Bethel United Church of ChristBylawsPage 1



Section 1 – Faith

Section 2. – Covenant and Mission

Section 3 – Vision




Section 1 – Ordained Clergy

Section 2 – Lay Ministerial Staff


Section 1 – Eligibility Requirements

Section 2 – Admission

Section 3 – Privileges

Section 4 – Duties

Section 5 – Transfer

Section 6 – Membership Dismissal


Section 1 – Annual

Section 2 – Special

Section 3 – Call

Section 4 – Reports

Section 5 – Quorum and Vote

Section 6 – Conduct of Meetings

Section 7 – Authority


Section 1 – Church Council

Section 2 – Vacancies

Section 3 – Quorum and Vote


Section 1 – The Church Council

Section 2 – The Church Boards

Section 3 – The Board of Worship and Pastoral Care

Section 4 – The Board of Christian Education

Section 5 – The Board of Christian Outreach and Social Concerns

Section 6 – The Board of Financial Affairs

Section 7 – Board of Membership Development and Evangelism …………………………………………………………….. 10


Section 1 – Eligibility

Section 2 – Elections

Section 3 – Duties of Officers


Section 1 – Selection

Section 2 – Composition

Section 3. – Eligibility

Section 4 – Nominations

Section 5 – Diversification of Slate

Section 6 – Disqualification

Section 7 – Election of At Large Nominating Committee Members



Section 1 – Responsibility

Section 2 – Membership of Committee

Section 3 – Purpose of Committee

Section 4 – The Fund Account...... 13

ARTICLE XIII – CHURCH FIREPROOF SAFE……………………………………………………………………

ARTICLE XIV – ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER, Revised.……………………………...……………………...... 15



(Bylaws last revised: October 18, 2015)ARTICLE I – FAITH, COVENANT, MISSION AND VISION

Section 1 – Faith

This church acknowledges as its sole Head, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Savior of persons. It acknowledges as brothers and sisters in Christ all who share in this confession. It looks to the Word of God in the Scriptures, and to the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, to prosper its creative and redemptive work in the world. It claims as its own the faith of the historic Church expressed in the ancient creeds and reclaimed in the basic insights of the Protestant Reformers. It affirms the responsibility of the Church in each generation to make this faith its own. In accordance with the teaching of our Lord and the practice prevailing among evangelical Christians, it recognizes two Sacraments: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, or Holy Communion.

Section 2. – Covenant and Mission

We covenant with one another to seek and respond to the Word and the Will of God. We proclaim as our purpose to walk together in the ways of the Lord, made known and to be made known to us. We hold it to be the mission of the Church to witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ in all the world, to worship God, and to strive for truth, justice and peace. As did our ancestors, we depend on the Holy Spirit to lead and empower us. We pray for the Kingdom of God, and we look with faith toward the triumph of righteousness and eternal life.

Section 3 – Vision

We proclaim as our vision for our Church: “Celebrating God’s love through caring, challenging, connecting -- extending open arms in the name of Jesus Christ.”


Section 1 This Church shall be a part of the United Church of Christ and shall sustain its relationship as described in the United Church of Christ Bylaws.

Section 2 This Church shall be affiliated with the Evansville Tri-State Association of the Indiana-Kentucky Conference of the United Church of Christ.


Section 1 The autonomy of this Church is inherent and modifiable only by its own action. Nothing in the Bylaws of the United Church of Christ shall destroy or limit the right of this

Church to continue to operate in the way customary to it; nor shall be construed as giving the General Synod of the United Church of Christ, or to any Association or Conference thereof now, or at any time in the future, the power to abridge, impair, or abrogate the autonomy of this Church in the management of its own affairs, which affairs include, but are not limited to, the right to retain or adopt its own methods or organization, worship and education; to retain or secure its own charter and name; to adopt its own bylaws; to formulate its own covenants and confessions of faith; to admit members in its own manner, and to provide for their discipline or dismissal; to call or dismiss its ordained clergy by such procedure as it shall determine; to acquire, own, manage, and dispose of property and funds; to control its own benevolences; and to withdraw by its own decision from the United Church of Christ at any time without forfeiture or ownership or control of any real or personal property owned by it.

Section 2 In the event that Article IV, paragraph 15 of the Constitution of the General Synod of the United Church of Christ is ever deleted or modified or amended so as to limit or restrict the complete autonomy of this Church in any way, such an act shall forthwith, at the option of this Church’s membership, terminate the membership of this Church with the Evansville Tri-State Association of the Indiana-Kentucky Conference and the Indiana-Kentucky Conference of the United Church of Christ and with the General Synod of the United Church of Christ.

Section 3 Further, in the event that the General Synod of the United Church of Christ or the Evansville Tri-State Association of the Indiana-Kentucky Conference of the United Church of Christ or the Indiana-Kentucky Conference of the United Church of Christ merges with another religious body or church group, and such merger changes the autonomy of Church as defined in – 2 –Article IV of paragraph 15 of the Constitution of the General Synod of the United Church of Christ, such merger may, at the option of this Church’s membership, terminate this Church’s affiliation with the General Synod of the United Church of Christ and with the Evansville Tri-State Association of the Indiana-Kentucky Conference and with the Indiana-Kentucky Conference of the United church of Christ and/or with the newly united or merged Church which succeeds the former United Church of Christ.

Section 4 Nothing in these bylaws or other documents of the United Church of Christ shall in any way impair or limit the right of this Church to determine its method of operation and to determine the nature and scope of its activities as desired by a majority of its members whether such activities or operation be customary or innovative in scope.

Section 5 If at any time a division of the congregation should occur, the possessions and property of the Church shall become the property of that group which remains true to and affiliated with the United Church of Christ unless the congregation shall have terminated its relationship with the United Church of Christ pursuant to Section 1 of this Article.

Section 6 Upon dissolution of the Church, its assets and all property and interest of which it shall then be possessed, including any devise, bequest, gift or grant contained in any will or other instrument, in trust or otherwise, made before or after such dissolution, shall be disposed of in accordance with the provision of Article II, Section 6 of the Articles of Incorporation of this Church.


Section 1 – Ordained Clergy

This congregation shall only elect as Pastor(s) ordained clergy who must be accepted to hold standing in the Evansville Tri-State Association of the Indiana-Kentucky Conference of the United Church of Christ.

  1. Senior Pastor(s) and/or Co-Pastor(s).
  1. Selection: Senior Pastor(s) and/or Co-Pastor(s) shall be selected by a Search Committee which has been appointed by the Church Council. Election of such Pastor shall be by the congregation on recommendation of the Church Council. Such election shall be held at a special meeting called for that purpose. Election shall be by ballot vote. A quorum of fifteen percent (15%) of the membership is required for congregational meetings, with the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present necessary for election.
  2. Termination: Senior Pastor(s) and/or Co-Pastor(s) are dismissed by the congregation on recommendation of the Church Council at a special meeting called for that purpose. Such action shall be taken by ballot vote. A quorum of fifteen percent (15%) of the membership is required for congregational meetings, with the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present necessary for dismissal.
  1. Associate and/or Assistant Pastor(s)
  1. Selection: Associate and/or Assistant Pastor(s) shall be chosen by a Search Committee and approved by the Church Council, Congregation and the Senior Pastor and/or Co-Pastor.
  2. Termination: Associate and/or Assistant Pastor(s) and Ordained Christian Education Workers may be discharged by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the Church Council.

Section 2 – Lay Ministerial Staff

Nonordained personnel may also be employed to augment the ministry of the Church.

  1. Selection: Nonordained personnel shall be employed by the Church Council upon recommendation of the Personnel Committee.
  2. Termination: All nonordained personnel may be discharged by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the Church Council.


Section 1 – Eligibility Requirements

Persons desiring membership in the church must make application by consulting with the ordained clergy, hereinafter designated as “Pastor(s).” Such applications shall be divided into four (4) classes: (1) those coming by way of adult baptism; (2) those coming by way of confirmation; (3) those desiring transfer from other churches; (4) those coming by way of profession of faith.

Section 2 – Admission

Baptism is a requirement for membership. Nonbaptized persons who have counseled with the Pastor(s), confessed their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and joyfully submitted to adult baptism according to the Biblical precept spoken of in Acts 2:37-38, shall then have the right to make application for membership and, if approved by the Pastor(s), will then be forwarded to the Church Council for appropriate action.

Confirmands will be received into membership at the successful completion of their program of instruction. Each confirmand must, however, make application for membership.

Persons having a letter of transfer from the Church with which last associated shall consult with the Pastor(s) regarding membership in this congregation. The application for membership, if approved by the Pastor(s), shall then be forwarded to the Church Council for appropriate action.

Persons not possessing a letter of transfer, or who seek membership on the basis of profession of faith, shall consult with the Pastor(s) regarding membership in this congregation. The application for membership, if approved by the Pastor(s), shall be forwarded to the Church Council for appropriate action.

When the Pastor(s) are satisfied regarding an applicant’s sincerity, the Pastor(s) will recommend that person to the Church Council. Applicants will be granted membership on the basis of a majority vote of the Church Council.

