Meeting Minutes
July 26, 2010
Attendees: Britta Anderson, Eric Leonard, Anthony Corigliano, Tim Carr, Kevin Austin, Ted Pittinaro, Leah Farrell, Kathy Curtin. Absent: Pam King
Britta called the meeting to order at 6:08 P.M. She then welcomed Kevin and Ted to the board.
There was no open forum. The minutes from the 6.23.10 meeting were approved. There were no unanimous written consent board actions to discuss.
Treasurer’s report - Tim advised that our insurance has gone up $200 on the liability policy. One person is behind in paying their installment of the 2010 association fees. A letter has been sent to this person. Tim will try to call them again, send a registered letter, and if there is no response, proceed with legal action. Britta advised we may need to revisit the policy and procedure guideline involving the collection of the dues because of multiple pay problems. The treasurer’s report was approved.
Committee reports.
Social – Theresa has resigned. There is a meeting at Gabe’s house tonight to finalize plans for the Saturday night event. There will be a baseball game in August.
Common Area – Eric is leaving that committee. Anthony and Ted are the liaisons now. Ted will work with Anthony about the eyebrow issues and ponds. The group needs to make a proposal about what they want to do and get a projection in for budget planning. Britta will send Anthony Jim Farrell’s report about possibilities that he has learned regarding the ponds. Bob Fantone had asked why the water was so low in the upper pond, Eric responded, and this needs to be put in the next newsletter. The 2nd weeding is due in August by Bristol landscaping. It was discussed that we may have to ask the eyebrow captains to do interim weeding. During the last big rainstorm the drains were clogged by debris from cutting around the ponds – the committee needs to make sure that someone from the committee is assigned to check on this. There was discussion regarding the renewal of maintenance contracts, replacement of plants, the mowing around the ponds and weed-eating around trees that are planted by the ponds. There was discussion about the common areas that lie between homes, specifically, who should fertilize. It was mentioned that the homeowners involved could submit a bill for the fertilizer if they did the work themselves, or put it in the contract for next year.
Communications – Gabe attended the meeting and advised that the newsletter went out last week; he also made a few changes to the web-site. There is greater potential for the web-site – i.e. a Grandma’s corner. Britta said that she wants one other member of the committee to know how to add things to the web-site.
Finance – no news.
Unfinished Business –
By-laws – a correction to the minutes of 6.23.10 in that Article IX was also approved at the last meeting. All of the remaining proposed changes to the covenants and by-laws were approved. However, there was much discussion regarding Covenant Article VI, Section 4 involving notice, quorum, and procedure for Special Assessments. The motion passed by 4 – yes votes, 3 – no votes, and 1 – abstain. Afterwards, Britta advised that we could revisit this discussion at the next meeting. Following the meeting, there were more e-mail discussions – this will be a topic at the next meeting.
Developer turnover – We got the deeds from Carmen. There was more discussion about measuring the depths of the ponds – we still have not heard from the town. Britta and Eric asked for authority to have the lower pond measured and to visit an attorney to have our legal status verified regarding the ponds, punch list, maintenance bond, etc. A motion was made and approved. We still have issues from the punch list with the town, the ROW to the upper pond needs to be re-graded and reoriented, and these need to be addressed before dedication.
Drainage District – We’ve got all the paperwork to go forward with the homeowners. We plan to meet with the town to discuss the format of the Petition. We have the drainage district map. We now have some swales on Carmen’s property – we’ll need right of way.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M. The next meeting will be at Kathy’s on 8.26.10 at 6:00 P.M.
June 23, 2010 (Regular Meeting)
Attendees: Britta Anderson, Eric Leonard, Anthony Corigliano, Tim Carr, Leah Farrell, Kathy Curtin
Absent: Pam King (who joined us after meeting recess for remainder of meeting)
Britta called the meeting to order at 5:05 P.M. There was no open forum. The minutes from the 5.20.10 meeting were approved. There were no unanimous written consent board actions to discuss.
The treasurer’s report was approved. There are 2 homeowners delinquent in their payments. Tim will send a registered letter to both.
Committee Reports:
Social – no report
Common Area: All bid packages have been updated and will go out in August. We will require that bids be returned by the third week in September. Jim Farrell and Ted Grey got together about the ponds and that issue will be discussed tonight at the annual meeting. Jim coordinated the eyebrow repairs.
By-Laws: The committee has met and provided recommendations for the issues previously raised. A form has been created and put on the website so that if there is a question/suggestion from a homeowner there is now a uniform method to submit it.
