ButlerCounty Board of Education
P.O. Box 339, 203 N. Tyler St., Morgantown, KY 42261 (270)526-5624FAX (270)526-5625
Scott Howard, Superintendent
Board of Education:
Karen Evans, Chairman -- Fifth District
Charles Price-First District
Deborah Hammers -- Second District
Delbert Johnson -- Fourth District
Amy H. Hooten -- Third District
Contact Person: Kenneth Reed
The ButlerCountySchool District provides equal
educational and employment opportunities.
Introduction ...... 1
District Mission...... 1
Notice about SBDM Policies ...... 2
Statement of Nondiscrimination ...... 2
Gifted and Talented Identification ……………………………………..2
Career and Technical Education ……………………………………….2
Annual Orientation ...... 2
Dress Code ...... 3
Drug Test ...... 3
FERPA Rights ...... 3
Notification of PPRA Rights ...... 4
Rights and Responsibilities ...... 5
Required Standards ...... 7
Acceptable Use of Electronic Media...... 9
Disciplinary Response, Levels 1-4 ...... 10
Consequences of Violations ...... 14
Search and Seizure...... 14
Physical Restraint/Seclusion and Corporal Punishment ...... 14
Student Records ...... 14
Reports to Law Enforcement Officials ...... 15
Weapons ...... 15
Suspension, Expulsion & Due Process ...... 16
Harassment/Discrimination ...... 16
Student Directory Information ...... 17
Where to Call for Help ...... 17
Student/Parent Form (to be returned) ...... 18
The Board of Education requires high standards of personal conduct from each student to promote respect for the rights of others and to accomplish the purposes of the schools. The Board also requires compliance with established standards and rules of the district and the laws of the community, state and nation.
The central purpose of the school system is to educate each student to the highest level possible. To support the success of the educational program, the Board directs employees to hold each student accountable to Code standards in a fair manner. Compliance with the standards is necessary to provide:
- Orderly operation of the schools,
- A safe environment for students, district employees and visitors to the schools,
- Opportunities for students to achieve at a high academic level in a productive learning environment,
- Assistance for students at risk of engaging in disruptive behavior or at risk of failure,
- Regular attendance of students, and
- Protection of property.
This Code applies to all students in the District while at school, on their way to and from school, while on the bus or other District vehicle, and while they are participating in schoolsponsored trips and activities. The Superintendent/designee is responsible for its implementation and application throughout the District. The Principal is responsible for administration and implementation of this Code within his/her school in a consistent and fair manner without partiality or discrimination.
Each school/council must select and implement appropriate discipline and classroom management techniques necessary to carry out this Code and shall provide a list of the school’s rules and discipline procedures in the school handbook.
Teachers and other instructional personnel are responsible for administering Code standards in the classroom, halls, and other duty assignment locations. To promote the full implementation of conduct standards and maximize safety in the school environment, the Board requiresall employees to make supervision of all students at all school activities a top priority.
This Code establishes minimum behavior standards. Recognizing that each school, grade or class may require special provisions, school councils,administrators and teachers have full authority and responsibility to make rules to enforce these standards.
The mission of the Butler County School District, in cooperation with parents and community, is to ensure that all students demonstrate proficient academic performance as well as positive social and emotional development and growth.
For Review of Handbook by Parents/Guardians
Student’s Name
Telephone Number
Grade Teacher
I VERIFY that I have reviewed and discussed the ButlerCountySchool District’s Student Code of Conduct and Attendance Handbook with my child.
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate
I give permission for the ButlerCountySchool District to administer surveys to my son/daughter for the purpose of obtaining pertinent information regarding student attitudes and behaviors. This information will be used to guide decisions related to curriculum and improving instructional services and for other reporting purposes. Students who choose not to participate will not be required to do so.
Yes No
Parent/Guardian Signature
I give permission for the ButlerCountySchool District to release photographs and directory information to local media of my son/daughter as a result of school-related activities, sports, honors, and awards. (09.14 AP.12)
Yes No
Parent/Guardian Signature
Please sign and return to the school principal.
The Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee is authorized to release Board approved directory information. Approved directory information shall be: student names and addresses, telephone numbers, dates and place of birth, student’s school email address, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, photograph/picture, grade level, class listing, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees, honors and awards received, and most recent educational institution attended by student. Any eligible student, parent, or guardian who does not wish to have directory information released shall notify the Superintendent in writing on or before September 30 of each school year.
