(Primary Care) Tier 2 Slimming on Referral Weight Management Form

1. Please check eligibility:

Eligibility Criteria:

·  Patient is motivated and ready to change

·  16 years and above

·  Registered with Hampshire GP (excluding Soton/Portsmouth)

·  BMI ≥ 30

·  BMI ≥ 28

o  Black and Minority Ethnic groups

o  Type 1 and 2 Diabetes or Metabolic Syndrome

o  BMI ≥ 28 CVD or high risk of CVD

o  Anxiety/depression

o  Needs to lose weight before medical/surgical intervention can take place

o  Has a child of school age (up to 16 years)


·  Eating disorders/severe psychological morbidity

·  Current or previous members of Weight Watchers or Slimming World (within the last 6 months)

·  Special dietary needs, e.g. coeliac disease

2. Please confirm with the applicant that s/he is motivated to lose weight, complete the following section and hand form to applicant.

Please complete this section: /
Practice J Code: Click here to enter the Practice J Code
Your Job Title: Job Title.
Is this referral as a result of a Health Check? YES ☐ NO ☐
Applicant’s NHS number (if applicable): Click here to enter applicant’s NHS number.
BMI: Click here to enter applicant’s BMI.

3. TO THE APPLICANT: Please telephone the provider of your choice and wait for your voucher/voucher pack to arrive before going to your first group meeting.

The next page outlines details of the Slimming World and Weight Watchers weight management

programmes. Please read through this information to choose your provider and then ring them.

Please note;

1)  You will be able to attend one 12-week course with either Weight Watchers or Slimming World. Both providers will charge you for attending group beyond the first 12-weeks (unless you have achieved your target weight).

2)  You need to take your voucher/voucher pack with you to the first group meeting. You will receive your voucher/voucher pack once you have telephoned your provider and waited a few days for this to arrive by post.

3)  By participating in this service, you agree to information about your weightloss being shared

between the NHS, the Commissioner and Providers of this service.

4)  You may be contacted by the provider of the service some time after your course to find out your current weight.

Slimming World

Slimming World offers weekly group support to help you make gradual changes towards a healthy lifestyle.Your membership of Slimming World also gives you free access to dozens of online features and tools to support you between groups.

The Food Optimising eating plan is based around satisfying your appetite with healthy everyday foods like fruit and vegetables, pasta, potatoes, eggs, fish, lean meat and chicken so that you never go hungry. It’s a long term plan, not a quick fix, so no food is banned and whatever your favourite treat is, you can still enjoy it in moderation.

Motivating you to become more active gradually, when you feel ready, is Slimming World’s optional Body Magic programme. It works by redefining what is seen as activity so that anything that gets you moving more, from washing the car to walking the dog, is rewarded and counts towards your weekly total.

As a member, you choose the target weight that you feel happy with and are motivated and encouraged in hour long weekly meetings to share experiences, recipes and ideas with your fellow slimmers in a warm, supportive environment. Research shows this is crucial to weight loss success and, once you reach your selected target weight, you can attend for free. Groups are led by trained Slimming World Consultants, all of whom are former members and have lost weight on the plan themselves. Your weight remains confidential at all times and your weight losses and gradual changes towards a healthy lifestyle are celebrated.

For further information about Slimming World see www.slimmingworld.com.

To find a convenient Slimming World course ring :

01773 546397 (9am-6.30pm Monday to Friday)

Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers is more than ‘just another diet’. We have been helping people lose weight and keep it off for 50 years. Through our meetings we combine delicious healthy eating with help and advice to become more active than you are right now and the knowledge and confidence to gradually adopt the right habits that will mean you keep the weight you lose off long term.

Weight Watchers’ meetings are welcoming, motivating, supportive, friendly and great fun!. They are run by Leaders who themselves have successfully lost weight with Weight Watchers. They have learnt how to deal with the challenges of losing weight and are passionate experts in supporting others to achieve weight loss. Every week in our hour long meetings different real life weight loss topics are discussed and ideas, solutions and support shared. You also get individual, confidential support at your weekly weigh in to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

At Weight Watchers we love food. We believe that food is for life, for enjoyment and for good health, we have developed the ProPoints plan uses advanced weight loss science to help you lose weight and manage your hunger. The ProPoints plan is our most flexible plan ever, designed to fit around the lives of real people to help you make the right food choices for healthy weight loss. There are no ‘special’ foods, you eat everyday foods with family and friends and you get an extra weekly ProPoints allowance which enables you to include treats like chocolate, wine, snacks and a take away!

To find a convenient Weight Watchers course ring

0845 602 7068* quoting WWRS060 (available Monday-Sunday 8am-8pm)

For more information about Weight Watchers visit www.weightwatchers.co.uk

Public Health Hampshire – Updated October 2015