Finance: The committee met the 1st of June and looked at the current budget. It looks like we’re on target. They reviewed the insurance policy and suggest that we raise the umbrella liability limits by $1 million. This would raise the total liability coverage to $4 million. No final decision has been made since we did not have this included in this year’s budget.
Unfinished Business
Britta called Kevin Overton about the turnover. He said that Carmen has signed the deed for transfer. He will forward that as well as a check to cover the recording of the deed.
Eric and Britta met with the town on a couple of occasions. They also met with Gordy to discuss the response letter from R. Calabrese. They sent another clarification letter. For now the turnover is at a standstill until August, at least.
Cul-de-sac issues – done.
Annual meeting discussion pertaining to how evening will go.
Audit – we received the formal audit report. The report was accepted.
Proposed changes to by-laws – Gabe discussed the proposed changes. The following changes were approved: Covenant Article VIII, Section D, Covenant Article VIII, Section E-6, Covenant Article VIII, Section E-7 and Article IX Amendment.
New Business
The trash can complaint that the board received has been resolved.
There is a new complaint about dogs – barking and trespassing. Britta sent the town codes out to the community and these will also be addressed in the newsletter.
There was discussion about accepting e-signatures on ballots. A motion was made to accept this form of signature and it was approved.
The meeting was recessed at 6:45 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 8:40 P.M. Pam was now in attendance as was Kevin Austin. Britta welcomed him to the board. Ted was not available for this meeting.
We will finish the discussion of by-laws changes at the next meeting. Britta asked Kevin which committee he’d like to be a liaison for and he replied that he would like to stay with the by-laws committee. The next meeting will be at Anthony’s at 6:00 P.M. on July 26th. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00P.M.
Respectfully submitted: Kathy Curtin
June 23, 2010 (Annual Meeting)
Attendees: The following households were in attendance – Robert & Davina Allgrim, Kevin & Marcia Austin, Gene & Virginia Bell, Don & Sue Beusman, Steve Biklen & Britta Anderson, Bob & Illiana Blair, Marty Blumenstock, Tim Carr & Linda Van Lacken, Tom & Joann Charles, Mike Checola, Gabe & Debbie Cinquegrana, John & Pat Cipolina, Bob & Pat Clouter, Anthony & Andrea Corigliano, Tim & Kathy Curtin, Mike & Linda Dertzo, Bob & Theresa Fantone, Jim & Leah Farrell, Mark & Diane Goergen, Ralph & Judy Graper, Ted & Kathy Grey, John & Ruth Hyde, Pam King, Janet Koller & Susan Albano, Charles & Maureen Kuhns, Eric & Gail Leonard, Larry & Linda Perkins, Frank & Judy Prestage, Roger & Donna Smith, Mario & Cheryl Solano
Quorum call – there were 42 people present which represents 30 homeowners in attendance and 14 proxy ballots received
Britta called the meeting to order and started by thanking the board for all of their work during the past year, thanking John Hyde for all of his work in the common areas, Gabe Cinquegrana for his work on the by-laws and web-site creation, Jim Farrell and Ted Grey for work on the pond and eyebrow issues, Theresa Fantone for taking over the social committee, Paul Garsin for the common area committee, Steve Biklen for finance and all of the homeowners on Carmelo for their work on the circle. She then announced that we would be voting for 2 candidates for open board positions – Kevin Austin and Ted Pittinaro. Kevin was present so she introduced him to everyone. She then asked for volunteers to be election inspectors. The inspectors were Judy Graper and Marty Blumenstock.
Britta then asked that if anyone had any questions during the various presentations, to wait until the speaker finished and then ask the questions.
Britta advised that we were moving towards electronic communication more and more. She took a straw vote to see if people wanted to get communication through snail mail or e-mail. The majority of the people are fine with electronic notification. She also advised that we will now accept e-signatures on future ballots. She then asked if people wanted to get the meeting minutes directed towards the web-site or by getting an e-mail. Most wanted the minutes by e-mail, 5 people wanted the minutes directed to the web-site. The minutes will be done both ways in the future.
Britta said the state of the association is very good and community commitment is high. We have also put together policy and procedures for various issues and posted them on the web-site. This includes payment of assessments, signs, capital improvements, and common area issues.
She advised how we have addressed complaints that have come to the board as well as a current complaint regarding dogs. She referred to the specific dog regulations that the town of Gorham has as the association has no specific dog regulations. The town says that dogs cannot be at large and that there can not be continuous barking for more than 1 hour. If these situations occur, the complaint should be filed with the town of Gorham.
Britta then went on to say what is ahead for the association. The next items are the drainage district, the budget for next year, and changes in the by-laws to clear up the language. She also urged everyone to get involved and sign up on one or more of the committees.
