Supporting information for the paper: A critical review of the effect of water storage reservoirs on organic matter decomposition in rivers
By: John Gichimu Mbaka & Mercy Wanjiru Mwaniki
Email addresses:
This file has two tables:
Table S1Page 2
Table S2Page 6
Table S1: Summary of papers on the effect of reservoirs on organic matter decomposition in rivers (FU = further upstream, IU = immediate upstream, Res = reservoir, ID = immediate downstream, FD = further downstream, small res = small reservoir, large res = large reservoir, n.a = not available). References highlighted in yellow were included in the study.
Reference / Country / Dam Purpose; Water Release mechanism / Year Built; Dam Location in Catchment Area / Study Design; Sites Distance from Dam / Variables / Organic Matter Type / Samplings; Decay Model Used / Volume (m3);Height (m) / Study Period / Organic matter Collection Time; Litter Bags Mesh Size Used / No. of Streams; Stream Order; Dam Size CategoryGonzález et al., 2013 / Spain (Central) / Water supply; surface / n.a; uninhabited upstream / FU-FD; 60m- 680m / Physicochemical, invertebrates, fungi / Alder tree (Alnus sp.) / 4;linear / 90-710 x 103 m3; 18-41 m / 2008,2009 / After abscission; coarse (5mm) / 4;
small res
Menéndez et al., 2012 / Spain (North) / n.a; surface and deep / n.a; uninhabited upstream / FU -FD; 160m - 480m / Physicochemical, invertebrates, fungi / Alder tree (Alnus sp.) / 4;negative exponential and linear / <3 x 106 m3;5-15 m / 2008,2009 / After abscission;coarse (5mm) / 4;
small res
Mendoza-Lera et al., 2012 / Spain (North) / Water supply; Surface / n.a; uninhabited upstream / FU -FD;86 m - 675m / Physicochemical, invertebrates, fungi / Alder tree (Alnus sp.) / 4; negative exponential and linear / 14-64 x 104 m3; n.a / 2008 / After abscission; coarse (5 mm) / 5;
small res
Muehlbauer et al., 2009 / USA (Arizona) / Hydropower; n.a / 1900s; uninhabited upstream / FU - FD; 400m - 100 m / Physicochemical, invertebrates, fungi / Alder and Fremont Cotton wood (Populus sp.) / n.a;negative exponential / n.a ;10 m / 2003,2005 / During natural abscission using traps; coarse (6mm) / 1;
small res
Colas et al., 2013 / France (East) / Industrial supply; n.a / 1900s; Uninhabited and areas with industrial activities / FU – Res – FD; n.a / Physicochemical, invertebrates / Alder tree (Alnus sp.) / 1;negative exponential / n.a; n.a / 2010 / Before natural abscission; coarse (5 mm) / 2;
small res
Carpenter et al., 1983 / USA (Virginia) / n.a; n.a / 1800s; semi pristine and industrial areas / FU – Res; n.a / Physicochemical, invertebrates, bacteria / Dogwood (Cornus ) and Oak (Quercus) trees and soft rush – macro (Juncus sp) / 6;negative exponential / n.a;n.a / 1979 / After natural abscission; coarse (4.5mm) / 2;
large res
Tuch & Gasith, 1989 / Israel / Irrigation; n.a / 1980s; n.a / FU – ID – FD; 1 km - ~ 50 m – 1.5 km / Physicochemical, invertebrates, algae / Cattail macrophyte (Typha sp.) / n.a;linear and negative exponential / 4 x 106 m3 ;17 m / 1986,1987 / n.a; leaf packs / 2;
large res
