
OCLC provides an XML Schema Definition (XSD) for libraries choosing to send in XML format. The XSD defines the structure and data types for the Patron Data XML documents. Once libraries create an XML file, the XSD should be used to validate that the XML file is well formed and valid. This validation step ensures that the Patron Data being sent to OCLC is either free of or limited in errors.

By performing the XML file validation prior to submitting to OCLC, the library:

  • Reduces the time to load patron data
  • Avoids delays during the migration toWorldShare Management Services
  • Increasesunderstanding of the Patron Data format when performing ongoing patron data updates to OCLC.

XML Validation Tools

If you do not already have a preferred method for validating your XML against the Patron Persona XSD, below is a list of online tools that you have the option to use.

XML Validation Tool / Description / URL / Cost
Notepad++ /
  • Offers an XML Plug-in to validate XML against an XSD
  • Provides error reports and identifies the sections of the XML with errors
/ / Open source, no fee software
XML Spy /
  • Provides robust XML editor and development environment
  • Geared towards developers who are using XML in applications, schemas and databases.
/ / Trial version Available
XML Validator /
  • Validates by pasting XML files on a webpage and referencing the XSD.
  • Provides error reports and identifies the sections of the XML with errors
/ / Free, online XML Validator

Instructions using Notepad+++

OCLC has performed XML validation against the XSD using Notepad++ version v6.6.6 and xml plug-in version 2.3.2 Unicode beta4 r908 in June 2014. Below are the steps followed for validating XML against an XSD using Notepad++. Please note that Notepad++ is opensource softwarethat is available online, therefore, OCLC does notprovide support for or access to this product.

Note: The download instructions below are specific to Notepad++ v6.6.6 and may vary slightly depending on the version of software that is most current at the time of download.

Download Notepad++ 6.6.6

Notepad++ must be downloaded to your machine in order to utilize the XML Validation functionality. The download is available via the Notepad++ website.

  1. Go to the Notpad++ website to download the software:
  2. Select Download from the left navigation menu. A new window will open.
  3. Select v6.6.6 from the download menu
  1. Click theDownload button to install Notepad++ on your machine

Please note that the install process may vary based on your machine configuration and settings.

Add XML Plugin for Notepad++

In order to validate your XML you must add the XML Plugin for Notepad++. Follow the steps below to install.

  1. Using your program menu open Notepad++
  2. From the Notepad++ homepage menu click the Plugins Menu
  1. Select Plugin Manager->Show Plugin Manager
  1. Check XML Tools from the Available Plugin List

  1. Click the Install Button

Validate your XML against the XSD

Once you have installed Notepad++ and the XML plug-in you are now ready to validate your XML file in just a few steps.

  1. Copy and Paste your XML Code into the Notepad++ Worksheet
  2. From the Notepad++ homepage menu click the Plugins Menu
  3. Select XML Tools from the Plugins Menu
  1. Select Validate Now to validate the XML
  1. If the XSD path is not embedded in the XML then you will be prompted to provide the XSD file for the application to reference. Notepad++ will prompt you to provide the XSD with the following text box.
  1. Select the file directory to reference the XSD stored on your machine.

  1. Once the path to the XSD is entered, click the OK button in the Select file box.
  1. Notepad++ will provide either a list of errors or a message that no errors were found in the XML.
  2. Validation Successful!
  1. Error Report

  1. You are able to correct your file in the Notepad++ application and repeat the validation steps until your XML is valid or you can make the changes in your system of choice.

Patron Data XML Validation Instructions.docx 1 June 20, 2014