Lutheran Church
Bylaws of St. Luke Lutheran Church
Approved by action of the congregation on: January XX, 2015
Bylaws Of St. Luke Lutheran Church
Section 1. Mission Of St. Luke Lutheran Church
Section 2. Organization
Section 3 Duties Of The Officers Of The Congregation
Section 4 Mission and Composition of the Congregation’s Purpose Teams
Section 5 Mission And Composition Of The Congregation’s Support Teams
Section 6 Annual Congregation Meeting
Section 7. Congregation Council Procedures
Bylaws Of St. Luke Lutheran Church
Section 1. Mission Of St. Luke Lutheran Church
The mission of this congregation is to reach farther in proclaiming God’s love and to serve better in showing God’s love.
Section 2. Organization
S2.01 The organization of St. Luke Lutheran Church shall consist of the members of the congregation, the Congregation Council, the Pastor(s), Purpose Teams, Support Teams, and the Staff (defined in the Continuing Resolutions of the Congregation Council). Figure S2.1 shows the organizational structure of St. Luke Lutheran Church, exclusive of staff.
S2.02 Membership. The membership of the congregation is defined by the provisions of chapter 8 of the constitutionand as further defined in this section.
- Membership Rolls: The roll of members of this congregation shall be reviewed annually and shall be considered accurate as of the "review date". The reviewing authority and the review date shall be specified in the Continuing Resolutions of the Congregation Council[DS1]. In performing this annual review the reviewing authority shall:
- Conduct an examination of the roll of members of this congregation to verify that each member is properly classified (see paragraph †C8.02 of the constitution for membership classifications).
- Identify membership terminations since the last review date.
- Recommend to the Congregation Council removal from the roll of members those persons meeting the requirements of †C.8.05 of St Luke constitution and for inactivity those who have not completed each of the following activitiesat St. Luke Lutheran church, Gales Ferry, Connecticutduring the current or preceding year:
a)Communed ;
b)Made a contribution of record.The contribution of record consists of either (1) personal time in support of St Luke operations or ministries or (2) financial contributions; and
c)Attended a worship service or Christian education opportunity at St Luke Lutheran Church..
- Prior to making recommendations for removal the reviewing authority shall endeavor, by reasonable means (phone call, letter, electronic means or visit as appropriate) to ascertain the accuracy of the record or the intention of the subject person with respect to continued membership in this congregation. Persons removed from the roll of members for inactivity shall be reinstated in the appropriate classification upon communing,making a contribution of record, and attending a Christian education opportunity, providing the action takes place prior to the next review date.
- The Congregation Council shall act on the recommendation to remove persons from the roll of members for inactivity on or before a date to be specified in the Continuing Resolutions of the Congregation Council[DS2].
S2.03 Congregation Council
- The membership of the Congregation Council shall consist of the Pastor(s), the three Officers of the congregation, and six elected Councilors. Five of the elected Councilors shall represent one of the five purpose teams and the sixth elected councilor shall represent the Facility Support Team.
- The President of the congregation shall preside over the Congregation Council
- The Congregation Councilshall,at the first Council meeting following the annual meeting,appoint each of the six elected Councilors to serve as a councilrepresentative toeach of the purpose teams and to the Facility Support Team.
- The following are established as purposeteams:
- The following are established as supportteams:
- At the first team meeting following the Congregation Council assignment to a team the council representative shall convene the team and conduct an election for chair of that team.
S2.09 Lay staff
- With the exception of associates in ministry, staff positions shall be created and eliminated by the Congregation Council.
- The functions, duties, responsibilities, and supervisor of each lay staff position shall be defined in the continuing resolutions of the Congregation Council.
- Each lay staff position shall be associated with a single congregational team that shall be assigned oversight responsibilities for the position.
- The supervisor and the oversight team of each lay staff position shall provide information to the team tasked with the annual evaluation of the position incumbent.
- Close liaison and coordination shall exist between the lay staff person and the team.
- Paid lay staff shall be ineligible to hold elected positions within the congregation.