Mbaka & Schäfer, 2015 / Germany (South west) / Various; surface / 1800s;uninhabited upstream / FU – IU – ID – FD; 300 m – 10 m – 10 m – 300 m / Physicochemical, invertebrates / Alder tree (Alnus sp.) / 1;linear / 80 – 720 m3; 1-3 m / 2014 / Before natural abscission; coarse (8 mm) / 9;
small weir
Casas et al., 2000 / Spain (South) / Hydropower; deep release / 1980s; upstream headwaters / FU – FD; 1 km – 0.5 km / Physicochemical, invertebrates / 4 riparian trees species / 7;negative exponential model / 70 x 106 m3;n.a / 1993;1994 / After natural abscission; coarse (5mm) / 1;
large res
Table S1: Continued
Reference / Country / Dam Purpose; Water Release type / Year Built; Dam Location in Catchment Area / Study Design; Sites Distance from Dam / Variables / Organic matter type / Samplings; Decay Model Used / Volume (m3);Height (m) / Study Period / Leaf Collection Time; Bags mesh size used / No. of Streams; Stream order; Dam Size CategoryNelson & Roline, 2000 / USA (Colorado) / Hydropower; deep release / 1960s;n.a / FU – ID – FD; n.a / Physicochemical, invertebrates / Aspen (Populus sp.) / 2; linear / n.a;n.a / 1995, 1997 / During abscission; coarse (1 cm) and fine (300 µm) / 1;
large res
Arroita et al., 2015 / Spain (North) / Hydropower;n.a / n.a;upstream with little impact / FU – ID;n.a / Physicochemical, invertebrates / Alder tree (Alnus sp.) / 2; negative exponential / n.a; 2 - 5 m / 2011, 2012 / After natural abscission; coarse (5 mm) / 5;
small weir
Nelson, 2000 / USA (Colorado) / n.a;n.a / 1960s; area impacted by metals / ID – FD;n.a / Physicochemical, invertebrates / Aspen (Populus sp.) / 3; negative exponential / n.a.;n.a / 1995, 1996, 1997 / During abscission; coarse (1 cm) / 1; n.a;
large res
Abril et al., 2015 / Spain (north east / n.a.; n.a / n.a;mainly prisitne upstream areas / Lotic - Res.; n.a / Physicochemical / Poplar wood (Populus sp) / 2; negative exponential / 10 – 1000 x 103 m3;1-3 m / 2013 / Commercial wood;n.a / 6; 2 - 5; small weirs and small res
Quintão et al., 2013 / Brazil
(Minas Gerais) / water supply;n.a / 1960s; n.a / Res; n.a / Physicochemical, invertebrates, fungi / Macrophytes (Eichhornia and Typha sp.) / 6;negative exponential / n.a;n.a / 2007 / Before abscission; coarse (10 mm) / 2;
large res
Esteves & Barbieri, 1983 / Brazil(Sao Paulo) / n.a;n.a / 1930s;n.a / Res;n.a / Physicochemical / Macrophytes (Nymphoides and Polygonum sp.) / 8; linear / 70 x 103 m3;12m / 1980s / After abscission;coarse (2mm) / 1;
large res
James et al., 1988 / USA (carolina) / Various;n.a / 1980s;n.a / Res;n.a / Physicochemical / Oak,pine Hickory, Beech / 6;negative exponential / n.a;12-50 m / 1980s / After abscission;n.a;
Coarse (5 mm) / 1;large res
Cho&Kong, 1998 / Korea / n.a;n.a / n.a;agricultural / Res; n.a / n.a / 10 macrophyte species / 10;negative exponential / n.a;n.a / 1996 / Before abscission; coarse (1 mm) / 1;
Bianchini Jr et al., 2011 / Brazil (Sao Paulo) / n.a;n.a / 2002;n.a / Res;n.a / n.a / 18 macro-
phyte species / n.a;negative exponential / 105 x 106 m3;69m / 2003,2004 / n.a;n.a / 1;
large res
Pereira et al., 1994 / Brazil / n.a;n.a / 1980s; forested area / FU- IU-RES;n.a / n.a / n.a / n.a / 45 km3; 72 m / n.a / n.a;n.a / 1; n.a;
large res
Table S1: Continued
