REVISED: December 1, 2011
The name of this organization shall be the Good Shepherd Coalition, herein referred to as GSC .
The GSC is a group of Christian churches that have formed partnerships with community-based organizations and agencies, to assist people in need in Central Macomb County. These churches shall be referred to as members.
The GSC, in cooperation with local churches and agencies, will assist people in need where the social services agencies are unable to provide help, so that they may achieve greater self-sufficiency through Christian love and compassion, demonstrated through our faith in action with the provision of food, shelter, clothing, medical and other basic needs in order to bring transformation of lives through the power of God.
Without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, gender, marital status, or sexual preference, and as an equal opportunity employer, the Good Shepherd Coalition is established to serve the citizens residing within the general geographic boundaries of Central Macomb County. Services may be for the following purposes:
- To provide for emergencies such as clothing, food, transportation, and financial assistance
- To alert the community to specific social problems and the means for dealing with those problems.
- To provide access to professional counseling services.
- To provide social service information and assistance.
- To coordinate community concerns, available resources, programs, and projects for those in need.
- To perform other appropriate tasks as community needs arise; and to identify and locate individuals with needs
Any Christian church in the service area may become a member of the GSC, provided it:
- Will annually review and officially endorse the purposes of the Good Shepherd Coalition.
- Will make an annual financial commitment, in writing, supporting the GSC.
- Will provide representatives to serve as members of the Board of Directors, serve on the standing, or ad hoc committees of the Good Shepherd Coalition as described in Article XII and Article XIII of these bylaws.
- There shall be a minimum of one General Meeting per year.
- Notice to all members shall be provided at least seven days before any General Meeting.
- The members present at the General Meeting represent a quorum and all business may be conducted.
- When voting, a simple majority of the members present shall govern in all cases wherein it does not conflict with the bylaws. Each member church present will receive one vote In the case of a tie, the measure shall not be passed.
There shall be a minimum of four officers of the membership of the GSC: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. All officers shall be professing members of a Christian church.
The duties of the respective officers shall be the following:
- The Chair presides over the meetings of the membership, sees that decisions of the membership are carried out, keeps the membership informed of miscellaneous matters, represents the membership, and is one of the signatories on any financial account of the membership. The Chair shall also serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.
- The Vice-Chair assumes the duties and responsibilities of the Chair in their absence, and is one of the signatories on the financial account of the membership.
- The Secretary shall be responsible for all official minutes and correspondence of the membership.
- The Treasurer receives and disburses the funds of the organization, keeps proper records of accounts; is one of the signatories on any financial accounts of the membership, presents financial reports to the membership, and opens accounts through resolution of the membership.
The Executive Director is designated by and serves at the pleasure of the Board of Directors in accordance with a mutually accepted job description. The Executive Director shall be evaluated for job performance each year on the month of their hiring by the chairperson. Dismissal shall require approval by two-thirds of the Board of Directors. The Executive Director shall be a professing member of a Christian church.
The Executive Director is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the GSC and shall report to the Board of Directors at each regularly scheduled board meeting on activities, needs, programs, projections, and all other matters pertaining to the operation and administration of the GSC.
The Executive Director has a voice in Board of Director’s deliberations, but does not vote.
The election of all officers shall take place at the annual General Meeting, unless otherwise designated by board action, from a slate prepared by the Nominating Committee.
Nominations may be made from the floor, provided the nominee understands the obligations of the office and has agreed to serve if elected. All nominees shall be professing members of a Christian church. How does this work as we are considering an advisory board?
Officers shall be elected by ballot vote by a majority of the members present and voting. Dismissal shall be conducted by ballot vote, and shall require approval of two-thirds of the Board of Directors.
The term of office shall be two (2) years on a rotating basis to ensure that the board will not all leave in the same year.
A member of the Board of Directors may resign at any time upon written notice to the chairperson and the sponsoring congregation.
Such resignation shall take effect upon receipt of notice, or other date specified therein.
The Board of Directors may appoint officers in an interim capacity should a position become vacant between the annual General Meetings.
Absence of a board member from three (3) consecutive Board of Director’s meetings without prior notification of anticipated absence shall be deemed resignation.
- Notification of such assumed resignation shall be given in writing to the organization represented by the board member in question, with the organization having the option of seeking more active representation from the board member, or making a new appointment to the board.
- In the event such absences occur with a board member who does not represent an organization or congregation, such assumed resignation shall be acknowledged in writing to the person.
A published Annual Report of finances and programs shall be presented by the Chair and the Treasurer and shall as a minimum include:
a)Complete record of receipts and disbursements in the fiscal year completed
b)Report of the GSC programs and activities by the Executive Director
Copies of the Annual Report shall be distributed to all board members.
There shall be three (3) standing committees: Operations Support Committee, Public Relations Committee, Finance and Budget Committee. All standing committees shall report to the Board of Directors at each regularly scheduled board meeting.
- The Operations Support Committee shall be responsible for making recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding programs, organizational improvement, and service accountability. These committee members shall be available to assist the Executive Director
- The Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for all policy and decision recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding all advertising and the Good Shepherd Coalition representation.
- The Finance and Budget Committee shall be responsible for and make policy and decision recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding all financial matters. It shall submit an annual budget to the Board of Directors for approval, arrange for an annual audit, and submit all tax returns as required. The Treasurer shall be a member of this committee.
Ad hoc committees shall be appointed by the Chair, as required, to meet specific short-term responsibilities such as, but not limited to: membership, nominating, grievance, bylaw and policy, or special events.
In the event the Chair does not appoint the necessary as hoc committee(s), such committee(s) may be formed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of members of the Board of Directors present and voting at any regular or special meeting of the Board.
The bylaws may be amended by the Board of Directors by simple majority of the members who are present and voting, after notice of the proposed change has been communicated in writing to all board members at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting at which the change is to be voted.
In the event it shall be determined by the Board of Directors that the Good Shepherd Coalition shall cease to exist and having met or arranged for all outstanding financial obligations of the Good Shepherd Coalition, the net assets of the Good Shepherd Coalition shall be distributed among charitable organizations or agencies which serve the current Good Shepherd Coalition service area. Such distribution shall be determined by two-thirds (2/3) majority of serving members of the Board of directors present and voting.
Following such disbursement of assists, the Board of Directors shall act to officially declare the dissolution of Good Shepherd Coalition and the Secretary shall notify the State of Michigan and the Internal Revenue Service of such action.
It is the policy of the Good Shepherd Coalition and its individual members to respect the privacy and confidentiality of all clients being assisted. All agencies and organizations will follow policies and procedures, regarding confidentiality, defined by their governing body. GSC staff will protect all information communicated by members in the process of assisting clients. Household names or addresses will not be repeated in printed materials, spoken presentations, or as part of surveys, reports, or studies.
This concludes the Bylaws of the Good Shepherd Coalition, revision April 12, 2010