Section 3. Teams, Groups
S3.01 Teams may foster other functional units within their structure when in the Team’s opinion it will expedite fulfillment of the team’s mission and responsibilities. Functional units within purpose teams shall be called “focused ministries.” Functional units within support teams shall be called “groups.”
S3.02 The senior pastor shall be ex officio a member of all teams and groups of this congregation, except the Audit Group.
3.04 Nominating Team - In accordance with St Luke constitution †C5.03.i the congregation is responsible for electing members to the Nominating Team.
- The congregation, at its Annual Meeting, shall elect a NOMINATING TEAM to serve for a term of one year. The Nominating Team shall consist of six voting members of this congregation, not more than two of whom may be outgoing members of the Congregation Council. Nominating Team members are ineligible to serve for consecutive terms.
- In the event that membership of the team during the year drops to less than four persons, the Congregation Council shall appoint new members to attain the required level of six members. A member appointed to fill a vacancy shall be eligible for election to a full term.
- The duties of the Nominating Team shall be to seek, interview, and recommend candidates to serve in the elected positions of this congregation. These positions include: the Officers of the congregation and other elected Councilors of the Congregation Council, and representatives from the congregation to the Annual Synod Assembly. Additionally, the nominating team shall seek, interview, and recommend candidates to serve as Audit Group members. Duties and make-up of the Audit Group are described in section S.3.05 below. Should a vacancy in one of these positions occur during the year, the Nominating Team shall seek, interview, and recommend a candidate to the Congregation Council to serve until the next Annual Meeting.
- The Nominating Team shall likewise seek and compile—but not recommend—a list of eligible candidates to serve on the next Nominating team. Any eligible voting member who is nominated by members of the congregation to serve on the Nominating Committee shall be included on that list; no eligiblecandidate shall be evaluated or eliminated by the existing Nominating Team or by the Congregation Council. The nominee retains the privilege of declining candidacy.
- The President of the congregation shall convene the newly elected Nominating Team following the Annual Meeting and prior to the first regularly scheduled congregation council meeting and shall conduct an election for chair of the team.
S3.05 An Audit Group shall be appointed by the congregation council. The team shall consist of three voting members of this congregation who are not members of the Finance Team or the Congregation Council. Members shall be for a term of three years, with one member being appointed each year no later than the November meeting of the Congregation Council following the Annual Meeting. Members are eligible for reappointment. Vacancies occurring prior to the completion of a term shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term. The group shall choose a leader and report that decision to the Congregation Council by the December Council Meeting.
S3.06 Ad Hoc Teams
- May be directed to be established by the Congregation. Such directive is to the congregation council and is accomplished througha simple majority vote of the congregation at a legally called and held congregation meeting.
- May be established by the Congregation Council as the need arises.
- The mission, duties, responsibilities, composition, and term of office of such ad hoc teams shall be defined in writing in the continuing resolutions of the Congregation Council.
- The Congregation Council shall appoint all ad hoc team members.
- No ad hoc team shall have voting representation on the Congregation Council.
Section 4. Duties Of The Officers Of The Congregation
S4.01 The President of this congregation shall:
- Preside over meetings of the congregation and of the Congregation Council;
- In conjunction with the Senior Pastor prepare and ensure distribution of the notice and agenda for such meetings;
- In conjunction with the Senior Pastor approve all official correspondence of this congregation;
- Be a member of the Planning Team;
- Have ex-officio membership on all other standing and ad hoc teams of this congregation, except the Nominating Team and Audit Group.
S4.02 The Vice-President of this congregation shall:
- In the absence of the President,assume the President’s responsibilities;
- Chair the People Support Team and ensure that its duties and responsibilities are carried out;
- Notify Officers, team members, and delegates of their election or appointment, and ensure they are provided with the necessary documents required for the performance of their duties;
- Furnish delegates with credentials;
- Sign all certified copies of acts of this congregation unless otherwise specified in the Constitution or bylaws;
- Ensure that minutes are recorded for all official meetings of this congregation and the Congregation Council and are retained in a permanent file. Post copies of such minutes as required by the Constitution;
- Maintain a file in which the Constitution, bylaws, and Continuing Resolutions are kept along with properly recorded amendments to these documents;
- Make the above files or suitable copies available upon request to any member of this congregation;
- Be a member of the Planning Team.
