BWYBA Meeting

July 9, 2017 6:30pm

Meeting Attendees: Brad Groskreutz, Bryan Burr, Toby Hable, Tim Klatt, Josh Maurer, Mark Roemhild, Mark Manninen, Melissa Holldorf, Brian Holldorf, Joe Rumpel, Jeremy Werner, Greg Smetana

  1. June meeting notes – Minutes Approved
  2. Treasurer’s Report- Mark R reported that the Small Town Baseball Tournament and the 14U/16U Tournament did well.
  3. Volunteer Hours – About 5 baseball parents will be having their volunteer checks cashed.
  4. Moving fence on Varsity SB field – Discussion was held regarding the Village moving the Varsity Softball Field fence to 200 foot. This will not affect youth softball or baseball, so we will give the Village the ok.
  5. Purchase of new field/turf machine – There has been a proposal for BWYBA, the Village and BW Schools to go together to purchase a new Gator. Discussion was held on this and it was decided that BWYBA was not interested doing this at this time.
  6. Option on reducing volunteer requirements (less tournaments) – Discussion was held on reducing the number of tournaments that are hosted each year to reduce the number of volunteer hours for the parents. This would also reduce the association’s income, which would lead to a possible increase of fees. No changes we proposed at this time.
  7. Fall Softball Numbers – At this time, it looks like there will be one 10U team and one 12U team for fall softball. Sign-ups are scheduled for the end of July.
  8. Fall Softball Fees– Fall Softball Fees were set at $30.00 fee, $30 for a jersey (can borrow from others) and $150 for a volunteer deposit. Last fall the 12U team hosted 3 or 4 weekends and had some issues with getting parents to volunteer, so this the volunteer deposit was added to hopefully avoid this issue.
  9. Varsity Softball League Status – Bryan B. reported that there were a few games remaining and that the season has been going well.
  10. Playoff Scheduling for MBL teams – Coaches stated this was all set.
  11. Reimbursement for teams’ state or national tournament fees or gate fee – If any teams/coaches need a reimbursement talk to Mark Roemhild.
  12. Parent online survey? Cost $30. Anonymous through survey monkey – Josh M. presented a survey he developed to send out to the baseball and softball parents to obtain their feedback on how the season went. Questions are related to the coaches, volunteer hours, costs, tournament, etc. After a discussion, it was decided to move forward with the survey. Josh M. will be taking care of sending the survey out to the parents.
  13. Tim K. asked when fall clean-up would be held. It will be after fall softball is finished, usually the beginning of October. It is asked that 1-2 representatives from each baseball and softball team attend to help.
  14. Brian H. indicated that the 14U baseball team only has 9 players for the upcoming state tournament. It was confirmed that he could add other players to the roster as long as they met the age requirements.
  15. Toby H. asked where to turn in the equipment. Josh indicated that he will make arrangements with the coaches.
  16. Toby H. brought up the idea of hiring tournament directors. It was discussed that coaching and being the tournament director is a lot of work and challenging. Discussion was held on how this type of position would be structured. Everyone should talk to people they know in other associations to get ideas of how they handle this.
  17. Next meeting was set for 6:30pm on Sunday, August 13th at The Phoenix or Millpond.