Reference / Country / Dam Purpose; Water Release type / Year Built; Dam Location in Catchment Area / Study Design; Sites Distance from Dam / Variables / Organic matter type / Samplings; Decay Model Used / Volume (m3);Height (m) / Study Period / Leaf Collection Time; Bags mesh size used / No. of Streams; Stream order; Dam Size CategoryPinna et al., 2003 / Italy (sardinia) / n.a;n.a / n.a;n.a / n.a;n.a / Physicochemical / Alder (Alnus sp.) and macrophyte (Phragmites sp.) / n.a;negative exponential / n.a;n.a / n.a / Before abscission; leaf pack / 8;
1st to 7th;
large res
Pomeroy et al., 2000 / USA (Colorado) / n.a;n.a / n.a;n.a / FD;26 km / Physicochemical / Willow (Salix sp. ), cotton wood (Populous sp.), cedar (Tamarix sp.) / 5;negative exponential / n.a;n.a / 1997,1998 / After abscission; coarse (1 – 5 mm) / 1;
large res
Bianchini et al., 2014 / Brazil (Sao Carlos) / n.a;n.a / 1970s / n.a;n.a / Physicochemical / Macrophyte (Eichhornia sp) / 10; n.a / 73 x 103 m3; 3 m / n.a / n.a;n.a / 1;
small res
Padial & Thomaz, 2006 / Brazil / n.a;n.a / 1970s / n.a;n.a / Physicochemical / Macrophyte (Eichhornia sp) / 5;linear / n.a;n.a / 2001,2002 / After abscission;n.a / 1;
large res
Sommaruga et al., 1993 / Uruguay / Drinking water; n.a / 1970; n.a / Res;n.a / Physicochemical / Macrophyte (Pistia sp.) / 7;negative exponential / n.a;4m / 1989 / After abscission;n.a / 1;
large res
Cunha-Santino et al.,2010 / Brazil / n.a;n.a / 2002;n.a / Res;n.a / Physicochemical / Macrophyte (Eichhornia sp) / n.a;n.a / n.a;n.a / 2004 / Before abscission;n.a / 1;
large res
Tornwall, 2011 / USA (south Appalachians) / n.a;surface / na;n.a / IU-FD; 25~50 -
60~120 / Physicochemical, invertebrates / Yellow birch (Betula sp.) / 7;linear / n.a;n.a / 2009,2010 / Before abscission; leaf packs / 1;
small res
Alvarez & Guerrero, 2000 / Spain (southwest) / n.a;n.a / n.a;n.a / Res;n.a / Physicochemical / n.a / n.a;n.a / n.a;1.1-1.2 m / Mar 1998 – Apr 1999 / n.a;fine (0.063-0.5 mm) and coarse (>1mm) / n.a;
Small res;
Fonnesu et al., 2004 / Italy (Sardinia) / n.a;n.a / n.a;n.a / n.a / n.a / Macrophyte (Phragmites sp.) / 1; negative exponential / n.a;n.a / Sep to Dec 1997 / Before abscission; coarse (0.5 cm) / n.a;
Table S1: Continued
Reference / Country / Dam Purpose; Water Release type / Year Built; Dam Location in Catchment Area / Study Design; Sites Distance from Dam / Variables / Organic matter type / Samplings; Decay Model Used / Volume (m3);Height (m) / Study Period / Leaf Collection Time; Bags mesh size used / No. of Streams; Stream order; Dam Size CategoryChiba et al., 2015 / Brazil / n.a;n.a / n.a;n.a / n.a;n.a / Physicochemical / Macrophytes (Egeria sp., Hydrilla sp.) / n.a;n.a / n.a;n.a / n.a / n.a;n.a / n.a;
Silva et al., 2011 a / Brazil / n.a;n.a / 2001;inhabited area / Res;n.a / n.a / Macrophytes / 8;n.a / n.a;n.a / 2008,2009 / Before abscission;coarse (1mm) / n.a;
large res
Reddy & DeBusk, 1991 / USA (Florida) / Aquaculture;n.a / n.a;n.a / Res;n.a / Physicochemical / Macrophytes (Eichhornia sp.) / 8;negative exponential / n.a;n.a / 1984,1985 / Before abscission;
coarse (0.8 mm) / n.a;
Small res