S4.03 The Treasurer of this congregation shall:
- Be responsible for all financial transactions of this congregation;
- Chair the Financial Support Teamand ensure that its duties and responsibilities are carried out;
- Make a written summary report of all financial transactions to the Congregation Council monthly and to the congregation annually;
- Make monthly remittance of benevolence receipts to the Treasurer of the Synod.
- Be a member of the Planning Team.
Section 5. Mission and Composition of the Congregation’s Purpose Teams
S5.01 The WORSHIP PURPOSE TEAM shall promote individual and corporate devotion to our God in Christ. It shall promote opportunities for personal prayer and piety. It shall also assist the Pastor(s) and the professional staff in providing opportunities for corporate worship suited to the needs of the congregation. This team shall consist of a chair and other interested members of this congregation.This team may foster any focused ministries that are necessary to fulfill its stated mission. The leader of each focused ministry within this team shall be a member of the WORSHIP PURPOSE TEAM.
S5.02 The EVANGELISM PURPOSE TEAM shall invite those outside our community to join us in worship and in service to God’s people. It shall extend hospitality to those who respond to this invitation. This team shall consist of a chair and other interested members of this congregation. This team may foster any focused ministries that are necessary to fulfill its stated mission. The leader of each focused ministry within this team shall be a member of the EVANGELISM PURPOSE TEAM
S5.03 The MINISTRY PURPOSE TEAM shall promote the congregation’s care for the sick, its companionship for the lonely, its support for the troubled, and its sustenance for the aged. It shall direct this care inward—toward members of the congregation—andoutward—toward the community. This team shall consist of a chair and other interested members of this congregation. This team may foster any focused ministries that are necessary to fulfill its stated mission. The leader of each focused ministry within this team shall be a member of the MINISTRY PURPOSE TEAM.
- This team shall establishfocused ministries for PASTORAL CARE which shall develop, coordinate, and supervise all inreach programs that extend care to those among us in crisis and those in need of personal care. This team shall appoint leaders of thesefocused ministries and help enlist other interested members as may be necessary to fulfill the mission of thesefocused ministries.
- This team shall establishfocused ministriesfor SOCIAL MINISTRY which shall develop, coordinate, and supervise all outreach programs that extend care beyond the church community. This team shall appoint leaders of thesefocused ministries and help enlist other interested members as may be necessary to fulfill the mission of thesefocused ministries.
- This team may fosterany other focused ministries that it considers necessary to fulfill its stated mission.
S5.04 The DISCIPLESHIP PURPOSE TEAM shall promote individual and corporate spirituality. It shall promote educational opportunities for all levels of Christian maturity. It shall provide opportunities for Christian stewardship. This team shall consist of a chair and other interested members of this congregation. This team may foster any focused ministries that are necessary to fulfill its stated mission. The leader of each focused ministry within this team shall be a member of the DISCIPLESHIP PURPOSE TEAM.
- This team shall establishfocused ministries forCHRISTIAN EDUCATION which shall develop, coordinate, and supervise all education programs within the congregation.This team shall appoint leaders of these focused ministries and help enlist other interested members as may be necessary to fulfill the mission of thesefocused ministries.
- This team shall establishfocused ministries for STEWARDSHIP whichshall enlist the support of the congregation for the total ministry of this congregation. It shall coordinate an annual stewardship drive for members’ commitment of the time, talent, and funds needed to conduct our ministry. This team shall appoint leaders of these focused ministries and help enlist other interested members as may be necessary to fulfill the mission of thesefocused ministries.
- This team may fosterany other focused ministries that it considers necessary to fulfill its mission.
