Supplemental Materials

Dissecting Language Creativity: English Proficiency, Creativity, and Creativity Motivation as Predictors in EFL Learners' Metaphoric Creativity

by H.-C. Wang and Y.-S. Cheng, 2016, Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts

Questionnaire on Motivation Toward Verbal Creativity in English

The initial scale of the questionnaire was adapted from the Self- and Task-Perceptions Questionnaire (Eccles & Wigfield, 1995)and the Children’s Competence Beliefs and Subjective Task Value Questionnaire (Wigfield et al., 1997).

(I)Expectancy for Success:

(A)Ability/Expectancy Beliefs

  1. How good at expressing creativity in English are you? (not at all good; very good)
  2. Compared to your other English skills, how good are you at expressing creativity in English? (a lot worse in it than in other activities; a lot better in it than in other activities)
  3. If you are offered a course on how to express creativity in English, how well do you think you will do in this course? (very poorly; very well)
  4. If you are offered a course on how to express creativity in English, compared to other students, how well would you expect to do in this course? (much worse than other students; much better than other students)
  5. How good have you been at expressing creativity in English since you began learning English?(very poorly; very well)

(B)Perceived Task Difficulty

  1. In general, is it hard for you to express creativity in English? (very easy; very hard)
  2. Compared to most other students in your class, is it hard for you to express creativity in English? (much easier for me; much harder for me)
  3. Compared to your other English skills, is it hard for you to express creativity in English? (much easier than other skills; much harder than other skills)
  4. Is it hard for you to be proficient at expressing creativity in English?(very easy; very hard)

(II)Subjective Task Value


  1. In general, would you like to express creativity in English? (not very much; very much)
  2. You feel that, to you, expressing creativity in English such as puns to attract other people’s attention or to creative humor is ______(very boring; very interesting)
  3. Is the amount of effort it will take to learn to express creativity in English worthwhile to you? (not at all worthwhile; very worthwhile)
  4. You feel that, to you, being good at expressing creativity in English to achieve an expected purpose is ______(not at all important; very important)

(B)Extrinsic Utility

  1. How useful is it to be good at expressing creativity in English for what you want to do after you graduate and go to work? (not at all useful; very useful)
  2. How useful is it to be good at expressing creativity in English for your daily life outside school? (not at all useful; very useful)
  3. Compared to your other English skills, is it useful for you to learn how to express creativity in English? (not at all useful; very useful)
  4. Is it useful for you to express creativity when you communicate with others in English? (not at all useful; very useful)

(C)Perceived Cost I—Required Effort

  1. How hard would you have to try to do well in a course on how to express creativity in English? (not at all hard; very hard)
  2. How hard do you have to try to express in order to be able to express creativity in English well? (not at all hard; very hard)
  3. How hard do you have to study in order to be able to express creativity in English well? (not at all hard; very hard)
  4. To be able to express creativity in English well, how much harder do you have to work for it in comparison with working for other English skills? (much harder for other English skills than for it; much harder for it than for other English skills)

(D)Perceived Cost II—Anxiety

  1. Would you feel anxious when trying to express creativity in English? (not at all anxious; very anxious)
  2. Are you concerned about the risk of causing misunderstanding during communication when you expressing creativity in English? (not at all concerned; very concerned)
  3. Are you concerned over the fact that people may think the creative expressions you use are not creative? (not at all concerned; very concerned)\