Grayson High School Band Department

Course Syllabus

Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Percussion Ensemble

Fall Semester 2008

Mr. Robert J. Barnes, Director

Room 1.377

(770) 554-7820

Course Title and Description

Concert Band (marching and non marching students) is an intermediate level performing ensemble consisting of students capable of playing GMEA grade 3 - 4 level music.

Symphonic Band (marching and non marching students) is an advanced level performing ensemble consisting of students capable of playing GMEA grades 4 - 6 level music.

Percussion Ensemble (aka Int. Band & Adv. Band) is a performance class specializing in instruction in percussive arts as well as in performing in conjunction with the Concert, Symphonic & Marching Bands.

For all of the above courses, outside of class rehearsals and performances and other events that are a direct performance outcome of class are required for completion of the course for students registered. Students registered for concert-performing band classes are required to attend all rehearsals and performances established for band performances. These after school activities, as stipulated by the teacher, will determine a portion of the student’s grade. Students that do not maintain appropriate attendance requirements will not be allowed to continue in the program.

Grading Scale

90 – 100 = A 80 – 89 = B 74 – 79 = C 70 – 73 = D 0 – 69 = F

Grading System

Class Assignments, Tests, et al – 70%

Sixty percent of a student’s grade is based on class assignments and tests – written and playing, and other instructional materials presented in class. Students that attend class without the appropriate materials may have points deducted from their class work grade. Assignments may be written and/or playing tests, notes, handouts, theory exercises, et al. Preparation for playing tests, class assignments and performances does require individual practice time outside of class.

After School Rehearsals, Performances & Concert Attendance – 10%

In accordance with Gwinnett County policies and AKS objectives rehearsals and performances outside of the regular school day make up a portion of the band class and grade. All after school rehearsals and concerts are graded and will be counted in this category.

The membership policy of the Gwinnett County and the GHS Band program states that required out-of-class activities, as stipulated by the teacher, will determine a portion of the student’s grade. In other words attendance at after school rehearsals and concerts will constitute a portion of the student’s class grade. Anyone needing to be excused from an after school rehearsal or performance must do so in writing before the day of the event. Criteria established by Gwinnett County will be used to determine excused or unexcused status. Written excuse notes that are submitted the day of an after school rehearsal or performance may be counted as unexcused. Exceptions to this are emergencies and/or student illnesses whereas absence from school takes place on the day of the event. Failure to prepare assignments, unexcused or frequent absences, and/or unacceptable behavior may result in lower grades and/or suspension from the performing group/class. Students should make arrangements to make-up any absences for after school activities with the Director.

Concert attendance - A concert attendance requirement is included in this grade category. Each class member must attend or perform in 1 concert event other than the required performances for the band class each semester. Please read the attached explanation for this activity and the explanation as to what concert activities are accepted.

Final Exam – 20%

Twenty percent of a student’s grade is based on the GCPS Final Exam. 10% will be a performance assessment (December Concert). 10% will be a written final exam covering material from class including written theory, history, and music terminology.

Progress Reports

Progress reports will be issued on Sept. 18, Oct. 16, and Nov. 13 for this semester. In addition, e-mail grade reports will be sent every 2-3 weeks. Please contact the band director if you wish to receive updates on student progress at other times.

Materials - These materials should be present at all band functions

Music & Instrument(s) – including concert snare sticks for all percussionists

Accessories (oil, mutes, lyre, neck strap, reeds, etc.)

Pencil and notebook paper; staff paper will be provided by the director

No student is to play on plastic reeds. Van Doren brand is the recommended brand of reeds. Quality equipment will help to create quality work.

Make-up Policy

According to Gwinnett County policy students have 5 days to make-up work from any excused absence. Please schedule a time with the band director to complete any make-up work as necessary. It is the responsibility of the student to account for all absences in making up assignments. Make-up work is not allowed for unexcused absences. Unexcused tardies and absences may reduce a student’s grade. Opportunities are available for students to make-up excused absences. After school rehearsals and concerts that are missed are graded assignments and must be made-up for credit.

Acceptable Use

Grayson High school has established an “Acceptable Use” policy for the appropriate use of technology in the classroom. The Band Room is equipped with a desktop computer for student use, tuners, audio and video systems. This equipment is for course-related use only.


Cheating by students is to be considered inexcusable conduct and will be addressed according to the following procedure: 1st Offense – 0% on assignment, call home, and an administrative referral; 2nd Offense – Administrative referral

Classroom Procedures

- Students are to be in their seats with instrument and music by the tardy bell. Materials needed for the day’s lesson are generally posted on the board.

- No food, candy, gum is allowed in the band room at any time. This is a school wide policy and is enforced by the director.

- No drinks, water bottles, drink containers are allowed in the band room at any time. This is a classroom policy and is enforced by the director.

- Instruments and music issued to students become their responsibility. Any damage to an instrument or loss of music may incur a liability based upon the cost of the loss or damage. Students that are assigned a school-owned instrument should not allow others to have possession of the instrument.

- Each student should keep notebook paper in the music folder. On occasion assignments will be given or students may be asked to take notes in preparation for a test/final exam or other class activity.

- Misconduct and disturbances that distract from classroom instruction will result in disciplinary action. Warnings will be provided for students to correct behavior. Repeated occurrences may result in parent contact, detention, administrative detention, Saturday School, suspension and potentially dismissal from the band program.

Disciplinary Consequence Procedure

The following is the procedure established for students that do not follow teacher written or oral directions or that do not follow classroom protocol.

