By Rabbi Joshua Flug
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- Intro- This shiur outline will discuss various ideas relating to Elul. We will show the earliest sources for the significance of Elul, discuss the various themes of Elul and how they relate to our minhagim.
- The Early Sources for the Significance of Elul
- Pirkei D'Rabbi Eliezer states that Moshe Rabbeinu ascended Har Sinai on Rosh Chodesh Elul in order to receive the second set of luchos. Because of this event, the rabbis instituted to blow the shofar on Rosh Chodesh Elul. {1}
- Rabbeinu Asher (c. 1250-1327) quotes from the Geonim that since Elul and the Yamim Noraim represent the forty days that Moshe remained on Har Sinai for the second luchos, some communities have adopted the practice of reciting selichos during the entire month of Elul. {2}
- R. Menachem Meiri (1249-1306) writes that the month of Elul is designated as a period of preparation for the Yamim Noraim. {3}
- Rabbeinu Asher and Meiri seem to present two different approaches to the month of Elul. When analyzing the ideas and practices of Elul, it is worthwhile to analyze whether a specific idea or practice is based on Elul as a preparation for the yamim noraim or whether it is due to Elul's inherent significance as yemei ratzon.
- Ani L'Dodi V'Dodi Li
- There is a verse in Shir HaShirim- Ani L'Dodi V'Dodi Li. {4}
- R. David Avudraham (14th century) writes that the "darshanim" note that the roshei teivos of this verse his Elul. {5}
- R. Yehuda Leib Alter (Sefas Emes 1847-1905) writes that there is a difference between Elul and the Yamim Noraim. The period of Elul is characterized by Ani L'Dodi and then V'Dodi Li. We have to take the initiative to become closer to G-d. During the Yamim Nora'im the theme is "Dirshu HaShem B'Himatz'o," G-d takes the initiative and extends his hands to those who want to perform teshuva. {6}
- R. Baruch D. Povarsky presents a similar idea. During Elul theme is specifically "Ani L'Dodi V'Dodi Li" and not "Dodi Li V'Ani Lo" (Shir HaShirim 2:16) because the ideal way to become closer to G-d is to take the initiative and not wait for him to approach us. {7}
- R. Avraham Borenstein (Avnei Nezer 1838-1910) asks: How can the main theme of Elul be based on the reference in the verse to Elul? Wasn't the name Elul given after the Jews settled in Bavel? He answers that Elul was previously referred to as the sixth month and Tishrei the seventh month. When it was phrased like that, it was obvious that the sixth is the preparation for the seventh, just as Friday is a preparation for Shabbos. The verse that is quoted as the acronym for Elul states the exact same thing. "Ani L'Dodi" refers to Elul and "Dodi Li" refers to Tishrei. When you prepare in Elul you experience "Dodi Li" in Tishrei. {8}
- Sefas Emes' approach to Ani L'Dodi seems to give Elul a special inherent status. R. Borenstein's approach is based on Elul as a preparation for the Yamim Noraim.
- Elul as Yemei Ratzon
- Tanna D'vei Eliyahu records that when Moshe came down with the luchos on Yom Kippur, that day was established as a day of selicha and mechila. {9}
- R. Avraham Danzig (1748-1820) adds that just as Yom Kippur was established as a day of selicha and mechila, the forty days were established as days of ratzon. {10}
- This seems to be based on the comments of Rashi that the luchos shniyos were also given b'ratzon. {11}
- R. Yerucham Levovitz (c. 1873-1936)suggests that the idea behind yemei ratzon is that it is a period of renewal of spiritual health. Just as people take time off to go to serene places to recharge themselves, Elul has that quality on a spiritual level. {12}
- He tells the story of a time when he went to a resort and he heard one vacationer tell another that he wants to go to the springs before he unpacks his bags. He says that he also seen this on a spiritual level where yeshiva students show up for Elul zman with their suitcases and they leave their suitcases outside the Beis Medrash and learn before they unpack their bags.
- R. Pinchas Menachem Alter (P'nei Menachem 1926-1996) suggests that the idea of yemei ratzon is that razton is machshava. In Chasidus there is a concept that before anything new, there is a planning stage. That's why the end of Shabbos is a time of ratzon as that was a time of planning for creation of the world. Similarly, Elul represents the planning stage for the next year. {13}
- Blowing Shofar During Elul
- As mentioned earlier, the original source for blowing shofar during Elul is Pirkei D'Rabbi Eliezer.
- R. Ya'akov ben Asher (1269-1343) presents two reasons for blowing shofar during Elul: {14}
- In order to inspire people to perform teshuva.
- In order to confuse the satan.
- R. Yehoshua Falk (1555-1614) - The two reasons really go hand in hand: {15}
- The original source for blowing shofar from Pirkei D'Rabbi Eliezer is limited to Rosh Chodesh and not the whole month.
- Therefore, one must add that the minhag is based on the fact that Elul is considered y'mei ratzon and we want to inspire people to perform teshuva.
- Nevertheless, if the primary motive was teshuva, we would have a minhag to have a full-blown teshuva campaign. In reality, we don't have a full-blown teshuva campaign [because that begins during the aseres yemei teshuva.] Rather, we have a combined approach. We take advantage of the days as y'mei ratzon by trying to inspire people to begin the teshuva process. The shofar was chosen as a method of inspiration because it also deters the satan from impeding the teshuva process.
