OCR Level 2 Nationals in Media

Unit 4 : Marketing and Presenting a Media Product

OCR Level 2 Nationals in Media

Unit 4 : Marketing and Presenting a Media Product


Resources to support this Unit Brief can be found on

UNIT HANDIN DEADLINE : Before Year 11 Study leave.

By completing this Unit

You will be able to:

  • Make a simple marketing plan to support your own advertising campaign
  • Use your production skills to produce advertisements
  • Understand the importance of audience feedback through presenting a media product and advertising campaign.

BRIEF OVERVIEW OF UNIT : You will research how a film is promoted, prepare a marketing plan for the future release of a film, produce a poster and DVD box. You will need to schedule your marketing plan presentation and deliver this to an audience to gain feedback.

AO1 : Analyse advertising campaigns for existing media products

This AO requires you to analyse the advertising campaign for one professional media product.

You will choose a film from the list below and investigate how it has been advertised through posters, magazine articles, interviews with the stars on chat shows, websites and merchandising. You should also recognize that different methods of advertising are aimed at different audiences.

Source Code

Task 1

Market Analysis

  • Give a detailed description of the product
    You should include the following:
  • Release Date
  • Writers
  • Directors
  • Actors
  • Producers
  • Plot
  • Film locations
  • Budget
  • Age Rating
  • Production Company
  • Distribution Company
  • Consider whether any of the following factors should be taken into account which will help sell this film, if so – describe how it will increase the ‘sell’ factor
  • Is it based on a book?
  • Is it a remake?
  • Genre
  • Actors
  • Director
  • Niche audience
  • Previous Box Office figures (if remake, or particular director)
  • Previous Awards (if remake, or particular director)
  • Are there any factors which may hinder the success of the film?
  • Stereotyping
  • Age certificate
  • Actors
  • Director
  • What else is being released at the same time?
  • What was released in the previous few weeks?
  • Investigate the current marketing plan, how is it being promoted, consider who the target audience is and where are they seeing it?

Use the following list to help you:

  • Trailer in cinema?
  • Trailer on TV?
  • Advertisement in magazine/newspaper
  • TV show appearance
  • Radio show interview
  • Website
  • Game
  • Social networking
  • Press Release
  • Film Premiere
  • Merchandise

Task 2

  • You will need to deconstruct an Advertisement Poster for the film you have chosen.

Task 3

  • Textually analyse the Official Trailer for the film.

Task 4

  • Review any dedicated website, or social networking page, such as Facebook. Does the film have a Twitter feed?

Task 5

  • Put together a Schedule of the time frame of all the film promotions you have seen, up to release date.

Task 6

  • After the release of your chosen film – look at Box Office figures, reviews of the film and any other source and consider whether the marketing campaign, in your view, was a success.

AO1 hand in deadline :

AO2 : Produce a marketing plan for a new media product

Task 1 : Research to be carried out:

  • You should choose one of the films from the list below, which is coming out in the next year. There will not be a advertising campaign at this present time. You are going to design it!
  • Find out who the potential market would be for the film, niche, local, national or global.
  • Conduct a survey (Use Google forms) to find out who would be interested in this film and why?
  • Identify what legal and ethical constraints you might encounter, i.e ASA, PCC


Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the WorldJohnny English RebornThe Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol

Task 2 : Produce your Marketing Plan, using these headings:

  • The Product
  • Give the details of the product, i.e. release date, actors, director, producer, etc
  • Aim of Campaign
  • What are you aiming to do i.e. promote the film and how are you going to do it? Will it be aimed at particular fans of genre, gain new audiences, beat competitiors? Will it be a local, regional, national or international release? Consider key timings, i.e Easter, Summer, Christmas
  • Current situation
  • What is currently happening with this film.
  • Target Audience
  • Use the research about audience to discuss why they would be interested
  • Advertising
  • Draft of advertisements – initial ideas, hand drawn designs for Poster and DVD Box.
  • Discuss how you will meet the standards of the ASA and other official bodies controlling advertisement, including legal and ethical constraints within the content of your advertisements
  • Any other potential marketing you would consider, i.e. website, merchandise, magazine article, trailer
  • Schedule
  • Outline the timings for release of your advertisements prior to the release of the film

AO2 hand in deadline :

AO3 : Produce an advertisement for a new media product

Task 1 : You are to make, one each of the following:

  • Film Poster
  • DVD Box


  • Promotional material : Website / Merchandise

AO3 hand in deadline :

AO4: Present the new media product and the advertisement

For this AO, you are required to present your marketing plan (AO2) to an audience.

In order to do this, you should produce a Questionnaire for members of your audience to complete.

The Presentation must be rehearsed, you must consider the layout of the room and the needs of the audience. You must ensure equipment is functioning correctly

Your presentation should include:

  • A verbal introduction to the marketing plan
  • Ideas from conception, with graphs and charts which relate to the research you carried out in AO2 Task 1.
  • Show your final products to the audience.

At the end of the presentation, you must do the following:

  • Gain feedback from the audience, by questionnaire and an interview with a member of the audience. You must show that you can use a range of open and closed questions, and invite extended answers. The feedback must be focused on specific elements of the advertisements, likes and dislikes and in particular the target audience. You must gain feedback on the effectiveness of the product and your marketing plan.

AO4 hand in deadline :

Mrs S Crawte – GCUS