Bylaws of SS. Brendan and Jude Pastoral Council
Alfred-Almond, New York
Article I. Name and Purpose:
The name shall be SS. Brendan and Jude Pastoral Council of Alfred-Almond. Recognizing that "The activity of the laity is so necessary that without it the apostolate of pastors is often unable to achieve its full effectiveness" and that the laity "offer special skills to make the care of souls and the administration of the temporalities of the Church more efficient and effective" (Decree on Laity, No.1 0), it shall be the purpose of the Council to collaborate in an advisory role with the Pastor and to organize and coordinate the total ministry of the Parish.
Article II. Membership:
A.Composition: The Pastoral Council shall consist of selected and ex-officio members and may include two college students, one from each campus when possible. All Council members shall be members of the parish community.
- Selected Members: There shall be six (6) selected three-year terms with, ideally, two new members selected each year.
- Ex-officio Members: Pastoral Team (including campus minister) and Parish Trustees will serve in this capacity.
The Pastor shall appoint up to two (2) voting members for a one-year term for special projects.
If a position becomes vacant, another member may be selected from previous nominees. If no nominees are available, a member shall be recruited to complete the term vacated.
B.Procedures for Selection:
- A parishioner may self-nominate or be nominated by any member of the parish with his/her permission.
- The slate of candidates shall be printed in the parish bulletin two weeks prior to the established selection date.
- Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday or no later than the end of June, the selection shall be made from a red bag containing nominees’ names.
Article III. Organization of the Pastoral Council:
A.Officer selection:At the June meeting the offices of President, Vice President, and Secretary shall be determined by members who step forward or from a random red bag selection.
B.Duties of the President shall include:
- Schedule, convene and conduct meetings
- Publish and distribute an agenda,
- Receive reports from committee chairs,
- Assign special tasks to Council members.
C.Duties of the Vice-President shall include:
- Assist the President in the performance of duties,
- Conduct meetings in the absence of the President.
- Represent the Parish on the Lay Vicariate Committee
D.Duties of the Secretary shall include:
- Record minutes of the meetings and summarizing for publication in the bulletin,
- Email or mail copies of the minutes within a week of the meeting,
- Handle miscellaneous correspondence as directed by the President,
- Maintain a file of all Pastoral Council meeting minutes and committee reports.
E.Duties of Members: Members shall take a leadership role, be willing to serve as an officer, and agree to actively coordinate one or more committees. He/she is expected to attend all meetings, notify the President if unable to attend a meeting, and resign if regular attendance cannot be maintained.
Article V. Meetings:
- The Council shall establish the schedule of monthly meetings for the following year, usually at the June meeting,
- The President or Pastor shall call additional meetings when needed,
- A quorum, majority of voting members, shall be present to conduct normal business. Voting members include selected, and student council members. Ex-officio members are non-voting.
Suggested Procedure:
- Call to order and opening prayer
- Approval of minutes
- Committee reports
- Old Business
- New Business
- Pastor's Comments
- Prayer and Adjournment
Article VI. Committees (see attached for descriptions):
Standing Committees:
- Education
Subcommittee:Children’s Church - Finance
- Worship (Liturgy)
Subcommittees:Music Ministry
Chapel Environment
4.Parish Life (social)
Subcommittees:Bereavement Ministry
Homebound Ministry
Prayer Chain
5.Fund Raising
Subcommittee:Catholic Charities
7.Youth (Genesis)
8.Campus Ministry
9.Buildings and Grounds
Other committees shall be formed as needed.
Article VII. Amendment Procedure:
Proposed amendments to the Constitution must be presented by a member of the Council. Two-thirds of the voting membership shall be necessary to pass an amendment.
(Amended and ratified, 2012)
SS. Brendan and Jude Parish
Missions of Lay Ministry Committees
Bereavement Ministry: The Bereavement Committee shall be responsible for contacting the bereaved, making an appointment with the bereaved, being present for the bereaved and determining the needs of the bereaved, assisting the bereaved in planning a liturgy, and reporting this information to the pastor and pastoral associates.
Building and Grounds Committee: The building and grounds committee shall be responsible for overseeing the long term care and maintenance of the Parish’s facilities and grounds, conducting a regular building survey every three to five years and creating a care plan based on said survey, and assisting the parish in preventing and addressing problems as they arise.
Campus Ministry: The Campus Ministry committee shall be responsible for coordinating and providing sustainable opportunities to live an active faith life through the Parish of Ss. Brendan and Jude to the college students of AU and Alfred State.
Catholic Charities and Fundraising: The Catholic Charities and fundraising committee shall be responsible for organizing and executing the yearly Catholic Charities fundraising initiative within the Parish as well as organizing and facilitating additional fund raisers as decided upon through consultation with the Pastoral Council.
Chapel Environment Ministry: The Chapel Environment committee shall be responsible for providing decorations for the chapel in keeping with the current holy season.
Finance Committee: The finance committee shall be responsible for overseeing the financial well being of the parish and exercise good stewardship in an attempt to increase the strength of the Parish’s financial standings. Duties include at least quarterly, but sometimes monthly meetings (when needed), organizing counting of weekly collections, complying with diocesan book keeping regulations, and reporting to the Pastoral Committee on a regular basis.
Genesis Youth Advisory Committee: The Genesis Youth Ministry Advisory committee shall be responsible for meeting on quarterly basis to discuss the progress of youth ministry, review the monthly reports from the youth minister, and plan for the continued growth of youth ministry.
Homebound Ministry: The Sick and Homebound Outreach committee shall be responsible for contacting the sick and homebound, organizing and assisting the ministry of sacraments where appropriate to the sick and homebound, and visiting the sick and homebound.
Music Ministry: The Music Ministry shall be responsible for planning and providing music at masses throughout the week.
Parish Life Committee: The Parish Life Committee shall be responsible for coordinating and organizing the sustainable vibrancy of the faith community including welcoming new members, organizing registration efforts, strategic plans for increasing numbers, coordinating opportunities for spiritual gatherings, coordinating social gatherings, and surveying the Parish to determine what needs are present.
Prayer Chain: The Prayer Chain shall be responsible for collecting and initiating prayer requests through an organized chain of faithful in the Parish. Chairs: Kim Donius and Kathy Johnson?
Religious Education and Children’s Church: The RE/CC committee shall be responsible for coordinating religious education and children’s church for the parish.