Butts County School S 6-12 Lesson Plan

Butts County School S 6-12 Lesson Plan


Butts County School’s 6-12 Lesson Plan


Name: Rowland & Patrick-Watson

Grade Level: 11th
Subject: Avd. Algebra
Week Ending:10/24/14
Literacy Standards/Math Standards:
MCC9‐12.A.APR.1 Understand that polynomials form a system analogous to the integers, namely, they are closed under the operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication; add, subtract, and multiply polynomials.
Learning Targets:
  • I can name and classify polynomials by degree and number of terms

Opening:Teacher will: use a power point to demonstrate the types of polynomials & how to name them – some students will be given guided practice pages to follow allow with the ppt. (on P-W’s Jackson High site & on the Q-drive)
Work Session: Students will work in pairs to complete a worksheet naming types of polynomials
Green, yellow, red light
Modifications/Differentiation: students will work in pairs based on the score they made on their test & will be given a guided notes page
Finish practice page
Learning Targets:
  • I can add and subtract polynomials using virtual algebra tiles
G(x) & f(x)
Working on the computer to complete a “quick” quiz. This one is modified for differentiation

The teacher will explain that the students will be using algebra tiles online/hands on. She will explain how to use the tiles by demonstration.
Work Session: Each student is to do three easy, three medium, and three harder ones. They are then to do practice problems. They should solve the problems by matching the answer to the correct letter of the alphabet. Enter that letter of the alphabet on the blank corresponding to the problem number. They may use the algebra tiles to help in development of the concept.
***Using the quick quiz from the warm-up the teacher will pull students who need remediation to a small group to help them.
Closing: Students and teacher will go over the problems that they had the most problems with
Modifications/Differentiation: Grouping & Scaffolding problems & small group instruction
Learning Targets:
•I can add and subtract polynomials
  • I can multiply polynomials using FOIL

Students will take a 5 question quiz to make sure they understand how to add and subtract polynomials.
***Using the quick quiz from the warm-up the teacher will pull students who need remediation to a small group to help them during the next day’s lesson
The teacher will review how to multiply polynomials using the FOIL method using a ppt (on P-W’s Jackson High site & on the Q-drive). He/she will also remind students how to find the area of different polygons.
Work Session: Students will work in pairs to complete the FOIL practice sheet. The teacher should walk around the room making sure that the students not only remember the procedure, but that they also recognize the special products – Difference of squares, square of a binomial pattern.
Closing: Students will share their answers
Modifications/Differentiation: Small group, grouping of pairs, fewer problems
Learning Targets:
•I can multiply binomials using Algebra tiles
A local fast food chain had revenue represented by the polynomial
6x2 + 5x - 8 for one fiscal year and expenses for that same fiscal year
represented by the polynomial 4x2 - 3x + 7. What was the company’s
profit for the fiscal year?
A 10x2 + 2x - 1
B 2x2 + 8x - 15
C 2x2 + 2x - 1
D 2x2 - 8x + 15
Opening: The teacher will demonstrate how to use algebra tiles to multiply binomials using the site:
The teacher will bring to mind that this is a geometric as well as algebraic activity, since it is demonstrating the use of area.
Work Session:
Each student is to do
•three problems multiplyingterms (This will get them familiar with using the tiles for multiplication),
•three distributive problems {Here the teacher should point out to students that there are a certain number of binomials. i.e. – three (2x+4)},
•three multiplication of binomials.
Students are to draw their results on their practice sheet.
Students may wish to download the practice sheet and do it on the computer instead of drawing it – this is acceptable and it may take less time for certain students to copy and paste rather than draw it. The colors may help some students tell the positive tiles verses the negatives also.
They are then to do the six practice problems given – they may use to algebra tiles or they may choose to draw them.
Closing: Students and teacher will discuss the benefits to using the tiles and how it was different than doing it just using paper and pencil.
Modifications/Differentiation: hands on / virtual ; use of technology / or not (choice) ; pulling for small group
Homework:Finish the six problems if not completed in class
Learning Targets:
• I can multiply polynomials using the box method.
While Stacey loves the wild rabbits in her back yard, she would like to keep the little critters out of her vegetable garden. If her vegetable garden is a rectangle whose width is represented by5x2+ 3xand whose length is represented by2x2+ 4,which of the answers represents the amount of fencing needed to enclose the veggie garden?
/ Choose:
Top of Form
14x2+ 6x+ 8
14x2+ 14x
14x2+ 14
Bottom of Form
The teacher will review the 2 methods of multiplying polynomial previously taught. She will now show one more method using the last half of a ppt (FOIL and Box Method) the Box Method.
Work Session:
Students will practice several problems working in pairs to multiply using the box method – students should realize this is another way to demonstrate area model.
Closing: students will share their answers
Grouping – fewer problems