Catalyst Team Member Description & Application


The Navigators at MSU-Mankato have a student leadership team called “CATALYST.” Catalyst means “one who promotes significant change”. That is exactly what this team is about: promoting significant change in our own lives as well as the lives of others through a dynamic relationship with Christ Jesus. The goal of the Catalyst team is to gain the Heart, Vision and Know-How to walk with Christ and then help others walk with Him. Some of the leadership forms this may take are: Recruiting and leading or co-leading an Investigative Bible Discussion (IBD), recruiting and leading or co-leading a Bible study, leading out in campus prayer times, intentionally discipling another, Nav-Nite team, etc.

Let me give you more specific information about what is involved with the Catalyst Team. The team meets every other week on Sunday nights for in-depth time of Bible Study and biblical input at the Chamberlain's house. Faithful weekly attendance is expected. Other time commitment expectations include:

•Faithfully carrying out your leadership role (i.e. serve at NavNite or lead Bible study, etc);

•Attending the “Jump Start” training and planning time,Aug 15th-16th (Tues. – Wed.);

•Fully participating in the Catalyst Team Fundraiser (Summer 2017);

•Attending the Nav Fall Weekender, Oct. 20th - 22nd

•Attending the Nav Laborers conferenceJan. 26- Jan. 28, 2017

Included with this application is a detailed sheet called “Team Member Expectations” outlining all of the expectations. The expectations are very high. We do not require you to have met all of these expectations before applying and acceptance to the team. We set the bar high, but we will help you get there!

Catalyst interviews will be held with the staff in April in the CSU. Please make an appointment to see us during one of those times. We will let you know the details later and have an online sign up for an interview time. If none of these times work for you please arrange for a meeting with a staff member.Make sure to bring this application and two copies of the "Team Member Expectations" with you to the interview.

On Sunday evening, April 23rd at the Chamberlain's house we will be having a special Catalyst meetings where the new members can come and experience what it's like.

The purpose of this application is to help us get to know you better and to help you process God’s leading concerning being on the Catalyst team with The Navigators. We are not looking for “perfect” people. We are all “in process” as we mature in our walk with Christ.

(Please print)


Major______Anticipated Grad. Date______

Current year in college:______

Birth Date:______

Current mailing address:


City, State, Zip:______

Phone Numbers:______


I will be at this address until:______

Permanent Home Address

Parents names:______


City, State, Zip______

May we send them updates on our ministry and possibly an invitation to next year’s Parent’s Banquet in the spring?

 Yes  No

1)Please give a brief summary of your life including your home background and your spiritual background. (Use the back of this page if necessary). Be sure to include historical information about your relationship with Jesus.

2)Describe your current walk with God.

3)In a few sentences, describe your recent experience with the following (if any):

-Personal devotional life

-Scripture memory

-Small group Bible study (Who is your current Bible study leader?)

-NavNite (include how often you attended this year?)

4)How confident are you in sharing the Gospel with someone who does not know Christ?


no experience not sureaverageconfidentvery confident

5) Are you willing to be trained in taking initiative in evangelism? Yes No

6) If you were part of the Joshua team please answer part A. If you were not part of the Joshua team please answer part B.

A.What were the most significant things you learned through the Joshua team?

B.What were the circumstances that precluded your participation in the Joshua team? Are you willing to be part of the Joshua team next spring semester?

7)What, in your opinion, are your strengths and weaknesses?

8)It is our desire that our student leaders live in sexual health and wholeness. Is there any area of your life where you are struggling with sexual purity? Note: Your answer here will not disqualify you from leadership. Our desire is to help you as needed. (Tim is available for the men and Tara is available for women if you'd like to talk more about this)

9) To the best of your ability, describe your life goals, desires and/or vision for your life.

10)Please summarize your current involvements over the past year, including work, organizations, campus ministries, churches, extra-curricular activities etc.

11)What are your expected involvements next year? (other student orgs, Church, job, etc.)

12) After reading the Catalyst Team Member expectations do you have any questions or concerns about what is expected? Do you plan on ignoring any of these expectations? Which ones?

13) What do you hope to gain from your involvement as part of the Catalyst team with The Navigators?

