BWAC Sportsmanship Guidelines for Basketball
1. The announcer should never do play by play or be a cheer leader for the home team.
2. Noise makers should never be allowed in the gym.
3. There should be clearly marked areas for home fans and visitor fans, with the home fans on the side of the gym of the home bench and the visitor fans on the side of the visitor’s bench.
4. If there are home or away fans sitting in the wrong section and they are being disruptive, then the Ad’s should have them move if they won’t stop.
5. Fans should never stand on the gym floor. If they stand during the game they need to be one step up into the stands. (This is a safety issue)
6. Never ask a visiting spirit section to do something that you do not require your spirit section to do.
7. Fans can only make noise during free throws when it is their players that are shooting.
8. Fans should never make noise while other team is shooting free throws.
9. Spirit sections and fans should always cheer for their fans only. Never direct cheers at the opposing fans, players, coaches, or the officials.
10. Cheers that are unsportsmanlike include “Air Ball” “ You can’t do that” “Warm up the bus” “The Na Na Na good bye song”
11. Locker room’s need to be available to each school on the night of a game.
12. Water should be available at all times for each bench.
Announce with 1 minute to go on the clock
We would like to share with you the BWAC league rules of conduct regarding sportsmanship at basketball games. Please only cheer for your team. Do not make any comments or direct any cheers towards the opposing players, coaches or to the officials. Be as loud as you want but only towards your players. BWAC rules also requires that you be absolutely quiet when the other team shoots free throws. You may make all the noise you want while your team shoots free throws but you cannot make a sound while the opposing team is at the foul line. Please allow our coaches to coach, do not attempt to coach a player or a team from the stands. There is no standing directly on the floor. If you are standing up please make sure you are at least one step up into the stands. Please help us show that our league the Blue Water Area Conference, has the best sportsmanship in the State of Michigan.