S5.05 The FELLOWSHIP PURPOSE TEAM shall promote the bond of companionship among Christian believers. This team shall consist of a chair and other interested members of this congregation. This team may foster any focused ministries that are necessary to fulfill its stated mission. This team may foster any other focused ministries that it considers necessary to fulfill its duties and responsibilities. The leader of each focused ministry within this team shall be a member of the FELLOWSHIP PURPOSE TEAM.
Section 6. Mission And Composition Of The Congregation’s Support Teams
S6.01 The PEOPLE SUPPORT TEAM shall recruit, develop, coordinate, and administratively supervise all paid staff in the congregation; it shall also develop, recommend, and maintain appropriate personnel practices, procedures and policies. The chair of this team shall be the Vice-President of the congregation. This team shall consist of other interested members of this congregation as needed to fulfill its duties and responsibilities. The leader of eachgroup within this team shall be a member of the PEOPLE SUPPORT TEAM
- This team shall establish an ADMINISTRATION GROUP which shall develop, review, and propose for action pertaining to all personnel and administrative policies for this congregation. It shall exercise oversight of all administrative operations of the Church not specifically assigned elsewhere.
- This team shall establish a STAFF SUPPORT GROUPwhich shall support and advise the Pastor(s), Associate(s) in Ministry, and such other staff members of the church as determined by the Congregation Council. This group shall consist of a leader who shall be a member of PEOPLE SUPPORT TEAM. It shall also consist of other interested members of this congregation. All members of this group are appointed by the Congregation Council, subject to preliminary approval by the staff supported by the team. Other members of the people support team and members of the Congregation Council are ineligible for membership on the Staff SupportGroup.
- This team may fosterany other groups that it considers necessary to fulfill its duties and responsibilities.
S6.02 The FINANCIAL SUPPORT TEAM shalldevelop, recommend to the Congregation Council for approval, and administratively supervise the congregation’s financial policies, practices and procedures. The team shall develop and administratively supervise the receipt, accounting, and disbursement of all funds within the congregation in accordance with generally accepted state and federal accounting practices The chair of this team shall be the Treasurer of the congregation. This team shall consist of other interested members of this congregation as needed to fulfill its duties and responsibilities. The leader of eachgroup within this team shall be a member of the FINANCIAL SUPPORT TEAM. This team shall establish the following groups:
- FINANCIALOPERATIONS GROUP which shall review and maintain all operations with respect to the operation of all funds (general, building, and special) within the congregation. The group administratively preserves the congregation’s not-for-profit corporate status.The leader of this groupshall be the Treasurer, or an Assistant Treasurer appointed by the Treasurer and approved by the Congregation Council. This group shall consist of the principals contributing to the operation of the congregation’s general fund and its building fund, such as the congregation’s bookkeeper, the cash receipts clerk, the disbursement clerk, the lead counter. It shall also consist of a lead person responsible for any special fund within the congregation, such as the congregation’s memorial fund.
- AUDIT GROUP which shall ensure that an annual audit of the congregation’s finances is conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing practices. The AUDIT GROUP may recommend external auditors to the Congregation Council. The AUDIT GROUPshall report the results of the audit to the Congregation Council by its March Meeting and to the congregation at the next congregational Meeting
- INVESTMENT GROUP which shall provide oversight of the congregation’s investments.
- INSURANCE GROUP which shall provide oversight of the congregation’s insurance program(s). This group will ensure that the congregation’s assets are insured and that its Officers and Councilors are bonded. It will administratively supervise all congregational insurance products
- FINANCIAL POLICIES AND PRACTICES GROUP which shall develop, recommend, and oversee the congregation’s financial policies and practices.
- This team may fosterany other groups that it considers necessary to fulfill its duties and responsibilities.
S6.03 The FACILITY SUPPORT TEAM shall maintain all congregation owned property and equipment unless otherwise designated by the Congregation Council, shall recommend for Council approval necessary improvements to Church property, and shall supervise approved maintenance and improvement projects. This team shall consist of a chair and other interested members of this congregation. This team may foster any other groups as are necessary to fulfill its stated mission. The leader of each group within this team shall be a member of the FACILITY SUPPORT TEAM.