Eric Leonard then gave his report. He advised that they have worked the punch list for the town of Gorham in preparation for the town dedication – which will probably take place in August. He advised that the lighting issues had been taken care of, the roadways and curbing problems, and the right of ways – all addressed.
Tim Carr then gave the treasurer’s report. He advised that each month he puts together a financial statement to make sure that we are in line with the approved budget. Through the end of May we have received 87% of the assessments – the balance will come from those that have chosen to make quarterly payments. We have spent $6400 so far this year and are in line with the budget and should be able to generate $500 extra for the reserve. Tom Charles then asked if everyone has paid their assessments – Tim said yes – the difference is quarterly payments.
Committee Reports
By-Laws & Covenants – Gabe Cinquegrana acknowledged the committee members who have been part of the project and thanked them for their help. He advised that they are trying to make everything easier to understand. They have worked on a number of issues and along with the board have made suggestions to correct some wording.
Social – Theresa Fantone advised that they are trying to plan events for the community. They meet once per quarter, are looking into a community outreach project, and their goal is to have a community event each month. As examples she cited a cul de sac party in July, a Red Wings game in August, Jazz night at Wegman’s, etc. She said ‘check the web-site’.
Common Area – Jim Farrell gave the report as Paul Garsin could not attend. Jim first discussed the pond issue - specifically the change of appearance, the plants, algae, rise in water temperature, oxygen level, and chemicals going into pond. The residents around the pond are concerned about their property values, the ducks and geese, the insects, and the smell. The committee met with a couple of scientists on the watershed council. They found that the pond issue is not a simple one and won’t respond to a simple solution. We cannot introduce herbicides or use grass eating carp. There are some tools available. Some herbicides are approved; the algae can be physically raked. He suggested that they set goals, cost it out and bring it back to the HOA for discussion. Questions – Ralph Graper: is there one governing body to give us the standard? Yes, the DEC. Theresa Fantone – will the other pond do the same? Unknown at this time. Gene Bell – is there any possibility of treating the pond as a little waste water system? The problem can be corrected but the cost would be extraordinary.
Communications – Gabe said the committee is evolving, the website has been developed, he would like to see every communication in the community go through the website, the newsletter is a work in progress – there is a lot that could be included.
Finance – Steve Biklen advised that the committee has met twice this year. They worked on the budget in January, conducted an audit on all the financial records and were very impressed with how organized Tim is. They recently met to review the insurance policy that is up for renewal in August. He also discussed the budget process and wants to submit a budget proposal to the board by mid September. He will ask all committees for input.
Drainage District Discussion – Britta gave the background – the town has asked us to consider setting up a drainage district so we started to pursue with the town what steps needed to be taken. There have been several meetings with the town, and we are still getting information. We had hoped to have a petition ready for this meeting but Richard Calabrese has been in the hospital so it could not happen. This has an impact on us. We are still trying to determine whose responsibility it is for pond maintenance during the 2 year bond period that Carmen has to provide at the time of dedication. How do we form the district? We are the first sub-division in the town to do this. We have the option of setting up a reserve fund or creating the district. The town would need 60% of the homeowners on the petition to create a district. They would want a map of the drainage district. Once the district is created it would be paid for by assessments on individual tax bills - $.50/1000 the first year and $.25/1000 thereafter until the reserve fund had $20,000. However, if there was a large problem before the reserve fund hit $20,000 the town would make a special assessment on the homeowners. We would not be hiring the contractors or have to oversee the work – there are benefits to creating the district. Questions: Judy Graper – What if we don’t form a district – does the town have any responsibility? We are still trying to find out I.e. storm drains - are they part of the drainage district or the road system? Also it varies by town and sub-division as to the responsibility. Another question – what could go wrong with the ponds? Eric responded as to their purpose and what could go wrong. Bob Clouter – Who owns the ditch? If the ditch is not on the homeowner’s property but on Carmen’s’ property. Answer – the HOA should have control of the ditch regardless of whose property it lie on. The town would create the maps that would show this. Jim Farrell made comments about what the town does for us, what the taxes do and suggested that we should get involved in the town government. Bob Algrim – What about the taxes that are paid on the ponds now – would it be double taxation for a drainage district? Good question. Davina Allgrim – What do other communities do that have common areas but no HOA? Britta suggested that the common area committee look into this. Theresa Fantone – What about the deterioration of the eyebrows? Jim Farrell responded that this year each eyebrow will be repaired at a cost of $65. New soil will be put down and reseeded until it ‘takes’.