14) What areas of leadership interest you? (Check any that apply)

_____ Bible study leader

_____ Worship team (What is your strength? Vocals or instruments? Comments?)


_____ Set up/Tear Down team (sound equipment)

_____ NavNite team ( __Emcee, _____ Name tags, ___Greeter, __ Planning NavNites)

_____ Events team ( __ After Navs events, ___ Weekend events, ____Service projects, ___Spring break planning, __ Outreach events)

_____ Support team ( __Advertizing/posters, __ Facebook/Web site, __Admin/organizing)

_____ Prayer and Outreach team ( __ Prayer meeting, __Prayer walks around campus,

___Weekly evangelism, ___Help lead Joshua Team)







Our Highest Values:

  1. To honor God: “Those who honor me I will honor.” 1 Samuel 2:30
  1. To know Christ: “What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish that I may gain Christ.” Philippians 3:8
  1. To make Christ known: “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19
  1. To make disciples: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”Matthew 28:19, 20

Therefore, we ask you to join us…

1. In honoring God with your example of…

a)High standards regarding drinking:

  • No underage drinking… it is against the law.
  • No getting drunk… it does not honor God.
  • Not having parties with alcohol… It is not the example we want to set for MSUNAVS.

b) High standards regarding purity:

  • No internet pornography… it does not honor God.
  • A high standard in dating.

Do you have any concerns about these guidelines that you would like to discuss with the staff? Do we have your permission to ask you about how you are doing in these areas? ______

Are there any other concerns about your situation that you would like the Navigator staff to know? ______

If you have any questions regarding this application please ask a Nav staff or call Tim Chamberlain at 262-473-9204. You may be contacted with additional questions as needed. When you are finished please bring this application and two copies of "Team Member Expectations" with you to the interview in the CSU in April.

Team Member Expectations

Isaiah 54:2-3; 58:8-12

As a member of the Catalyst Team you are a leader in the Navigators at MSU-Mankato. Being a leader brings on many responsibilities of which leaders are responsible first to the Lord and then to the people they lead.

A Biblical leader is someone who is a servant to others. Jesus set this example in His life. Mark 10:45 says, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and give His life as a ransom for many.”

Our motivation comes from our love for Christ and our desire to live for Him and not from trying to please others. II Cor. 5:14-15 summarizes this motivation: “For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.”

Another aspect of leadership is Pace Setting. If you are not doing it your followers will not be doing it either. For your own benefit and the well being of those around us, we the Navigator staff would like you to commit to the following:

I commit to…

1. Knowing and Experiencing God through His Word and prayer

  • By spending time each day with Him in prayer and listening to Him speak through the Bible. (i.e. Quiet Time/devotional)
  • Learning how and being consistent in weekly Scripture memory
  • By applying the principles and promises God has revealed in scripture to my life with the help of the Holy Spirit.
  1. Being Teachable and Available for Training and Vulnerable for Personal Development.
  2. By being committed to an ongoing, one-on-one discipleship relationship with an older Christian. If I am not currently in a relationship like this, I will seek one out.
  3. By preparing for and faithfully attending the weekly Catalyst meetings on Sunday night. “Faithfully attending” the Catalyst meetings means that I will make the 2 hrs for Catalyst every other Sunday night a priority. I will not schedule other events during this time and I will arrange my schedule so I am always available. If circumstances come up where I may need to miss a meeting, I will call a Nav staff to discuss the situation. Typically good reasons to miss would be sickness or a Sunday evening exam. An exam or school work due that week is not a good excuse. Adequate time management will allow you to set 2 of the 168 hours per week aside for Catalyst.
  4. By attending Jump StartAug. 15th-16th and fully participating in the Catalyst Team fundraiser _____ (initial)
  5. By being available for the fall recruitment beginning the first day of dorm move in on August 18th_____ (initial)
  6. By attending the Navigator’s Fall Conference. 2016 Weekender Fall Conference is Oct. 20th-22nd. _____ (initial)
  7. By attending the Navigators Laborers Conference Jan. 26- Jan. 28,2017_____ (initial)
  8. By faithfully carrying out my leadership responsibilities; asking for help from older students and staff before you feel overwhelmed.
  9. All Men and (Women, as needed) will be expected to have all of their computers and smart phones monitored by Covenant Eyes program and have your Catalyst bible study leader as a monitoring partner with these program. Be sure to let the staff know who your partners are.
  1. Loving my Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ
  2. By dealing with concerns and conflicts in a Biblical way. I will approach the person I have a conflict with directly without “discussing” it with others.
  1. Advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ
  2. By learning how to communicate the gospel in a clear and meaningful way both in life and word.
  3. By building relationships with at least one non-believer while praying for him/her.
  4. By praying for and then intentionally helping a new believer or fellow Christian grow in his or her relationship with Christ through a one-on-one discipleship relationship.

