Butler County Middle School

SBDM Minutes


3:15 P.M. @ Conference Room

The Butler County Middle School SBDM council met in a regular session on May 13th, 2013. All SBDM members were present except for Aimee Henderson

  • Approve Agenda – John Embry made motion to approve May 13th agenda with Sherlyn Bratcher giving second. Consensus was met.
  • SBDM Minutes – John Embrymade motion to approve the April 8thmeeting minutes with Mark Allen offering second. Consensus was met.
  • Budgets–
  • Site-Base 2013-14 Budget – Site-base examined the 2013-2014 budget comparing to FY 2012 and FY 2013. Mr. Tuck shared the expenditures through March of both years and end of year expenditures for 2012. The site-base budget was cut $6,206 from 2012 to 2013. Next year’s budget will be cut an additional $2,794 bringing total to $8,940. Part of the cut is due to some drop in student enrollment next school year. Council discussed using some of the money left this year to purchase Chromebooks to be used forMoby Math and Reading that is being used in BCMS RTI program. Mr. Tuck also reported the school has been able to save $1,128 by dropping school cell phone plan. The school is also saving 2000 copies a month on going paperless on the Monday Messenger which is also saving the school on paper and copy maintenance. After discussion, John Embry made the motion to approve the site-base 2013-14 Budget with Mark Allen giving the second. Consensus was met.
  • Approve 2013-14 Day Time waiver and Budget – Mr. Tuck presented the ESS budget and Day Time waiver proposal to council. Mr. Tuck proposed using the day time waiver next year. He reported the waiver would be used to help those students who are low in both math and reading. He also said if approved the middle and high school would use the day time waiver to hire a person who would split time at both places. Ms. Bratcher asked about the software that was being covered under ESS budget. Mr. Tuck reported that the school used ESS funds last year to purchase the TCA program that is also used by students in our school to help get students ready for the Explore test. He reported that he would like to purchase the software again with ESS funds. After discussion, Sherlyn Bratcher made a motion to approve the 2013-14 ESS budge and Day Time waiverwith John Embry giving the second. Consensus was met.
  • Approve 2013-14 Title I Budget – Mr. Tuck presented the tentative budget for approval. Mr. Tuck explained that still some unknowns about Title I budget. The budget will cover part of the salaries of a few BCMS teachers. Mr. Tuck also reported that the cost exceeds the projected amount we are getting through Title I funds. However, the district will make up the difference and hopes that some of the money cut will be restored to the schools but will not know until a later time. Mr. Allen asked when that might be and Mr. Tuck said could be as late as August. Ms. Bratcher asked about the $1,309 set aside for parent involvement. Mr. Tuck reported that 10 percent of the money must be automatically earmarked for parent involvement and our school has used money for our fall Open House. After discussion, John Embry made the motion to approve the Title I budget for 2013-14 with Latisha Cardwell giving the second. Consensus was met.
  • Professional Development Budget 2013-14 - Mr. Tuck presented the budget of $1,295 to the council. He reported the budget has been cut back drastically last few years. After discussion, Mark Allen made the motion to approve the Professional Development budget for 2013-14 with Sherlyn Bratcher giving the second. Consensus was met.
  • Review BCMS General Ledger Report for May 2012 and May 2013 - Mr. Tuck shared both of the BCMS General Ledger Financial Reports to site-base members. Mr. Tuck reported that BCMS was very comparable to last year. We are planning on doing a Spring Fling which will allow our school to bring in some more money for student vending.
  • Communication –
  • Schedule 2013-14 – Mr. Tuck reported that the schedule for next year is falling into place nicely. Mr. Tuck reported that tweaks in schedule will besplitting 8th grade language arts. The 7th grade will have two science classes and 8th grade will have two social studies classes. Mr. Tuck explained that 7th graders will still have social studies and 8th grade will still have science during study skills time. Mr. Tuck also reported that math and reading is continuing to be heavily pushed. The extension classes will be set up based on the use of data to place students on abilities to allow for better extension classes and meeting the needs of all our students.
  • Reading Resources – Mr. Tuck reported that school had some Rural and Low income money left over and was going to use that money to purchase text books for our Title Reading program.
  • Handbook Policies – Mr. Tuck asked the council to begin having conversations with various stakeholders about any changes in the handbook for next year. Mr. Tuck reported that dress code has been better this year. The cell phone policy will be something that will need to be addressed on whether students can carry or not. Some devices now are like the iPads etc. that could be a valuable tool in the classroom and the council will need to decide how we want to proceed with electronics that includes cell phones. Mr. Tuck also added that using phones to film events like fights is an issue and middle and high school is going to have to look at establishing a clearerpolicy because of this. Mr. Tuck said that the middle and high school administration, Mr. Howard, and Sherriff Ward are going to meet this summer and work on coming up with an action plan.
  • PGES Evaluation next year - Mr. Tuck reported that we will be a pilot school. He has picked the teachers that will be a part of the pilot but due to testing Mr. Tuck has not talked to all of the teachers yet but plans to do so in the next week.
  • Computers – Mr. Tuck said this will be a priority to build our mobile labs. This was something that all the staff continues to say is a top priority. Mr. Tuck said that he had already talked to Ms. Bratcher and plan on using the rest of the Instructional Equipment funds to purchase Chromebooks to get BCMS going.
  • Monsanto Grant – Mr. Tuck reported that he applied for a math and science grant worth $10,000 to build a math and science lab at BCMS. We are already working on setting up a science lab and the money would go a long way in purchasing STEM activities and computers as well. Mr. Tuck said we should know by late July early August if we will receive the grant.
  • Approve Program Reviews –Council reviewed the Practical Living/Career Studies, Arts and Humanities, and Writing Program Reviews. Mr. Tuck explained to council that the school will receive two scores next year. One will include the program reviews and another without. Mr. Tuck reported he felt the school is constantly working to make improvement in these areas and feels good about going into next year. Ms. Bratcher recommended that since most of the teachers split time between middle and high school have specific times that middle and high school can come together to discuss items pertaining to the review. She suggested the mandatory day in September for data analysis to be one of those days. Mr. Tuck agreed that was a good idea and would try to work on making that happen. After discussion, Latisha Cardwell made the motion to approve the BCMS program reviews in Practical Living/Career Studies, Arts and Humanities, and Writing Program Review with Sherlyn Bratcher giving the second. Consensus was met.
  • June Site-Base meeting – Mr. Tuck reported that most council members will be out of town during the regular meeting for June. The members agreed that we would cancel the June regular meeting and if a meeting was needed Mr. Tuck could call a special called meeting.
  • Adjournment – With no other business to perform Latisha Cardwell made the motion to adjourn with Mark Allen giving the second. Motion passed unanimously.

Minutes done by: Robert Tuck