
By Eliana Christie

Global Warming

The world’s average temperature is gradually increasing, in a process called global warming. As a result, sea levels are rising, and extreme storms seem to be happening more often.

Heavy Rainfall

Heavy rainfall causes two key types of flood. The first type effects large areas and the second can cause destruction to anything in its track.

Low-lying areas

When extra water swells a river’s flow too much, its banks burst. In low-lying areas, the floodwaters spread out and cover large areas of land.

Narrow river valleys

In areas where a river follows a narrow valley, the flow of water’s focused into a small area. The force of the river can be very destructive, creating a powerful, fast-moving flash flood.

Where do floods most commonly happen in Australia?

The most common type of flooding mostly happens along rivers after heavy rainfall. Flooding can occur along inland rivers, for example in large flat areas of central and Western New South Wales, Queensland, parts of North West Victoria and Western Australia. In these areas they can last for weeks and months flooding can also occur in mountain and coastal rivers. Another cause of flooding is very high tides in coastal areas. Flash floods can occur almost anywhere in Australia.

What is affected during a flood?

During floods, roads, bridges, farms houses and transport are destroyed. People are left without homes and lots of jobs are lost. Plus, the government asks firemen, police and other emergencyservices to help people who have been affected. All of these come at a huge cost to people and the government. It usually takes years to re-build affected communities and for business to come back to regularity.


The environment also gets affected during floods.

Chemicals and other harmful items end up in the water. Also, floods can kill animals and other insects come to affected areas unbalancing the natural balance of the ecosystem

People and animals

A lot of people and animals have died in flash floods. Many more are injured and others are made homeless. Water supply and electricity are disturbed and people struggle and suffer as a result. Adding on to this, flooding brings a lot of diseases and infections. Sometimes insects and snakes make their ways to the area and cause a lot of panic and drama.



Names: Britannica School, Bauera of Meteorology eschooltoday



Names: Disaster Watch Floods

Author: Paul Mason (P.M)