Person to call for help / Area / Telephone / FAXSuperintendent,
Scott Howard / Oversees the district / 526-5624 / 526-5625
School Safety Coordinator/Director of Transportation & Maintenance,
Kenneth Reed / Oversees school safety and transportation / 526-5624 / 526-5625
Title IX Coordinator,
Patrick O’Driscoll / Sexual discrimination complaints / 526-5624 / 526-5625
Special Education Director/Preschool Director,
Sarah Ingram / Special education (disabilities) and Section 504/Preschool / 526-5624 / 526-5625
Director of Pupil Personnel,
David Trabue / Student attendance / 526-5624 / 526-5625
Support Services Director,
Hazel Short / Food Service, Homeless, Migrant, LEP / 526-5624 / 526-5625
Butler County High School, Principal Patrick O’Driscoll / In charge of BCHS / 526-2204 / 526-2268
Butler County Middle School, Principal Robert Tuck / In charge of BCMS / 526-5647 / 526-3238
MorgantownElementary School,
Principal Greg Woodcock / In charge of MES / 526-3361 / 526-2868
NorthButlerElementary School,
Principal / In charge of NBES / 526-8936 / 526-8941
Butler County Learning Center,Kenneth Reed / In charge of BCLC / 526-2264 / 526-6169
YouthServiceCenter Director, Karla Coles / Assists parents and students with barriers to learning / 526-4800
526-9256 / 526-2268
FamilyResourceCenter Director,
Daisy Bishop / Assists parents and students with barriers to learning / 526-5660 / 526-3265
Under the provisions for Kentucky’s school-based decision-making (SBDM) councils, school councils adopt policies at the school level. For policies specific to your child’s school, please refer to the student handbook which is provided by the school.
Statement of Nondiscrimination
Students, their parents, employees, and potential employees of the Butler County Schools are hereby notified that the Butler County School System does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, marital status, sex, genetics or disability in employment programs, vocational programs, or activities set forth in compliance with the Office of Civil Rights, Title VI, VII, Title IX, ADA and Section 504.Any person having inquiries concerning Butler County Schools’ compliance with the Office of Civil Rights Law, Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, ADA, and Section 504 is directed to contact Vonda Jennings, P.O. Box 339, Morgantown, KY 42261.
Parents may contact the school principal, counselor, or classroom teacher to nominate their child for possible Gifted and Talented identification in general intellectual aptitude, specific academic aptitude, creative or divergent thinking, psychosocial or leadership skills, and/or visual or performing arts.
Career and Technical Education
The ButlerCountySchool District offers the following career and technical education programs to all students enrolled in grades 9-12: Agriculture, Business, Family and Consumer Sciences, Pathway to Careers, and Technology Education. Additional career and technical education programs open to all students enrolled in grades 10-12 are Automotive Technology, Carpentry, Health Sciences, Industrial Maintenance Technology, and Air Conditioning Technology (HVAC).
Although they will be under the supervision of qualified adult instructional staff, high school students may have contact with other students who are adults while attending the Area Technical Center (ATC).
Annual orientation of the code will be conducted as follows:
A. Principals will review the code with all employees at their respective schools prior to the beginning day for students.
B. Teachers will distributea copy of the code to all students, review and discuss the code with the students, and request that the students take the copy of the code home with them to discuss with their parents.
The Butler County Schools Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline references other documents: other Board of Education policies, the district’s safety plan, and Kentucky Revised Statutes and Administrative Regulations
This code is part of the Board’s policy on student behavior and discipline.A complete copy of the policy manual is available for inspection at each school and at the Central Office.
Proper appearance has been shown to have a high relationship to behavior. Students and parents must accept the responsibility for appropriate dress. Students will dress according to weather, health, safety, and school activities. Dress and hair styles that are an extreme variation of those generally prevailing in the community and/or those that tend to disrupt the academic process and orderly operation of the school are not acceptable. Clothing with a message that promotes violence, harasses, threatens, intimidates, or demeans an individual or group because of gender, color, race, religion, disabilities, national origin, or sexual orientation, or that advertises illegal substances such as alcohol, drugs, and/or tobacco products is prohibited. Principals and teachers shall enforce the dress code. Levels 1-4 apply.
Please refer to the school student handbook for more specific school requirements.
1. See-through mesh or sheer clothing, and tube tops are not permitted. Tank tops are
permitted for P-3, but not permitted for grades 4-12. Proper underclothing
must be worn.
2. Under normal circumstances, no hats, caps, or headdresses are to be worn in school.
3. Students are to wear footwear at all times.
4. Blouses and shirts must meet skirts, slacks, or pants. The midriff must not show. Pants
must be worn at the waist. If shorts (No cut-off shorts are allowed.), dresses, or skirts are
worn, they must be no shorter than fingertip length.
5. Full-length coats must be removed upon entering the school building door and placed in
lockers or in assigned area.
6. Clothing and accessories (jewelry, belt buckles, necklaces, etc.) with obscene, crude,
rude, or violent pictures or with sayings pertaining to drugs, alcohol, or sex are not
permitted. Pocket/billfold chains or other chains are prohibited during school hours.
7. Band instrument cases and sports bags must be taken directly to the assigned area upon arrival.
Middle school and high school students who participate in athletics, extra-curricular or co-curricular activities/events, or who drive onto the school campus will participate in random drug tests, conforming to board policy and procedure. For more specific information, please refer to the student handbook, or contact the middle school or high school.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and “eligible students”(students over 18 years of age or students who are attending a postsecondary institution) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. They are:
- The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within forty-five (45) days of the day the District receives a request for access.
Parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal/designee a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The Principal will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
For certain violations, administrators, such as the Superintendent and Principal, may remove (suspend) a student from school for up to ten (10) days per incident. Unless immediate suspension is necessary to protect persons or property or to avoid disruption of the educational process, students shall not be suspended until they have been given due process (required by law). Due process must be given before educational benefits are taken away and shall include:
- Oral or written notice of the charge(s) against them.
- An explanation of the evidence, if the student denies the charge(s).
- An opportunity to present their own version of the facts concerning the charge(s).
A report of the suspension shall be made in writing to the Superintendent and to the parent of the student being suspended. Suspension of primary school students shall be considered only in exceptional cases where there are safety issues for the child or others. Without permission from the superintendent, a suspended student may not attend any school-related activities/functions at any school during the suspension.
Following legally required due process, the Board may expel any pupilfrom the regular school setting for misconduct as defined by law for periods longer than ten (10) days. In cases of expulsion, provision of educational services will be required unless theBoard determines, on the record and supported by clear and convincing evidence, that the expelled student poses a threat to the safety of other studentsor school staff and cannot be placed in a state-funded agency program.Action to expel a pupil shall not be taken until the parent of the pupil has had an opportunity for a hearing before the Board.
Everyone in the ButlerCountySchool District has a right to feel respected and safe. Consequently, the ButlerCountySchool District prohibits sexual harassment and harassment because of race, color, national origin, disability, religion, or age:
name calling;
pulling on clothing;
notes or cartoons;
unwelcome touching of a person or clothing;
offensive or graphic posters or book covers; or
violent acts.
If any words or actions make you feel uncomfortable or fearful, you need to tell the school principal, the Title IX Coordinator, or the District Superintendent. You may also make a written report. It should be given to the school principal, the Title IX Coordinator, or the District Superintendent. Your right to privacy will be respected as much as possible. We take seriously all reports of harassment and will take all appropriate action to investigate such claims, to eliminate that harassment, and to discipline any persons found to have engaged in such conduct. The School District will also take actions if anyone tries to intimidate you or take action to harm you because you made such a report. All incidence should be reported and procedures followed even those situations where the perpetrator is unknown.
This is a summary of the School District’s policy against harassment. A complete copy of the policy is available at the principal’s office upon request.
The School District’s Title IX Coordinator is Patrick O’Driscoll, who may be contacted at P.O. Box 339, Morgantown, KY 42261 or (270)526-5624.
will accompany the student within this school district.
For information concerning access or corrections to student records, contact the Principal or the Central Office (See address and telephone number listed on the front cover).
When employees have reasonable belief that certain violations have taken place, they are required by law to immediately report them to law enforcement officials. Violations on school property or at a school-sponsored function requiring a report to law enforcement officials include:
- assault resulting in serious physical injury;
- assault involving the use of a weapon or dangerous instrument;
- a sexual offense;
- kidnapping;
- theft resulting in loss of $300 or more;
- burglary;
- carrying, possession, or use of a deadly weapon in violation of the law;
- use, possession, or sale of a controlled substance in violation of the law;
- arson;
- significant damage to school property; or
- any other felony offense under Kentucky law.
In addition to violations of this Code, students may also be charged with criminal violations.
Students are never allowed to bring a weapon to school. The Board urges parents and other citizens to make sure that students do not have inappropriate access to weapons. Both Board policy and the law prohibit the carrying, bringing, using, or possessing of any weapon or dangerous instrument (including pocket knives) in any school building, on school grounds, in any school vehicle or at any school-sponsored activity. Except for authorized law enforcement officials, the Board specifically prohibits the carrying of weapons on school property. When a student violates the prohibition on weapons, the Principal shall immediately make a report to the Superintendent, who shall determine if charges for expulsion are to be brought before the Board. Unless the Board chooses to consider charges on a case-by-case basis, the penalty for students bringing a firearm or other deadly weapon, destructive device, or booby trap device1 to school or onto the school campus/property under jurisdiction of the District shall be expulsion for a minimum of twelve (12) months. (The GunFree Schools Act of 1994 and KRS 158.150)
For state-reporting purposes, a deadly weapon shall be defined as:
- any weapon from which a shot, readily capable of producing death or serious physical
- injury, may be discharged;
- any knife other than an ordinary 2 ½” pocket knife;
- billy, nightstick, or club;
- blackjack and slapjack;
- nunchaku karate sticks;
- shuriken or death star; or,
- artificial knuckles made from metal, plastic, or other similar hard material.
- The right to inspect and review logs documenting disclosures of the student’s education records
Except for disclosure to school officials, disclosures related to some judicial orders or lawfully issued subpoenas, disclosures of directory information, and disclosure to the parent or eligible student, FERPA regulations require the District to record the disclosure