by Maurice Forget, Andrew Betsis ELT publications


PEACE around the World

VOCABULARY – SYNONYMS in alphabetical order


Abduct: steal, kidnap, grab

acknowledged : recognised, admitted

awards: prizes

banners : sign, poster, placard

barracks : military shelter, camp

booth : stand, counter, box, corner

Censorship: ban, suppression

claims: states, supports, says
commission: agency, mission

counteracted : faced, dealt with, opposed

Demonstration: march, protest, react, rally

diapers : grave carvings/letters, nappies, pants

distributing: hand out, give away, offer

Dumped: thrown

earned : won, gained

eventually : finally

extradition: ostracism, exile

faction: group, party, coalition, club

fleeing : leaving secretly, running away

former : old, ex

founding : starting

gained: won

going public: expose, disclose, present to all

Grave: burial place, tomb

harassment: abuse, maltreatment, molestation

Hawk : advertise, cry out

Head: in charge of, leader,president

Heads: leads

immunity: exemption, privilege, protection

Imposed : set up, placed, forced

inspiration: idol

intentions: plans, aims

Intone: recite, call out, read

leanings: inclination, siding

literature : readings

littered : dirtied, filled, covered

major : greatest, biggest

March: parade, protest

matter : issue, theme, problem

Militants : fighter, protester, demonstrator, activist, rioter, aggressive

mounted : grew, rose

nonviolent: peaceful

Obliterate: wipe out, destroy

Outskirts : outside the centre, suburbs

Over: about, for

prestige : dignity, status

prevented : stopped

prohibit: stop, not allow

Reclaim: recover, save, claim, ask for, get back, retrieve

Records : documents

referring to: mentioning, picturing

Reigned : dominated, prevailed

repressive : oppressive, suppressive

Resistance: fight, opposition

Rights: privilege

set up: put, place

Shortly : fast

Solemnity: dignity, grace, nobility, nobleness, seriousness

Stage: present, do, act

Strung : covered, attached with

suffered : undergo, be in pain, endure

suspend: delay, hold off

taking office : being appointed, getting into the government

took place: happened

Tortured : torment, hurt

unresolved: unsolved, not clear, not answered

Vendors : sellers, salesperson

Waged: conducted, carried out

Wares: products, stock, material

Yearly: annual, every year

our book text comprises the bold letters pieces below.

Original text

Hope ends 29-year march of Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo / 1,500th demonstration over disappeared children

Regina M. Anavy

Published 4:00am, Sunday, February 26, 2006

Hebe de Bonafini, head of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo human rights group, center, heads the final yearly 24-hours Resistance March which started yesterday in Buenos Aires's Plaza de Mayo, Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006. Bonafini said "The enemy is no longer in the Government," when she explained why the group has decided to end the yearly 24-hours long Resistance March which has been staged since 1981. (AP Photo/Eduardo Di Baia) **EFE OUT**

One month ago, a historic event took place in Buenos Aires when the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo staged their 1,500th, and last, demonstration.

Crowds had been arriving since the day before, and tents littered the grass. Left-wing political factions had set up booths and were distributing literature. Images of Eva Peron and Che Guevara mixed with banners carrying slogans. Vendors on the outskirts hawked their wares to passers-by and tourists.

It was a festival, complete with musicians. But at the heart of the demonstration, solemnity reigned. The pyramid in the center was strung with photos of dead children. A loudspeaker intoned their names. The marchers walked slowly and silently around the pyramid. No one should forget what brought them here.

The Mothers began their protests during the Dirty War in Argentina, waged from 1976 to 1983, when the military government abducted, tortured and killed left-wing militants, stole babies born to pregnant prisoners, and obliterated any records that would help the families find the bodies or reclaim their grandchildren.

During this period, the word "disappeared" entered the lexicon. It referred to the kidnapped people who were never heard from again. Their families did not know if they were in a detention center, alive and being tortured, or dead and dumped into an unmarked grave. The censorship imposed by the military government prevented any discussion of the matter, and those who did not stay silent risked being disappeared themselves.

The Mothers counteracted this fear by bravery and love. They searched everywhere for information about their children, in government buildings and barracks, police stations and churches. They wrote letters to the army, navy and air force, but no one ever acknowledged their requests for information. They realized that if they were going to be successful, they must put pressure on the government by going public.

On April 30, 1977, fourteen women went to the Plaza de Mayo, across from the Pink House, the presidential palace. They were told by the police that they could not stay there. There was a law that prohibited groups of three or more people from standing together. So they began to walk(ing) around the pyramid in the center. They identified themselves by wearing white head scarves, symbolizing the diapers of their children.

As the Dirty War continued and the number of disappeared mounted, more family members joined the women. Their nonviolent witness gained them prestige abroad and earned them international awards. They became an inspiration for others who suffered similar situations under repressive governments. They also became victims of harassment and endured personal threats and break-ins at the organization's office. Three of the founding members eventually ‘disappeared’ too.

Argentina was not the only place where people were disappearing. In Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay, in the mid-1970s, a campaign of assassination and intelligence-gathering, under the guise of counterterrorism, was conducted. Colombia, Peru and Venezuela also cooperated. The countries exchanged torture techniques, like near drowning and playing recordings of torture to the families of victims. Corpses were thrown from planes to destroy evidence.

The targets were officially leftist guerrillas but in fact included all political opponents of these regimes. A declassified State Department document from 1978 revealed that the United States facilitated communications among governments, allowing the South American intelligence chiefs to "keep in touch with one another through a U.S. communications installation in the Panama Canal Zone."

The civilian government that took over in Argentina in 1983 pardoned those officials who had carried on the Dirty War, but the Mothers did not give up. In 1986, they split into two factions. The Founding Line focused on legislation to help in recovering remains and bringing ex-officials to justice, while a more radical faction, the Association of Mothers, led by Hebe de Bonafini, took a more political approach, seeing themselves as inheritors of their children's dreams and responsible for carrying on their children's work.

Now, the Mothers will continue to hold hourlong silent vigils on Thursday afternoons.

Why was last month's major demonstration their last? Bonafini, in an interview with La Nacion, put it this way: "We no longer have an enemy in the Pink House. This government has good intentions. Kirchner is a friend of the family."

She was referring to Nestor Kirchner, a Peronist with leftist leanings, who became president of Argentina in 2003. Shortly after taking office, Kirchner suspended the laws of immunity for former military leaders and announced that he would not oppose extradition for those who had escaped justice by fleeing the country. "We are all Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo," he declared.

The Mothers say about 30,000 disappearances remain unresolved. The military claims 9,000. A government commission has put the number closer to 11,000.

Regina M. Anavy Published 4:00 am, Sunday, February 26, 2006


extra readings

1.  The politics of human rights protection, Jan Knippers Black, (p.18)


2.  https://books.google.gr/books?id=urIbBnlPhUwC&pg=PA105&lpg=PA105&dq=hope+ends+29-year+march+of+mothers+of+the+plaza+de+mayo&source=bl&ots=0AjtrUxIBe&sig=bT3QEh0OH-1U1wnBjsx9oKX-usc&hl=el&sa=X&ved=0CCcQ6AEwAWoVChMI9rPulILeyAIVCGwaCh0xngKo#v=onepage&q=hope%20ends%2029-year%20march%20of%20mothers%20of%20the%20plaza%20de%20mayo&f=false