Section 3 – Privileges

Members of this congregation are entitled to a full share in the fellowship and spiritual blessings of this Church and to the Christina sympathy and support of all its members.

Members may request the aid of the Pastor(s) in spiritual matters and are entitled to the ministrations of the Pastor(s), both for themselves and for their families.

Members shall have voice and vote at all business meetings of the congregation.

All members of the congregation are eligible for election or appointment to the Church Council and may hold any office to which they are duly elected or appointed.

Section 4 – Duties

Insofar as possible, members will attend worship, share in the Sacraments, participate in Church organizations and activities, seek to rear their children according to Christian principles, support the Church and its interests financially, and above all, love and support one another with Christian love.

Section 5 – Transfer

Members desiring to transfer from this congregation to another Church shall either send a letter of request to transfer or have their designated Church request a letter of transfer. Such request shall be presented to the Church Council for appropriate action.

Section 6 – Membership Dismissal

Members may be dismissed from the congregation by a majority vote of the Church Council. Dismissal may result from failure to fulfill their obligations as members. Any member so dismissed may request a hearing before the Church Council, with the right to appeal to the congregation. Prior to dismissal, appropriate efforts will be made by the Pastor(s), assisted by the Board of Worship and Pastoral Care and other members, to contact the inactive member and return him/her to full membership in the Church.


Section 1 – Annual

The congregation shall hold its Annual Meeting in January on a date and at a time and place fixed by the Church Council to approve the annual budget for the year. The congregation shall also meet yearly on the second or third Sunday of October: the date, time and place to be fixed by the Church Council, for the purpose of electing four (4) members to the Church Council and to consider and determine such matters as may be properly presented.

Section 2 – Special

Special meetings of the congregation may be called by the President, by a majority of the Church Council or by written petition signed by not less than one tenth (1/10) of all members authorized to vote. The date, time and place of such meeting shall be determined by the Church Council and held within thirty (30) days of the receipt of a request for such meeting.

Section 3 – Call

A written or printed notice stating the place, day and hour of the meeting and, in the case of a special meeting, the purpose for which the meeting is called, shall be mailed by the secretary, or by the officer or person calling the meeting. Such notice shall be sent to each member entitled to vote at the meeting at least ten (10) days prior thereto, at addresses appearing on the church records.

Section 4 – Reports

At least ten (10) days prior to the annual meeting in January, all required written reports, including a financial report, shall be turned in to the Secretary of the Corporation.

Section 5 – Quorum and Vote

When fifteen percent (15%) of the entire membership is present at a duly called meeting, the same shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote of such members shall be required for adoption or approval of a motion.

Section 6 – Conduct of Meetings

All meetings of the congregation shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures prescribed in the latest revised edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order.”

Section 7 – Authority

The final legislative and administrative power of this Church is vested in the congregation assembled in duly called meetings.


Section 1 – Church Council

At the yearly meeting in October the congregation shall meet for the purpose of electing four (4) members to the Church Council, each of whom shall be elected for a term of three (3) years, to fill the vacancies created by the four (4) members of the Church Council whose terms will expire at the next annual meeting in January. Such newly elected members shall not assume office until the close of the following annual meeting, at which time the respective terms of the four (4) retiring members of the Church Council shall expire.

The Nominating Committee, hereinafter described, will present a slate of the names of at least four (4) members to fill the four (4) vacancies created by the expiration of the respective terms of the four (4) present members of the Church Council. In addition, nominations for such vacancies may be made from the floor, providing the consent of each nominee has been previously obtained.

Election shall be by ballot vote and the four (4) persons receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. If a tie vote precludes selection of four (4) candidates having a plurality, another ballot vote shall be taken, whereby only those candidates receiving the tie vote on the first ballot are listed and each voter may cast one vote for each remaining vacancy. If one or more of the four (4) highest are tied, it shall be unnecessary to break the tie vote.

No person may be re-elected to the Church Council without an intervening year between his/her last year on the Church Council. An appointee to the Church Council may be reappointed to succeed himself/herself for only one year, and, after serving two one-year terms, may be elected to the Church Council only after a lapse of one year. An appointee remains eligible for election to the Church Council, providing he/she has served only one appointed term.

Section 2 – Vacancies

Vacancies of elected or appointed members of the Church Council shall be filled by the Nominating Committee suggestions and approved by the Church Council for the unexpired term.

Section 3 – Quorum and Vote

When fifteen percent (15%) of the entire membership is present at a duly called meeting, the same shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote of such members present shall be required for adoption or approval of a motion.