- Regarding Rosh HaShanah there are various explanations given for the reason behind the mitzvah. Some of these reasons gave cause for blowing shofar during the month of Elul:
- The Gemara implies that the reasons for shofar is to coronate G-d and elicit positive remembrances. {16} This reason does not seem to apply to Elul
- The Gemara also states that the reason for the additional set of tekios is to confuse the satan. {17}
- Rambam (1135-1204) writes that the shofar wakes people up to perform teshuva. {18}
- Selichos
- R. Yitzchak Gei'as (c. 1038-1089) notes that the minhag of reciting selichos began during the period of the Geonim. He then quotes R. Hai Gaon (939-1038) that there were two practices in Bavel. One was to begin selichos during aseres yemei tehuva. The other was to begin on Rosh Chodesh Elul based on the fact that Elul is the time when Moshe Rabbeinu went up to receive the luchos shniyos. {19}
- Rabbeinu Nissim (1320-1380) quotes another opinion that we begin selichos on the 25th of Elul because that was when the world was created. {20}
- Ran writes implies that the opinion to begin on the 25th is that the 25th begins the period of "dirshu HaShem b'himatzo."
- The Vilna Gaon (1720-1797) explains that our minhag to start selichos the Sunday before Rosh HaShanah is based on the minhag to start on the 25th. However, we choose to start on Sunday, which also corresponds to the creation of the world, because we want to start on a set day of the week. {21}
- As such, one can explain that that there are two basic approaches to selichos:
- To start during the time of yemei ratzon, the time of ani l'dodi
- To start during the time of dirshu HaShem.
- It is interesting to note that in the selichos we do not mention "dirshu HaShem" until Tzom Gedaliah: {22}
- Throughout selichos we quote the verse that follows dirshu HaShem. {23}
- There is a reference to "B'Himatzo" on Erev Rosh HaShanah. {24}
- L'David HaShem Ori
- R. Ya'akov ben Asher (Ba'al HaTurim 1269-1343) Notes that "Lulei" has the same letters as Elul. {25}
- This may be the source for reciting L'David HaShem Ori during Elul.
- There is a Midrash that Ori refers to Rosh HaShanah and Yishi refers to Yom Kippur. {26}
- R. Efraim Z. Margulies (1762-1828) notes that the Ba'alei HaMussar added to recite it through Sukkos based on the verse "ki yitzpeneini b'sukko." {27}
- There is a derasha of R. Mordechai Wealkatch where he finds hints to Elul, Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur throughout the chapter. [Click here to access.]
- פרקי דרבי אליעזר פרק מו
- רא"ש ר"ה ד:יד
- מאירי חבור התשובה ב:א
- שיר השירים ו:ג
- אבודרהם תפילות ראש השנה
- שפת אמת לחדש אלול תרס"א
- בד קודש מועדים עמ' רנז
- נאות דשא חלק ג' עמ' קכו
- תנא דבי אליהו- אליהו זוטא פרק ד'
- חיי אדם הל' ראש השנה קלח:א
- רש"י דברים ט:יח
- דעת חכמה ומוסר ח"ב עמ' רלג
- פני מנחם חלק ה' עמ' עב
- טור או"ח ס' תקפא
- פרישה או"ח ס' תקפא
וא"ת ואכתי קשה מ"מ שתוקעים כל החודש הוה לן לפסוק מיד אחר ר"ח ע"ז משני כדי להזהיר כו' ועושין בכל חודש כן לעורר על התשובה דכיון דהוי עת עת רצון למשה בעלייתו ללוחות אחרונות וכמ"ש אח"כ דמ"ה קיימי מר"ח אלול ומרבים בתחנונים עד יה"כ מה"ט שנא' אם יתקע שופר בעיר והעם לא יחרדו הוקשה לו לרבינו א"כ שהטעם כדי לעורר העם לתשובה יותר היה לנו להעמיד להעם חכמים שידרשו ברבים בכל קהילה ויעוררו העם לתשובה לכן אמר שהתקיעה בכל החודש הוא ג"כ לערבב השטן אבל א"ל דתוקעין מהאי טעמא לחודא כדי לערבב דא"כ מאי יום מיומים ומ"ש עכשיו שמערבים השטן אלא משום שיראל עושין תשובה והוא לא יעכב התשובה א"כ ממיל' צריך אתה לומר ג"כ שעכשיו מוזהרין ישראל יותר לעשות תשובה.
- ראש השנה לד:
- ראש השנה טז.-טז:
- רמב"ם הל' תשובה ג:ד
אע"פ שתקיעת שופר בראש השנה גזירת הכתוב רמז יש בו כלומר עורו ישינים משנתכם ונרדמים הקיצו מתרדמתכם וחפשו במעשיכם וחזרו בתשובה וזכרו בוראכם אלו השוכחים את האמת בהבלי הזמן ושוגים כל שנתם בהבל וריק אשר לא יועיל ולא יציל הביטו לנפשותיכם והטיבו דרכיכם ומעלליכם ויעזוב כל אחד מכם דרכו הרעה ומחשבתו אשר לא טובה.
- שערי שמחה לרי"ץ גיאת, הל' תשובה
- ר"ן ראש השנה ג. ד"ה בראש השנה
- ביאור הגר"א תפקא:ח
- סליחות לצום גדליה
- סליחות של כל יום
- סליחות לערב ראש השנה
- בעל הטורים ל:ו
- ויקרא רבה כא:ד
- מטה אפרים קצה המטה תקפא:יג