Niu & Dudgeon, 2011 / China (Hong Kong) / Water supply; n.a / n.a;unpolluted areas / FU-FD; 100 – 200 m / Physicochemical / Chinese sweet gum (Liquidambar sp.) / 1;linear / n.a;n.a / 2007,2008 / After abscission; coarse (4 mm) / 10;
Small res
Colas et al., 2016 / France / n.a;n.a / n.a;polluted and unpolluted areas / FU-Res-FD;200 - 300 m / Physicochemical, fungi / Alder (Alnus sp.) / 3;n.a / 35-50 x 103 m3;15 m / 2010 / Before abscission; fine mesh bag / n.a;
Small res
Silva et al., 2011 b / Brazil / n.a;n.a / n.a;built up area / Res;n.a / invertebrates / 2 Macrophytes sp / 4; linear / n.a;n.a / Nov-Dec 2007 / Before abscission; coarse (0.8 cm) / n.a;
Small res
Braioni et al., 1997 / Italy / n.a;n.a / n.a;n.a / FU-FD;n.a / invertebrates / Alder (Alnus sp.) / 5;negative exponential / n.a;n.a / 1994 / Before abscission; leaf packs / n.a;
large res
Russing, 2015 / USA / Various;n.a / 1800s-1900s / FU-RES-ID-FD;n.a / Invertebrates, Physicochemical / Sugar maple (Acer sp.) / 2;negative exponential / n.a;n.a / 2012-2014 / After abscission;leaf packs, fine mesh / 2;
Short & Ward, 1980 / USA (Colorado) / n.a;deep release / n.a;n.a / ID; n.a / invertebrates / Alder (Alnus sp.) / 4; negative exponential / n.a;n.a / n.a / n.a;leaf packs / 1;
large res
Table S2: Studies that reported effect of reservoirs on habitat factors and organic matter decomposition (small Res = small reservoir, large Res = large reservoir, FD = further downstream, ID = immediate downstream, Res = reservoir). Number of studies is more than papers due to multiple variables measured in each study.
Variable / Increase / Decrease / No Significant EffectNitrates / Casas et al., 2000 (FD; large Res)
Tuch & Gasith, 1989 (ID; large Res) / Mendoza-Lera et al., 2012 (small Res)
González et al., 2013 (small Res)
Mbaka & Schäfer, 2015 (small weir)
Menéndez et al., 2012 (small Res)
Muehlbauer et al., 2009 (small Res)
Arroita et al., 2015 (small weir)
Abril et al., 2015 (small Res and weirs)
Alkalinity / Mendoza-Lera et al., 2012 (small Res)
González et al., 2013 (small Res)
Menéndez et al., 2012 (small Res)
Casas et al., 2000 (large Res)
Nelson & Roline, 2000 (large Res)
Specific Conductivity / Tuch & Gasith, 1989 (ID; large Res)
Casas et al., 2000 (FD; large Res)
/ Muehlbauer et al., 2009 (FD; small Res) / Mendoza-Lera et al., 2012 (small Res)
González et al., 2013 (small Res)
Menéndez et al., 2012 (small Res)
Mbaka & Schäfer, 2015 (small Res)
Nelson & Roline, 2000 (large Res)
Arroita et al., 2015 (small weir)
Abril et al., 2015 (small Res and weirs)
Tornwall, 2011 (small res)
Oxygen Concentration / Muehlbauer et al., 2009 (FD; small Res) / Mendoza-Lera et al., 2012 (small Res)
González et al., 2013 (small Res)
Menéndez et al., 2012 (small Res)
Mbaka & Schäfer, 2015 (small weir)
Casas et al., 2000 (large Res)
Nelson & Roline, 2000 (large Res)
Arroita et al., 2015 (small weir)
Abril et al., 2015 (small Res and weirs)
Tornwall, 2011 (small res)
Fine Sediment Content / Mendoza-Lera et al., 2012 (small Res)
González et al., 2013 (small Res)
Menéndez et al., 2012 (small Res)
Mbaka & Schäfer, 2015 (small Res)
Table S2: Continued
Variable / Increase / Decrease / No Significant EffectWidth / Arroita et al., 2015 (ID; small weir) / Mendoza-Lera et al., 2012 (small Res)
Mbaka & Schäfer, 2015 (small Res)
