by the Hicks Group Patients Forum



The practice has now reached the optimum number of doctors and has almost reached the same with nurses and admin staff. Where locums are used, we employ the same locums to ensure continuity.

The post of Practice Manager is now shared by Lorraine Baker and Lisa Harrison. Lisa specializes in CQC (Care Quality Commission) affairs and HR, and Lorraine mainly deals with finance, staff training and the organising of doctors’ rotas.

Reception and Admin: the practice has introduced a staff uniform for members of the team.


The BP machine is still at Charles Hicks and is likely to remain there. It is now in a separate, private space. Please ask for its location at reception.

The merger discussions between the 3 practices: the Hicks Group (us), Priory Fields & Acorn Surgery, are still ongoing and no conclusions have been reached. The topics covered include the differing ethos and services of the practices, the buildings & locations, and the increasing population. The fundamental aim of the talks is to make the practices financially viable. We should know the outcome of the talks by Easter. Find out more in the January Minutes on:

The Practice Website is in the process of complete transformation & modernisation. It will be up and running soon. A link to the Patients Forum has been provided on the Home Page.

Following an NHS England national directive, there has been a change in the Practice contract. The change involves a monthly reduction of income over the next 4 years. The reduction began in April 2015. The Practice will lose: £114,00 p.a. in 2016, plus a further £189,00 in 2017 and £263,00 in 2018 respectively.

The Patients Forum website

This is now completed. It contains much more information than this Newsletter can provide and looks at wider areas of health as well. It also provides forms whereby you can sign up as a ‘VirtualMember’ or ‘Participating Member’ of the Patients Forum. Replies to all the comments/suggestions from the boxes in the surgeries can be found on the website.


The Christmas Hampers were not as well-supported as previous years. We shall be updating the contents of the Hampers for Xmas 2016.

Our 2 Quiz nights were successful, raising a profit of £289.51. Our next Quiz Night will take place at 7pm on Friday 8th April at the Montagu Club, Huntingdon. A bar is available.

We are hoping to put on a Race Night at the Charles Hicks Centre. A date is yet to be set.

A stall will be hired at the Godmanchester Gala in July. Ideas for the stall would be very welcome – and help too!

Other possibilities include stalls at Wood Green Animal Centre and the Queen Elizabeth School Xmas Fair.

The Patients Forum is hoping to invest in an electric examination couch for patients who are elderly or disabled.

Health Events

A Talk was put on in November by Chris Shannon a local Consultant Physiotherapist on ‘Low Back Pain and Fibromyalgia’. The event was very popular.

A Talk by Heather Davison from Healthwatch was very informative on the subject of local health & social care services.

Future Health Events

Tuesday 9th February, Ian Weller, Programme Director (Urgent & Emergency Care Vanguard) at Cambridge & P’boro CCG will give a talk on CCG updates, including the Urgent & Emergency Care Services.

The Events Group is considering the following topics for future talks: the Menopause and First Aid.

If you have any topic requests for Health Talks please email


You can join our Group in one of two ways. Either as

a VIRTUAL MEMBER or as a FULLY PARTICIPATING MEMBER. Virtual Members are patients we refer to by email once or twice a year for opinions: this may be in the form of a questionnaire. A Fully Participating Member is expected to attend Patients Forum meetings every two months, and if able, to join a sub-group and help out in a small or large capacity. The groups are: Fund-Raising, Communications, Events and Books. Joining Forms can be found on the Practice website or the Patients Forum Website.


Recent comments have included:

1. Complaints about waiting for a long time before being seen. A suggestion is that patients should be told that appointments are running late.

2. A suggestion that there should be places where bikes can be locked up.

3. There should be more privacy in reception when booking an appointment.

1, The Practice Manager has agreed to this.

2. This will be looked into.

3. You do not have to tell the receptionist why you want an appointment. If you do wish to, there are notices by reception in both surgeries pointing out the private areas next to reception. Receptionists are bound by the same rules of confidentiality as doctors and nurses.

To see more about what we are & who we are visit: