BWYBA 11-5-17 Meeting 6:30pm Hilltop

Meeting Attendees: Brad Groskreutz, Josh Maurer, Mark Roemhild, Melissa Holldorf, Joe Rumpel, Kari Campbell, Jeremy Werner, Bryan Burr, Mark Manninen

  1. September Notes (no meeting was held after cleanup in October) – Meeting minutes were reviewed.
  2. Treasurer’s Report – Mark R. provided an estimate of the balance in the checking account (did not have checkbook with him). The village still needs to move the softball fence at Millpond and then $1,000 will be paid.
  3. Any other nominations for Executive Board Positions – No other nominations were made.
  4. Vote on Executive Board nominations: - All Executive Board positions, listed below, were elected unanimously.
  5. President: Josh Maurer
  6. Vice President Softball: Brad Groskreutz; Vice President Baseball: Jeremy Werner
  7. Treasurer: Mark Roemhild; Secretary: Joe Rumpel
  8. Fall Ball State Tournament recap. – 10U SB hosted 16 teams for the State Tournament. Received $1,500 in gate fees plus concession stand income. A Stillwater coach left a bag with bats, which was located and placed in the concession stand, but was no longer there at Clean Up Day. If anyone knows what happened to this bag please contact Josh Maurer.
  9. 10U Rec Softball Program – It was decided to continue with the Hudson League for 2018. Brad G. will be getting in touch with the Hudson representatives to let them know.
  10. Set Tournament dates for 2017 –

The following tournament dates were set:

  1. Baseball - May 11-13 10U and 12U, May 18-20 11U/13U/14U
  2. Softball - June 1-3 10U and 12U Jun 15-17 14U and 16U
  1. June Bug Days tournament- Need direction. – Discussion was held on what type of tournament to hold on June Bug Days Weekend (June 9-10) to replace the Smalltown Baseball Qualifier. It was decided to pursue hosting another baseball tournament that would target smaller towns in the area. The tournament would not be a qualifier for any other tournament. This weekend is a good source of income for the association and also adds to the other events already being held for June Bug Days. The possibility of expanding the kickball tournament was also discussed.
  2. Set Tryout date - March 11th was set for the tryout date. A makeup tryout date still needs to be set. The signup deadline will be March 1st, which is in conjunction to Parent-Teacher Conferences.
  3. Equipment- new TC Wiffle balls, more tees or nets?, Concessions- Pretzel warmer. – Discussion on new equipment was held, but no final decision made at this time.
  4. Other items. –
  5. Josh M. mentioned that the ball bags and equipment still need to be sorted through. The fields are in need of new bases and the old bases need to be pulled out and throw away.
  6. Josh M. will be sending out an email to the parents with a summary of the parent survey results and he will also be posting this information on the website. The letter will include the request for volunteers for additional positions of Tournament Directors (Baseball and Softball), Equipment Coordinator and Umpire Coordinator. These are positions that will help improve some of the areas mentioned in the parent surveys. Josh M. also mentioned that there is a shortage of umpires and he would encourage the players to consider becoming umpires. New Richmond offers a clinic and that is something we could look at doing also.
  7. Melissa H. updated everyone on the Scholarship Committee. The committee had a meeting earlier and are in the process of planning a meat raffle at Parkside in Hammond to raise funds for the Scholarship for next spring. Bryan B. suggested increasing the travel fees slightly to help offset some of the scholarship costs also.
  8. Jeremy W. suggested separating out the baseball and softball portions of the monthly meetings in an effort to keep the meeting more on topic and also possibly improve attendance.
  9. Jeremy W. informed the group that PHD Sports Club in Oakdale, MN is offering demo days for the new baseball bats. There are new regulations going in to effect in 2018 that will require all travel baseball players to purchase new bats. Their existing bats will no longer be able to be used in the MBL.
  10. Mark M. mentioned that he will be starting open gyms for 12U baseball players beginning in January.
  11. Next meeting was set for 6:30pm on Sunday, January 7th at Hilltop.