González et al., 2013 (small Res)
Menéndez et al., 2012 (small Res)
Water Flow Velocity / Arroita et al., 2015 (ID; small weir)
Muehlbauer et al., 2009 (FD; small Res)
Niu & Dudgeon, 2011 (FD; small res)
Abril et al., 2015 (lentic; small weirs) / Mendoza-Lera et al., 2012 (small Res)
Mbaka & Schäfer, 2015 (small weir)
González et al., 2013 (small Res)
Menéndez et al., 2012 (small Res)
Casas et al., 2000 (large Res)
Nelson & Roline, 2000 (large Res)
Water Temperature / Menéndez et al., 2012 (FD; small Res) / Muehlbauer et al., 2009 (FD; small Res) / Mendoza-Lera et al., 2012 (small Res)
González et al., 2013 (small Res)
Mbaka & Schäfer, 2015 (small weir)
Menéndez et al., 2012 (small Res)
Casas et al., 2000 (large Res)
Nelson & Roline, 2000 (large Res)
Arroita et al., 2015 (small weir)
Abril et al., 2015 (small Res and weirs)
Water pH / Muehlbauer et al., 2009 (FD; small Res) / González et al., 2013 (small Res)
Mbaka & Schäfer, 2015 (small weir)
Casas et al., 2000 (large Res)
Nelson & Roline, 2000 (large Res)
Arroita et al., 2015 (small weir)
Abril et al., 2015 (small Res and weirs)
Carpenter et al., 1983 (large Res)
Phosphates / Casas et al., 2000 (FD; large Res) / Mendoza-Lera et al., 2012 (small Res)
González et al., 2013 (small Res)
Mbaka & Schäfer, 2015 (small weir)
Menéndez et al., 2012 (small Res)
Muehlbauer et al., 2009 (small Res)
Arroita et al., 2015 (small weir)
Ammonium / Tuch & Gasith, 1989 (ID; large Res) / González et al., 2013 (small Res)
Muehlbauer et al., 2009 (small Res)
Arroita et al., 2015 (small weir)
Table S2: Continued
Variable / Increase / Decrease / No Significant EffectCanopy Cover Intensity / Casas et al., 2000 (FD; large Res) / Mendoza-Lera et al., 2012 (small Res)
González et al., 2013 (small Res)
Menéndez et al., 2012 (small Res)
Mbaka & Schäfer, 2015 (small weir)
Fungi diversity / Menéndez et al., 2012 (FD; small Res) / Mendoza-Lera et al., 2012 (small Res)
González et al., 2013 (small Res)
Menéndez et al., 2012 (small Res)
Fungi Biomass & Abundance / Menéndez et al., 2012 (FD; small Res) / Muehlbauer et al., 2009 (FD; small Res) / Mendoza-Lera et al., 2012 (small Res)
González et al., 2013 (small Res)
Menéndez et al., 2012 (small Res)
Invertebrates Richness/Diversity / Muehlbauer et al., 2009 (FD; small Res)
Mendoza-Lera et al., 2012 (FD; small Res)
Niu & Dudgeon, 2011 (FD; small res) / González et al., 2013 (small Res)
Menéndez et al., 2012 (small Res)
Tuch & Gasith, 1989 (large Res)
Invertebrate Shredders Density / Menéndez et al., 2012 (FD; small Res) / Mbaka & Schäfer, 2015 (IU; small weir)
Nelson & Roline, 2000 (ID; large Res)
Arroita et al., 2015 (ID; small weir)
Mendoza-Lera et al., 2012 (FD; small Res) / González et al., 2013 (small Res)
Menéndez et al., 2012 (small Res)
Casas et al., 2000 (large Res)
Niu & Dudgeon, 2011 (FD; small res)
Overall Invertebrates Density / Mendoza-Lera et al., 2012 (small Res)
González et al., 2013 (small Res)
Menéndez et al., 2012 (small Res)
Muehlbauer et al., 2009 (small Res)
Casas et al., 2000 (large Res)
Nelson & Roline, 2000 (large Res)
Arroita et al., 2015 (small weir)
Niu & Dudgeon, 2011 (small res)
Litter decomposition rate / Menéndez et al., 2012 (FD; small Res)