As Navigator Staff we commit to loving and leading you in a biblical, God honoring way. We commit to helping you grow in all aspects of your life. (Spiritually, physically, mentally and socially: Luke 2:52)

With the help of The Holy Spirit, as a “Catalyst Team” member and a leader among my peers I commit to the above statements.

Student Name: ______Date: ______Staff Name: ______Date: ______

Team Member Expectations

Isaiah 54:2-3; 58:8-12

As a member of the Catalyst Team you are a leader in the Navigators at MSU-Mankato. Being a leader brings on many responsibilities of which leaders are responsible first to the Lord and then to the people they lead.

A Biblical leader is someone who is a servant to others. Jesus set this example in His life. Mark 10:45 says, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and give His life as a ransom for many.”

Our motivation comes from our love for Christ and our desire to live for Him and not from trying to please others. II Cor. 5:14-15 summarizes this motivation: “For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.”

Another aspect of leadership is Pace Setting. If you are not doing it your followers will not be doing it either. For your own benefit and the well being of those around us, we the Navigator staff would like you to commit to the following:

I commit to…

1. Knowing and Experiencing God through His Word and prayer

  • By spending time each day with Him in prayer and listening to Him speak through the Bible. (i.e. Quiet Time/devotional)
  • Learning how and being consistent in weekly Scripture memory
  • By applying the principles and promises God has revealed in scripture to my life with the help of the Holy Spirit.

2. Being Teachable and Available for Training and Vulnerable for Personal Development.

  • By being committed to an ongoing, one-on-one discipleship relationship with an older Christian. If I am not currently in a relationship like this, I will seek one out.
  • By preparing for and faithfully attending the weekly Catalyst meetings on Sunday night. “Faithfully attending” the Catalyst meetings means that I will make the 2 hrs for Catalyst every other Sunday night a priority. I will not schedule other events during this time and I will arrange my schedule so I am always available. If circumstances come up where I may need to miss a meeting, I will call a Nav staff to discuss the situation. Typically good reasons to miss would be sickness or a Sunday evening exam. An exam or school work due that week is not a good excuse. Adequate time management will allow you to set 2 of the 168 hours per week aside for Catalyst.
  • By attending Jump StartAug. 15th-16th and fully participating in the Catalyst Team fundraiser _____ (initial)
  • By being available for the fall recruitment beginning the first day of dorm move in on August 18th_____ (initial)
  • By attending the Navigator’s Fall Conference. 2016 Weekender Fall Conference is Oct. 20th-22nd. _____ (initial)
  • By attending the Navigators Laborers Conference Jan. 26- Jan. 28,2017_____ (initial)
  • By faithfully carrying out my leadership responsibilities; asking for help from older students and staff before you feel overwhelmed.
  • All Men and (Women, as needed) will be expected to have all of their computers and smart phones monitored by Covenant Eyes program and have your Catalyst bible study leader as a monitoring partner with these program. Be sure to let the staff know who your partners are.

3. Loving my Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ

  • By dealing with concerns and conflicts in a Biblical way. I will approach the person I have a conflict with directly without “discussing” it with others.

4. Advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ

  • By learning how to communicate the gospel in a clear and meaningful way both in life and word.
  • By building relationships with at least one non-believer while praying for him/her.
  • By praying for and then intentionally helping a new believer or fellow Christian grow in his or her relationship with Christ through a one-on-one discipleship relationship.

As Navigator Staff we commit to loving and leading you in a biblical, God honoring way. We commit to helping you grow in all aspects of your life. (Spiritually, physically, mentally and socially: Luke 2:52)

With the help of The Holy Spirit, as a “Catalyst Team” member and a leader among my peers I commit to the above statements.

Student Name: ______Date: ______Staff Name: ______Date: ______