Step 1 Teacher Detention

Step 2 Administrative Detention

Step 3 Saturday School

Step 4 Administrative Referral

Band Membership Fees

The Grayson High School Band Association has established band membership dues for non marching band members at $50.00 per year. For members of the Marching Band dues are set at $450.00 per year for winds players and Color Guardand Percussion dues are set at $500.00 per year. Please review the Band Association’s Financial Policy as to the purpose and requirements of this fee. Dues are used to purchase music, stands, instruments, hire instructors, coach buses, uniforms, and scholarships.


In addition to membership dues students must purchase a concert uniform. There are generally 4 - 6 concerts per year in which these uniforms will be worn.


Male students will need to purchase a full, black tuxedo on their own. There are a number of reputable shops in the Grayson/Snellville area that provide tuxedos. The current cost is approximately $120.00 in this area. Dress black shoes and black socks are also required, no sneakers. Marching band members may use their marching shoes.


Female students will need to purchase a black, full-length dress as designated by the Director. Purchase of the dress will take place through the Band office and the cost is approximately $75. Do not purchase your own black dress. Students will need to provide their own black dress shoes. Flip-flops or casual sandals are not appropriate. Ordeirng and purchasing will take place in Sept/Oct.

The concert uniform is the property and responsibility of the student. Students will not be allowed to perform without the proper uniform.

School-Owned Instrument Fees - $60 per year

Students that use school-owned instruments are assessed a rental fee of $30 per semester as set forth by the Gwinnett County Maintenance Fee Agreement. Monies collected for this purpose are used solely for the repair, maintenance, and replacement of school-owned instruments. Students that use more than one school-owned instrument will only be assessed one rental fee per semester. A rental agreement form must be completed, fee paid by the student and parent, and approved by the director before the instrument can be issued. Notices will be sent home at the beginning of each semester. Marching Band members are exempt from this fee.


The Grayson High School Lettering Policy states that participants will be able to earn credit towards a Varsity letter in only those games or activities that qualify as Varsity level events. The director of each program must also establish appropriate criteria specific to the program. Earning a letter through the band program is a letter through participation in extracurricular activities. After school rehearsals and performances of the concert and symphonic bands are a part of the student’s grade. Therefore they are not extracurricular and do not qualify for lettering. Students participating in band courses only can receive credit towards an academic letter as part of the school day curriculum. See the Band Handbook for more details.

Marching Band Members

Students eligible for earning a letter as members of the GHS Marching Band & Color Guard must be in good standing with regards to all policies set forth by the Band Director and the Band Association. Students in grades 9-12 must be enrolled in a performing band class for the entire school year, except for Color Guard members, and must be in good academic standing in these classes. Members must participate in all Varsity level events as well as maintain regular attendance at marching rehearsals and performances. Unexcused absences and tardies may result in the loss of letter eligibility. Varsity level events include the Gwinnett County Marching Exhibition, all Varsity football games, all marching competitions, and the Grayson Day Parade. The Director reserves the right to alter these conditions as necessary for special or extenuating circumstances.

Non Marching Band Members

Students that participate only in the concert and/or symphonic bands, but are not members of the marching band are not eligible to earn a letter. However, non marching band members may earn a letter if satisfactory participation in the Pep Band or Jazz Band is fulfilled. Eligibility criteria for the Pep and Jazz Band states that students must be in good standing with regards to all policies set forth by the Band Director and the Band Association. Students in grades 9-12 must be enrolled in a performing band class for the entire school year and must be in good academic standing in the classes. Members must participate in all performances assigned to these groups. The creation of a pep band and/or jazz band is subject to availability and sufficient membership in order to be established. Unexcused absences and tardies may result in the loss of letter eligibility.

*The director reserves the right to make adjustments in the course content, grading procedure, and syllabus as needed.


A band calendar of events is attached to this syllabus and is published on the band website at

Academic Knowledge and Skills

A – Tone Production

Continue refinement of characteristic tone quality and identification of all band instrument timbres

Demonstrate proper posture, hand position, embouchure, breath support, and vibrato appropriate to instrument

Tune instrument accurately to appropriate sound sources and/or electronic tuners and demonstrate acceptable intonation in playing alone and in ensemble

B – Rhythm

Maintain tempo and count rhythmically

Perform and count in simple, compound and mixed meters

Demonstrate the relationship of ornaments to rhythm and beat

C – Technique

Perform all major scales and arpeggios, at least 6 minor scales and arpeggios, and the chromatic scale

Demonstrate frequently used articulations at increasingly quick tempos and perform double tonguing where appropriate

D – Style

Demonstrate understanding of phrase and melody through performance

Perform music from a variety of musical genres and historical styles

E – Theory, History, and Culture

Demonstrate knowledge of frequently used musical terms and symbols

Identify notes in the appropriate staff, their enharmonic equivalents and concert pitch and transpose for student’s own instrument

Construct major and minor scales based on whole and half step patterns and explain the relationship between major and minor scales

Explore improvisation of melodies with scales and key signatures studied

Create, notate, and perform a simple composition for chosen instrument(s) of ensemble

Recognize harmonic structure and demonstrate an awareness of its role through performance

Demonstrate knowledge of form in music repertoire

Demonstrate knowledge of relevant historical, biographical, and multicultural information regarding music performed in class/concert

Describe the evolution/history of band instruments

F – Synthesis/Application

Demonstrate proper care and maintenance of instrument

Use print, non-print, and technological media to access and manipulate musical information

Demonstrate responsibility to the group through attendance, punctuality, cooperation, leadership, listening, preparation, and acceptable behavior

Respond appropriately to conducting techniques used by the director

Critique music performed by the ensemble and suggest ways to improve

Demonstrate music reading skills through performance of class repertoire at expected competency level