/ Mendoza-Lera et al., 2012 (FD; small Res)
González et al., 2013 (FD; small Res)
Menéndez et al., 2012 (FD; small Res)
Muehlbauer et al., 2009 (FD; small Res)
Tuch & Gasith, 1989 (ID; large Res)
Mbaka & Schäfer, 2015 (IU; small weir)
Nelson & Roline, 2000 (ID; large Res)
Arroita et al., 2015 (ID; small weir)
Carpenter et al., 1983 (Res; large Res)
Abril et al., 2015 (Res; small Res and weirs) / Casas et al., 2000 (large Res)
Abril, M., I. Mũnoz, P. Casas-Ruiz, L. Gómez-Gener, M. Barceló, F. Oliva, & M. Menéndez, 2015. Effects of water flow regulation on ecosystem functioning in a Mediterranean river network assessed by wood decomposition. Science of the Total Environment 517: 57–65.
Alvarez, S. & M.C. Guerrero, 2000. Enzymatic activities associated the decomposition of particulate organic matter in two shallow ponds. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 32: 1941-1951.
Arroita, M., I. Aristi, J. Díez, M. Martinez, G. Oyarzun, & A. Elosegi, 2015. Impact of water abstraction on storage and breakdown of coarse organic matter in mountain streams. Science of the Total Environment 503-504: 233–240.
Bianchini Jr, I., M. B. Cunha-Santino, & R. S. Panhota, 2011. Oxygen uptake from aquatic macrophytes decomposition from Piraju Reservoir (Piraju, SP, Brazil). Brazilian Journal of Biology 71: 27–35.
Bianchini Junior, I., M. B. Cunha-Santino, J. U. Ribeiro, & D. G. B. Penteado, 2014. Implication of anaerobic and aerobic decomposition of Eichornia azera (Sw.) Kunth. on the carbon cycling in a subtropical reservoir. Brazilian Journal of Biology 74: 100–110.
Braioni, M.G., G. Salmoiraghi, B. Gumiero, & P. Cisotto, 1997. Breakdown and colonization of alder in regulated Italian water courses. Limnetica 13: 25-32.
Carpenter, J., W. E. Odum, & A. Mills, 1983. Leaf litter decomposition in a reservoir affected by acid mine drainage. Oikos 41: 165–172.
Casas, J. J., C. Zamora-Muñoz, F. Archila, & Alba-Tercedor, 2000. The effect of a headwater dam on the use of leaf bags by invertebrate communities. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management 16: 577–591.
Chiba, W.A.C., M.B. Cunha-Santino, & J.I. Bianchini, 2015.Differential aerobic decomposition between a native and exotic macrophytes of tropical reservoirs. Brazilian Journal of Biology 75: 501-502.
Cho, K., & H. Kong, 1998. A comparative study on litter decomposition of emergent macrophytes in the littoral zone of reservoir. Korean Journal of Biological Sciences 333–339.
Colas, F., J. Baudoin, M. Danger, P. Usseglio-Polatera, P. Wagner, & S. Devin, 2013. Synergistic impacts of sediment contamination and dam presence on river functioning. Freshwater biology 58: 320–336.
Colas, F., J. Baudoin, E. Chauvet, H. Clivot, M. Danger, F. Guérold, & S. Devin, 2016. Dam associated multiple-stressor impacts on fungal biomass and richness reveal the initial signs of ecosystem functioning impairment. Ecological Indicators 60: 1077-1090.
Cunha-Santino, M. B., I. Bianchini Jr, & M. H. Okawa, 2010. The fate of Eichornia azuera (Sw.) Kunth. detritus within a tropical reservoir. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia 22: 109–121.
