By, Paul Albrecht

By, Paul Albrecht

Ghost Story

By, Paul Albrecht

In the year 2009, there came a very bad and dark storm. It looked very dark and gloomy outside when my family and I decided to go to sleep. I took one last look outside before bed and I could only see when the lightning crawled across the sky. There was a strange feeling in the air. I fought the nervousness of the storm and crawled into bed for the night.

During all the noise and commotion of the raging storm outside, little did I know that in the rest of my house something scary and cruel was happening. I finally woke up to a faint scream in the back of my house. I jumped out of my warm and cozy bed and felt the freezing cold floor on my feet. I felt a horrible shiver crawl up my spine while I grabbed my twelve-gauge shotgun. I loaded and slowly set off to find out what was happening. When I walked into the living room, I discovered a very thick trail of blood and pieces of clothing. I followed the trail to my mother’s door. I prepared myself, took a deep breath, and then boom! I kicked the big wooden door in. I came running in ready to shoot. I cringed by the sight of my mangled and bleeding family…

I gathered myself and took a little prayer for my family. I looked to the other door where I saw a very bloody handprint on the opened door. I followed the trail of bloody footprints through my house. I finally walked into my living room and saw that my front door was open. The raging storm was still bustling wildly outside. The open door was letting rain run into the house. The cold wind blew into the house with a cold and eerie touch on my skin. I grabbed a jacket took my shotgun and slowly walked outside… about ten yards from my house I felt a sharp pain in my back. I whirled around where a very big and scary silhouette was knocking my loaded gun out of my hands. He hit me to the ground; I was trying to stay conscious from the blow to my wet and cold head and from the loss of blood from the very deep stab wound in my back. I scrambled for my hatchet next to the house. The grass was very cold against my wound. I started to swing the all metal hatchet at the man when bang… lightning struck my hatchet at the last second…I fell to the ground with a thump.

My spirit came sliding out of my cold dead corpse. The man stepped back with a terrified look upon his face. I spoke to him, “I will make you pay for what you have done to me and my family.” He begged for mercy. I spoke one last time, “I will be back,” I slowly disappeared into the darkness watching him run away in fright.

I waited three weeks when another bad storm came. I said to myself, “perfect.” I set off to the man’s house; I had been studying him for weeks. The night was just like the night that my family was brutally murderedby the savage and psychotic man that I am after now. When I came to the house I made sure everybody was asleep then I set off into his children’s roomwhere I brutally strangled and beat them to death just like he did to my brothers. I snuck into his room and swiftly took his wife without even a sound I wrapped her in a thick heavy wet rope and made her scream. The man came running into the spare bedroom to find his wife’s dead bleeding body sprawled on the bed he tried to run but the last second I slammed the door heavy wooden door in his face and locked it. He frantically ran to his dead wife’s body and sat holding her shivering. I dropped two bloody bodies from the ceiling. They hit the floor with a loud thud. The man slowly crawled to the bodies in suspicion. When he rolled the bodies over, he discovered that they were his own flesh and blood he let out a faint groan of sadness. I arose from the floor in front of the man who was shivering and crying. He begged for mercy, I spoke to him saying, “You have to pay for what you did.” I still have yet to see this man’s face because of the lack of light. I slowly reached behind me where I revealed to him the same hatchet that I had that cold scary night. I raised the hatchet high above my head. I swung as hard as I could but on the way down lightning struck outside letting in the perfect amount of light to see the mans face. The psychotic man’s head slid off his shoulders. I picked the head up and said, “You deserved this…..Ray.”