Esteves, F. A., & R. Barbieri, 1983. Dry weight and chemical changes during decomposition of tropical macrophytes in Lobo reservoir - Sao Paulo, Brazil. Aquatic Botany 16: 285–295.
Fonnesu, A., A. Pinna, & A. Basset, 2004. Spatial and temporal variations of detritus breakdown rates in the River Flumendosa Basin (Sardinia Italy). International Review of Hydrobiology 89: 443-452.
González, M. J., S. Mollá, N. Roblas, E. Descals, Ó. Moya, & C. Casado, 2013. Small dams decrease leaf litter breakdown rates in Mediterranean mountain streams. Hydrobiologia 712: 117–128.
James, W. F., R. H. Kennedy, W. E. Shain, & R. K. Myers, 1988. Leaf litter breakdown in a recently impounded reservoir. Water Resources Bulletin 24: 831–837.
Mbaka, J. G., & R. B. Schäfer, 2015. Effect of small impoundments on leaf litter decomposition in streams. River Research and Applications. DOI: 10.1002/rra.2924.
Mendoza-Lera, C., A. Larranága, J. Pérez, E. Descals, C. Martínez, O. Moya, I. Arostegui, & J. Pozo, 2012. Headwater reservoirs weaken terrestrial-Aquatic linkage by slowing leaf litter processing in downstream regulated reaches. River research and applications 28: 13–22.
Menéndez, M., E. Descals, T. Riera, & O. Moya, 2012. Effect of small reservoirs on leaf litter decomposition in Mediterranean headwater streams. Hydrobiologia 691: 135–146.
Muehlbauer, J. D., C. J. LeRoy, J. M. Lovett, K. K. Flaccus, J. K. Vlieg, & J. C. Marks, 2009. Short-term responses of decomposers to flow restoration in Fossil Creek, Arizona, USA. Hydrobiologia 618: 35–45.
Nelson, S. M., 2000. Leaf pack breakdown and macroinvertebrate colonization: bioassessment tools for a high-altitude regulated system?. Environmental Pollution 110: 321–329.
Nelson, S. M., & R. A. Roline, 2000. Leaf litter breakdown in a mountain stream impacted by a hypolimnetic release reservoir. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 15: 479–490.
Niu, S.Q., & D. Dudgeon, 2011. The influence of flow and season upon leaf-litter breakdown in monsoonal Hong Kong streams. Hydrobiologia 663: 205-215.
Padial, A. A., & S. M. Thomaz, 2006. Effects of flooding regime upon the decomposition of Eichornia Azuera (Sw.) Kunth measured on a tropical river flow- regulated floodplain (Parana River, Brazil). River Research and Applications 22: 791–801.
Pereira, A., B. Tassin, & S. E. Jørgensen, 1994. A model for decomposition of the drown vegetation in an Amazonian resrvoir. Ecological Modelling 75/76: 447–458.
Pinna, M., F. Sangiorgio, A. Fonnesu, & A. Basset, 2003. Spatial analysis of plant detritus processing in a Mediterranean river type: the case of the River Tirso Basin, Sardinia, Italy. Journal of Environmental Sciences 15: 227–240.
Pomeroy, K. E., J. P. Shannon, & D. W. Blinn, 2000. Leaf breakdown in a regulated desert river: Colorado River, Arizona, U.S.A. Hydrobiologia 434: 193–199.
Quintão, J. M. B., R. S. Rezende, & J. F. Junior, 2013. Microbial effects in leaf breakdown in tropical reservoirs of different tropic status. Freshwater Science 32: 933– 950.
Reddy, K.R., & W.F. DeBusk, 1991. Decomposition of water hyancith detritus in eutrophic lake water. Hydrobiologia 211: 101-109.
Russing, B.E., 2015. Low-head dams alter physicochemical conditions and leaf litter decomposition. Msc Thesis, Appalachian State University. 60 pages.
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Silva, D.S., M.B. Cunha-Santino, E.E. Marques, & I. Bianchini Jr., 2011 a. The decomposition of aquatic macrophytes: bioassays versus in situ experiments. Hydrobiologia 665: 219-227.
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